aesthetic education
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Zhirong Zhu

2021 ◽  
pp. 114-119
A. V. Biben

Nowadays, a stream of various information, including hybrid information, is aimed at young people. That is why students are most focused on the virtual environment, and the sensuality of the individual goes back to the periphery of their spiritual life. Such a reality requires the use of complex efforts directed at returning a person to their essence. The relevance of our study is due to the young people's need to develop a sense of taste as an aesthetic category and the formation of criteria that would allow them to distinguish between the verity from distorted reality and the good from evil. The purpose: to confirm the need for aesthetic education in future doctors' training because it strengthens students' active national and civic positions. Aesthetic education lays down self-consciousness, self-determination, and individualization. It helps to find life landmarks and affects relations with the outside world. Aesthetic education is the essence of the humanization of the individual, their socialization. It is a necessary basis and prerequisite to realize the individual abilities in the process of real life. During lectures and practical classes at the departments of Ukrainian Studies and Linguistics, as well as during extra classes, teachers pay considerable attention to the aesthetic education of IFNMU students. The methods of aesthetic education, which are used in the classroom discussion of artworks are as follows: respect for the individual, appeal to feelings, conversations and debates, problem situations, individual and group creative work. In particular, respect for the individual is especially needed when discussing ethical issues. For the formation of the aesthetic culture of youth, the basic thing is the sincerity of the student, the appropriate attitude of the teacher and the team. It is the expression of one's impressions, experiences, and thoughts, rather than a blind repetition of the view imposed by the teacher. Thus it enables the teacher to direct the aesthetic development of the personality in the right direction. Every opinion should be heard and discussed because this is how the teacher will be able to see the real level of students' development. This approach enables correcting erroneous judgments on time. Addressing the feelings of future professionals (conscience, dignity, and empathy) involves a thoughtful contemplation of works of art, which is preceded by the disclosure of cultural and historical conditions of the work. This process should be accompanied by a discussion and teachers' explanation. Conversation and debate presuppose a free exchange of opinions, a collective discussion of aesthetic problems, as a result of which aesthetic views and judgments are formed. During the debate, students defend their position. The reasoned speech of the future doctors is based on their level of awareness, erudition, and culture. The exchange of ideas and facts develops logical thinking, the ability to analyze, generalize and make conclusions. There are various ways of humanization and enrichment of future specialists' potential, but aesthetic training is the main one. Society pays attention in the critical periods of its development on aesthetic training. It acts as a final element in the higher education system, giving completeness and saturating the whole structure with the main content. The process of studying in a higher education institution is the moment in a young person's life when they should understand and realize their life meaning following their moral and aesthetic ideals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (12) ◽  
pp. 147-150
Yingying Cui

Thematic art creation is a product of a complex social, historical, and cultural context, and it fills an important position in the development of modern and contemporary Chinese art history. Since the 21st century, with the introduction and implementation of a series of national major thematic art creation projects, thematic art creation has gradually moved from a marginal position in art history to a core area, becoming a visual narrative method with independent aesthetic value. Moving towards cultural consciousness and carrying cultural self-confidence, thematic art creation requires the guidance, standardization, and support of related art theories. The lack and absence of theoretical research restricts the development of thematic art creation. This study combs through the research results and literature materials of thematic art creation since the new century as well as studies the aesthetic education value of thematic art creation image narration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (12) ◽  
pp. 93-96
Weiming Liang ◽  
Yanli Yu

Contemporary aesthetic education is one of the educational methods under the contemporary cultural system, which includes contemporary educational ideas, methods, and countermeasures of art. Teachers under contemporary aesthetic education must take on the responsibility of improving their artistic qualities in this process, express differences through perceiving life, and reshape aesthetics by regulating oneself. Teachers need to be concerned about the society, and based on the present, with independent thinking, capture the essence of life and conform to the laws of art, maintain a vigilant and critical edge, advance with the times in teaching and life, as well as embody their own educational philosophies and value judgments.


Current research is a historic and pedagogical study. It uncovers the problem of aesthetic education in the context of such a meaningful phenomenon of the education of the late 19th century and the early 20th century as pedagogical congresses. The study has proved that the issues of the aesthetic education were considered during almost every pedagogical congress from 1862 till 1919. This type of education was recognized as the necessary part of comprehensive and harmonious development of the child’s personality. Under different political conditions aesthetic education was discussed during the pedagogical congresses either as a separate issue or as an element of other types of education: labor, ethical, national and even physical ones. The main methods and means of the aesthetic education considered by the participants of the pedagogical congresses were the following ones: familiarizing with the works of the prominent foreign and national authors, excursions, getting to know the native land, national traditions, creative labor, different forms of recreation and entertainment, art and musical events, taking care of your appearance. For supporting pedagogical councils, the delegates of the congresses suggested to create aesthetic committees and professional councils.  To cut the long story short, the participants of the pedagogical congresses were very attentive to the issues of the aesthetic education and considered it as one of the necessary elements of harmonious development of the personality What remained uncovered was the degree of implementation of the solutions and recommendations of the participants of the pedagogical congresses in the educational process of the schools, namely, what ideas were introduced and what left just on the paper.


