physical sense
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Maksim Goman ◽  
Stefan Koch

Measuring total performance of prospective alternatives in decision making (DM) needs aggregation of their noncomparable properties which often have different scales of measure. In order to address this, scale transformations and normalization are applied, but problems of validation of such additive models and interpretation of the physical sense of the result arise. In this paper, a multiplicative performance aggregation of properties' values is suggested for DM. Application of the approach enables consistent and unambiguous ranking of the alternatives allowing values of all their properties of interest. A realistic example of DM related to audit activity planning is considered where several competing control areas should be selected into an audit plan. Beyond audit planning, the approach is generalizable to other DM problems in corporate management and governance where one needs to rank alternatives compared in multiple dimensions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 568
Mustafa Kamal Rokan ◽  
Imam Yazid ◽  
Ahmad Makky

The increasing number of divorces has been largely affected by technological developments, including social media, which are used in a way that may lead wives to commit nushuz behavior. This present study aimed at reconstructing the nushuz of the wife in the digital era, a concept commonly known as the wife leaving her house without the permission of the husband. As a normative study, the study applied the conceptual approach. The study collected data by using the documentation study or library research, and analyzed the data by reading, examining, linking, and interpreting the data, and then elaborated the data descriptively. The findings revealed that social media has been used as a platform to publicly show the women’s beauty, reveal their aurat (intimate parts), spread gossips, share infidelity behavior, and many others which violate the religious norms and the universal, collective, individual, local and traditional values as well. Ideally, all of these should be kept private at home, as the home itself is the place to protect anything within it. The elimination of politeness boundaries and rules of interaction between men and women as a consequence of activities on social media has made nushuz of the wife irrelevant to be interpreted simply as the wife leaving the house without the permission of the husband. The meaning of house in the physical sense and that of social media should be equal in the context of the household. Nushuz should be interpreted in a broader perspective following the increasing development of modern technologies.

2020 ◽  
Paolo Di Sia

It has been suggested by some authors that time has no physical existence, but it would be an illusion. The human being uses clocks for measuring the numerical sequential order of the duration of material changes, namely the motion which runs in space. We experience a run of changes in the frame of the linear psychological time “past-present-future”, which has its basis in the neurological activity of the brain. We could link it with a concept of universe where there is neither physical past nor physical future. In this model of “time-free” space (in the physical sense) it exists only what we observe with our senses and measure with apparatuses.

Małgorzata Sławińska

Preschool is the first institution in the Polish system of education that exhibits educational character. Apart from activities teachers engage them in, following the curriculum, children learn from one another through peer interaction. The aim of the following article is to present characteristic features of the preschool environment as the context for informal peer learning of children. From the group of factors that condition learning we discuss: material surrounding of the preschool, daily schedule, parental expectations as well as selected official documents and internal (unofficial) regulations for such institutions, among other things. Critical analysis of the aforementioned elements shows the pre-school surrounding, both in social and physical sense, as the untapped potential in the learning process of kindergarten pupils.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 19-34
Jacek Kolbuszewski

If a route is understood to be a selected or marked sequence of places within a given space, the term can also encompass a climbing route, which is a sequence of places in the mountains, on a rock, ice wall or arête through which we can reach a specific destination — in the case of climbing it is usually the top of a mountain or an element in the structure of a mountain that stands out. Thus a route is an order of the places through which a climber is pursuing his or her goal — a top or an arête. In the physical sense this route, blended in the mountain landscape, does not exist, although it can be marked by a painted trail, small mounds, but not ladders and stairs, because these are elements of a route existing in the physical sense, while a climbing route is an intentional, virtual being existing only in the climber’s mind, first as a project of traversing a given rock formation, obviously large enough, i.e. requiring movement in this space, and then as the above mention order (sequence) of places — rock formations, from large to the smallest ones (grip). Not existing physically in reality (a designated fragment of space to move from place to place), a climbing route appears as a man-designed imagined line, a sequence of places marking the direction in which to move. The real sense of the existence of a route lies in its use: a route is alive, when there is movement on it — in this case mountain climbing.

2020 ◽  
Nirleka Nasution

Computer software is a computer program that serves as a bridge between computer users (users) and computers. In other words, software is a translator between the user as the giver of instructions and the computer as the party who receives the instructions. Software has the opposite properties to hardware. If physical hardware can be touched, another case with software, software cannot be touched with the physical sense of touch. However, software is very important in operating the computer. Because without computer software only machines that cannot be operated with user instructions. The software system is created using a programming language written by the programmer so that it becomes code that can be recognized by the hardware.Keywords: Computer software.

2020 ◽  
Nirleka Nasution

Computer software is a computer program that serves as a bridge between computer users (users) and computers. In other words, software is a translator between the user as the giver of instructions and the computer as the party who receives the instructions. Software has the opposite properties to hardware. If physical hardware can be touched, another case with software, software cannot be touched with the physical sense of touch. However, software is very important in operating the computer. Because without computer software only machines that cannot be operated with user instructions. The software system is created using a programming language written by the programmer so that it becomes code that can be recognized by the hardware.Keywords: Computer software.

2020 ◽  
Nirleka Nasution

Computer software is a computer program that serves as a bridge between computer users (users) and computers. In other words, software is a translator between the user as the giver of instructions and the computer as the party who receives the instructions. Software has the opposite properties to hardware. If physical hardware can be touched, another case with software, software cannot be touched with the physical sense of touch. However, software is very important in operating the computer. Because without computer software only machines that cannot be operated with user instructions. The software system is created using a programming language written by the programmer so that it becomes code that can be recognized by the hardware.Keywords: Computer software.

2020 ◽  
Nirleka Nasution

Computer software is a computer program that serves as a bridge between computer users (users) and computers. In other words, software is a translator between the user as the giver of instructions and the computer as the party who receives the instructions. Software has the opposite properties to hardware. If physical hardware can be touched, another case with software, software cannot be touched with the physical sense of touch. However, software is very important in operating the computer. Because without computer software only machines that cannot be operated with user instructions. The software system is created using a programming language written by the programmer so that it becomes code that can be recognized by the hardware.Keywords: Computer software.

2020 ◽  
Nirleka Nasution

Computer software is a computer program that serves as a bridge between computer users (users) and computers. In other words, software is a translator between the user as the giver of instructions and the computer as the party who receives the instructions. Software has the opposite properties to hardware. If physical hardware can be touched, another case with software, software cannot be touched with the physical sense of touch. However, software is very important in operating the computer. Because without computer software only machines that cannot be operated with user instructions. The software system is created using a programming language written by the programmer so that it becomes code that can be recognized by the hardware.Keywords: Computer software.

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