stereoscopic imaging
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Osman Bakur Gazzaz ◽  
Hamza Saad Mohamed

The purpose of the current study was to reveal the role played by mobile exhibitions such as modern techniques using stereoscopic imaging technology (zebra and hologram) in enriching the knowledgeable experience of the pilgrims and Umrah visitors by providing awareness and guidance and contributing to the performance of their rituals from the beginning of their arrival to the end. A random sample of 400 Umrah performers and pilgrims (200 males and 200 females) were selected. The study used quantitative research methodology in the form of a survey. Results indicated that the dependence on hologram technology increased the level of awareness and guidance between the pilgrims preforming the rituals in the two holy mosques.

Nicolas Schlinkmann ◽  
Rutvik Khakhar ◽  
Thomas Picht ◽  
Sophie K. Piper ◽  
Lucius S. Fekonja ◽  

AbstractStereoscopic imaging has increasingly been used in anatomical teaching and neurosurgery. The aim of our study was to analyze the potential utility of stereoscopic imaging as a tool for memorizing neurosurgical patient cases compared to conventional monoscopic visualization. A total of 16 residents and 6 consultants from the Department of Neurosurgery at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin were recruited for the study. They were divided into two equally experienced groups. A comparative analysis of both imaging modalities was conducted in which four different cases were assessed by the participants. Following the image assessment, two questionnaires, one analyzing the subjective judgment using the 5-point Likert Scale and the other assessing the memorization and anatomical accuracy, were completed by all participants. Both groups had the same median year of experience (5) and stereoacuity (≤ 75 s of arc). The analysis of the first questionnaire demonstrated significant subjective superiority of the monoscopic imaging in evaluation of the pathology (median: monoscopic: 4; stereoscopic: 3; p = 0.020) and in handling of the system (median: monoscopic: 5; stereoscopic: 2; p < 0.001). The second questionnaire showed that the anatomical characterization of the pathologies was comparable between both visualization methods. Most participants rated the stereoscopic visualization as worse compared to the monoscopic visualization, probably due to a lack of familiarity with the newer technique. Stereoscopic imaging, however, was not objectively inferior to traditional monoscopic imaging for anatomical comprehension. Further methodological developments and incorporation in routine clinical workflows will most likely enhance the usability and acceptance of stereoscopic visualization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 165-180
S.J. Zinreich ◽  
F.A. Kuhn ◽  
D. Kennedy ◽  
M. Solaiyappan ◽  
A. Lane ◽  

Objective: The microanatomy of the fronto-ethmoidal transition region has been addressed in several classifications. CT stereoscopic imaging (3DCTSI) provides improved display and delineates three defined complex “spaces”, the Frontal Sinus/Frontal Recess Space, the Infundibular Space of the Ethmoid Uncinate Process, and the Ethmoid Bulla Space (FSRS, IS-EUP, EB), none of which were adequately described with the “cell” terminology. We present details on the 3D microanatomy, variability, and prevalence of these spaces. Methods: 3D stereoscopic imaging displays (3DCTSI) were created from 200 datasets. The images were analyzed and categorized by a radiologist (SJZ), and consultant otolaryngologists, focusing on 3D microanatomy of the fronto-ethmoidal transition, the frontal recess/frontal sinus, and drainage pathways, in comparison to established anatomical classification systems. Results: The anterior ethmoid is subdivided into seven groups with the following core properties and prevalence: 1. The horizontal roof of the IS-EUP is attached to the superior half of the frontal process of the maxilla (19%); 2. The IS-EUP extends into the frontal recess (6.5%); 3. The IS-EUP extends into the frontal recess and the frontal sinus (18.5%); 4. A bulla is seen in the medial frontal sinus (3%); 5. The ethmoid bulla and supra bullar space extend into the frontal sinus (7%); 6. Lamellae extend into the FSRS antero-superiorly (25%); 7. FSRS expansion expands below the upper half of the frontal process of the maxilla (FSRS) (21%). Conclusion: 3-D analysis of the detailed anatomy provides important new anatomic information with the increased focus on precision surgery in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-151
George Themistokleous

