dead zones
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Pengfei Zhang ◽  
Qiyuan Chen ◽  
Tingting Yang

This paper investigates the trajectory tracking problem of autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs). The dynamics considered feature external disturbances, model uncertainties, and actuator dead zones. First, a novel time-varying yaw guidance law is proposed based on the line of sight method. By a state transformation, the AGV is proved to realize trajectory tracking control under the premise of eliminating guidance deviation. Second, a fixed time dead zone compensation control method is introduced to ensure the yaw angle tracking of the presented guidance. Furthermore, an improved fixed-time disturbance observer is proposed to compensate for the influence of the actuator dead zone on disturbance observation. Finally, the trajectory tracking control strategy is designed, and simulation comparison shows the effectiveness of the compensate method. The CarSim–MATLAB cosimulation shows that the proposed control strategy effectively makes the AGV follow the reference trajectory.

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 251
Buta Singh ◽  
Kornél L. Kovács ◽  
Zoltán Bagi ◽  
József Nyári ◽  
Gábor L. Szepesi ◽  

The appropriate mixing system and approach to effective management can provide favorable conditions for the highly sensitive microbial community, which can ensure process stability and efficiency in an anaerobic digester. In this study, the effect of mixing intensity on biogas production in a lab-scale anaerobic digester has been investigated experimentally and via modeling. Considering high mixing efficiency and unique feature of producing axial flow, helical ribbon (HR) impeller is used for mixing the slurry in this experiment under various conditions. Three parallel digesters were analyzed under identical operating conditions for comparative study and high accuracy. Effects of different mixing speeds (10, 30, and 67 rpm for 5 min h−1) on biogas production rate were determined in 5-L lab-scale digesters. The results demonstrated 15–18% higher biogas production at higher mixing speed (67 rpm) as compared to 10 rpm and 30 rpm and the results proved statistically significant (p < 0.05). Biogas production at 10, 30, and 67 rpm were 45.6, 48.6, and 52.5 L, respectively. Higher VFA concentrations (7.67 g L−1) were recorded at lower mixing intensity but there was no significant difference in pH and ammonia at different speeds whereas the better mixing efficiency at higher speeds was also the main reason for increase in biogas production. Furthermore, model simulation calculations revealed the reduction of dead zones and better homogeneous mixing at higher mixing speeds. Reduction of dead zones from 18% at 10 rpm to 2% at 67 rpm was observed, which can be the major factor in significant difference in biogas production rates at various mixing intensities. Optimization of digester and impeller geometry should be a prime focus to scale-up digesters and to optimize mixing in full-scale digesters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 1541-1548
Harto Tanujaya ◽  
Steven Darmawan

Heat exchanger is usually used in manufacturing process. At present, many researchers have efforts to increase the performance of the heat exchanger with less of the cost. This research discussed about the performance of heat exchanger using 40% cut segmental baffles compared with modified double segmental baffles disc-and-doughnut type. In this study, the investigation of the computational results consisted of heat flux, velocity profile along the heat exchanger, pressure distribution and, theoretical heat transfer coefficient and heat exchanger effectiveness. The model was calculated using finite difference method forward modeling with Multiphysics Software and focuses on the performance evaluation of the small shell-and-tube heat exchanger (STHE) – laboratory type. The tubes are composed of 14 tubes with 0.583 m length, triangular 30° rotated pitch. The pipe radius of shell and tube are 0.055 m and 0.00635 m, respectively. The baffle radius of disc and doughnut are 0.055 m and 0.025 m, respectively, and the baffle radius of 40% cut segmental baffles are 0.055 m. Both types of the baffle have a distance of 0.116 m which is evenly distributed along the shell. The generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method for the fluid flow case used as an iterative method for solving some of the complex linear equations shows good performance as in reliability and validity. For the 40% cut segmental baffles, fluid flow makes a zigzag pattern, an Eddy or swirling of a fluid, and there was some back mixing of fluid stream which caused several dead zones along the shell. The occurrence of the dead zones caused the heat transfer to be ineffective and gave lower value compared to the double segmental disc-and-doughnut baffles. The 40% cut segmental baffles was also seen to have a higher pressure at the outlet region than the double segmental disc-and-doughnut baffles. The disc-and-doughnut baffles leads to a turbulent fluid flow which causes an increase in heat transfer characteristics and also lower pressure drop than the 40% cut segmental baffles. Based on the theoretical, both types of disc-and-doughnut baffles and the 40% cut segmental baffles of heat exchanger investigated have highest effectiveness at the lowest mass flow rate of the hot fluids (tube).

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-78
M.A. Anisimova ◽  

The object of research is the territory of secondary school No. 19 in Yoshkar - Ola. During the work on the project "Project for the reconstruction of landscaping and landscaping of the territory of Secondary School No. 19, the city of Yoshkar-Ola", the need for this work was identified, since new green spaces are being planted on the basis of the engineering communications plan. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need for reconstruction of green objects in this territory. The purpose of the work is to determine the influence of engineering communications on the overall design solution and to determine the zones prohibiting the planting of tree and shrub vegetation. A detailed analysis of engineering communications was carried out on the basis of an engineering and topographic plan, protective zones for green spaces were identified and calculated. It was revealed that trees and shrubs are located on the "dead zones". Recommendations and a design solution for planting new green spaces are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (9) ◽  
pp. 093132
Peter Ashwin ◽  
Christian Bick ◽  
Camille Poignard

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