In this project the limitations of perspectival drawing are revised and reconsidered through a particular visual (dis)ability: keratoconus. Perspectival representation is based not only on a single and immobile eye, but also on an ‘able’ eye. The de-formation of keratoconic vision offers a new means to consider the perspectival drawing by extending beyond the limitations of its structure. The degenerative keratoconic eye thus calls attention to the intricate mechanism of sight and to the eye’s machinic functioning. By referring to Creative Evolution by Henri Bergson and The Large Glass by Marcel Duchamp it becomes possible to articulate the nuanced relations between the complexity of the eye as a complex structure and the simplicity of its unitary function. Through keratoconic vision, one experiences the formations and (de)formations of the visual image due to the eyes’ functioning and dysfunctioning. This then leads to the search for an alternative medium that is similar to such a nuanced embodied visual experience. The interval between the machinations of vision and the simplicity of its function is more closely resembled through the visual experience of the stereoscope. The digitization of the stereoscope further unfolds this notion of the durational interval that lies between the machinations of vision and their unitary function, increasingly veering towards the former. Emerging digital stereoscopic imaging begin to utilize feedback and interaction and thus produce new ways to imagine the complexity of the eye(s) and visuality more broadly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 217 (1) ◽  
J. F. Bell ◽  
J. N. Maki ◽  
G. L. Mehall ◽  
M. A. Ravine ◽  
M. A. Caplinger ◽  

AbstractMastcam-Z is a multispectral, stereoscopic imaging investigation on the Mars 2020 mission’s Perseverance rover. Mastcam-Z consists of a pair of focusable, 4:1 zoomable cameras that provide broadband red/green/blue and narrowband 400-1000 nm color imaging with fields of view from 25.6° × 19.2° (26 mm focal length at 283 μrad/pixel) to 6.2° × 4.6° (110 mm focal length at 67.4 μrad/pixel). The cameras can resolve (≥ 5 pixels) ∼0.7 mm features at 2 m and ∼3.3 cm features at 100 m distance. Mastcam-Z shares significant heritage with the Mastcam instruments on the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover. Each Mastcam-Z camera consists of zoom, focus, and filter wheel mechanisms and a 1648 × 1214 pixel charge-coupled device detector and electronics. The two Mastcam-Z cameras are mounted with a 24.4 cm stereo baseline and 2.3° total toe-in on a camera plate ∼2 m above the surface on the rover’s Remote Sensing Mast, which provides azimuth and elevation actuation. A separate digital electronics assembly inside the rover provides power, data processing and storage, and the interface to the rover computer. Primary and secondary Mastcam-Z calibration targets mounted on the rover top deck enable tactical reflectance calibration. Mastcam-Z multispectral, stereo, and panoramic images will be used to provide detailed morphology, topography, and geologic context along the rover’s traverse; constrain mineralogic, photometric, and physical properties of surface materials; monitor and characterize atmospheric and astronomical phenomena; and document the rover’s sample extraction and caching locations. Mastcam-Z images will also provide key engineering information to support sample selection and other rover driving and tool/instrument operations decisions.

Kristoffer Hendel ◽  
Vinzent K. Ortner ◽  
Christine S. K. Fuchs ◽  
Vardit Eckhouse ◽  
Merete Haedersdal

Reetika Vats ◽  
Abhishek Parmar ◽  
Manoj Sharma ◽  
Sandhya Bajaj

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-220
S.J. Zinreich ◽  
F.A. Kuhn ◽  
N.R. London Jr. ◽  
D. Kennedy ◽  
M. Solaiyappan ◽  

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this presentation is to display a series of new anatomical concepts and terms regarding the frontal si- nus, its drainage pathway and cells vs. spaces of the anterior ethmoid, based on Three-Dimensional Computer X-ray Tomography Stereoscopic Imaging (3DCTSI) and contrast these concepts to those reported in the current literature. METHODS: Given the new anatomic observations provided by 3DCTSI, and the widespread anatomic variations a small sample was initially selected to describe our observations. Six exemplary cases according to the “Classification of Fronto-Ethmoidal cells” by Kuhn, Bent et al., Lee et al., expanded by Wormald et al., and adopted by Ramakrishnan et al., Huang et al., and Void et al. (1-7) were chosen to illustrate our detailed anatomic observations. Additional observations and data of prevalence identified in a larger series will follow. RESULTS and CONCLUSION: Conceptually, the anterior ethmoid “cells” are in essence “spaces” with openings that communicate with the middle meatus and/or the ethmoidal infundibulum. The frontal sinus and frontal recess are a united and continuous three-dimensional, irregularly shaped space, the Frontal Sinus/Recess Space (FSRS). The uncinate process has two segments: the Ethmoidal Uncinate Process (EUP), which encompasses the Infundibular Space of the EUP (IS-EUP), currently known as the Agger Nasi cell; and the Turbinal Uncinate Process (TUP), which borders the Turbinal Infundibulum (TI) medially. The superior attach- ment of the EUP will be detailed in each of the six cases (Table 2). The middle meatus and infundibular passages are the drainage pathways from the frontal sinus and maxillary sinus to the nasal cavity.

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