The article reveals the content of readiness of students of pedagogical ZVO, future teachers, ability to comprehensively solve problems of labor, moral and aesthetic education of secondary school students. The pedagogical conditions of effective pedagogical influence in the formation of knowledge, skills and work with wood are considered. Successful mastering by students of woodworking technologies at lessons of labor training is provided by principles (clarity, individualization, connection of the theory with practice, manufacturability, reflexivity, partnership and cooperation, interdisciplinary communications, professional orientation of training), modern methodical approaches (system, activity, technology , personal, etc.), pedagogical conditions based on the professional skills of the teacher, provide for the development of students' love for work, nature and the preservation of the experience of folk crafts. The work of students with natural materials is of great importance for the aesthetic education of children, instilling in them artistic taste, development of creative abilities, imagination. The overriding task of working with natural material is to awaken in children a love for native nature, which contributes to the education of their patriotic feelings. It is time to further improve the methodological training of teachers of labor education in order to expand their learning opportunities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-48
Sierykh L.V.

In the provisions of the scientific article the author reveals the features of the interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers. The scientist offers the developed and tested vectors of the interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers. The interaction is aimed at achieving this goal – the aesthetic education of teenagers and which provides for direct or indirect involvement in the educational process of the subjects of pedagogical interaction.The developed vectors violate the subject-subject relations in general secondary education institutions, indicate the subject-subject relations in out-of-school education institutions and combine (integrate) subject-subject relations in the specified institutions. Vectors allow us to trace the relationships between all subjects of educational activities and the environment (nature, architecture, production, the Internet, etc.), relationships with other institutions (subjects and objects), creative associations, unions, museums, philharmonics, theaters, studios, galleries, exhibitions, photo galleries, parks of culture and recreation, public organizations, libraries, Internet cafes, etc.), to support the subject-object and subject-subject relationships in the aesthetic education of teenagers.The scientific definition is analyzed and clarified «esthetic environment of interaction», which the author interprets as a pedagogically organized educational environment in which there is a dynamic pedagogical action, cooperation of the subjects of pedagogical interaction. These are the subjects of interaction of general secondary education institutions, out-of-school education institutions, subjects-object relations of other institutions. These relationships support the complex relationship of social phenomena-systems of general secondary and extracurricular education and enable the aesthetic education of teenagers, the development of society, the fulfillment of the social order, and so on. Key words: aesthetic education, aesthetic environment, interaction, interaction vectors, general secondary education institution, out-of-school world institution, teenagers. У положеннях наукової статті автор розкриває особливості взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків. Науковець пропонує розроблені й апробовані вектори взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків, які діють в естетичному середовищі. Вектори взаємодії спрямовані на досягнення означеної мети – естетичного виховання підлітків і в якій передбачається прямо або опосередковано залучення до освітньо-виховного процесу суб’єктів педагогічної взаємодії.Розроблені вектори порушують суб’єкт-суб’єктні відносини у закладах загальної середньої освіти, указує суб’єкт-суб’єктні відносини у закладах позашкільної освіти, поєднує (інтегрує) суб’єкт-суб’єк-тні відносини у означених закладах. Вектори дозволяють прослідкувати взаємозв’язки між усіма суб’єктами освітньо-виховної діяльності й навколишнім середовищем (природа, архітектура, вироб-ництво, інтернет тощо), взаємозв’язки з іншими інституціями (суб’єктами та об’єктами) (творчі об’єднання, спілки, музеї, філармонії, театри, студії, галереї, виставки, фотогалереї, парки культури та відпочинку, громадські організації, бібліотеки, інтернет-кафе тощо), підтримувати суб’єкт-об’єктні та суб’єкт-суб’єктні взаємовідносини в естетичному вихованні підлітків.Проаналізовано й уточнено наукову дефініцію «естетичне середовище взаємодії», яку автор трактує як педагогічно організоване виховне середовище, в якому відбувається динамічна педагогічна дія, співпраця суб’єктів педагогічної взаємодії. Суб’єктами взаємодії є заклади загальної середньої освіти, заклади позашкільної освіти, суб’єкт-об’єктні відносини інших інституцій. Ці відносини підтримують складний взаємозв’язок суспільних явищ-систем загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти і уможли-влюють естетичне виховання підлітків, розвиток суспільства, виконання соціального замовлення тощо. Ключові слова: естетичне виховання, естетичне середовище, взаємодія, вектори взаємодії, заклад загальної середньої освіти, заклад позашкільної освіти, підлітки.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (5) ◽  
pp. 430-445
Lilia A. Druzhinina ◽  
Larisa B. Osipova ◽  
Vitaly S. Tsilitsky ◽  
Lyubov M. Lapshina ◽  

Introduction. The state policy in relation to children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities) is aimed at updating the content of correctional and pedagogical assistance, one of the leading tasks of which is aesthetic development and upbringing. The specificity of the defect in children with disabilities is expressed in the difficulties of the formation of aesthetic culture and aesthetic perception of the world around them, which is one of the factors that negatively affect personality development, manifested in the inability to sociocultural adaptation and requires new approaches to solving this problem in the theory and practice of correctional pedagogy. Aim of the study: determination of the correctional orientation of aesthetic education of children with disabilities in the context of the basic component of aesthetics - the aesthetics of everyday life. Materials and methods. In the course of the study, the formation of knowledge about beauty, etiquette when receiving guests, eating meals was studied; the ability to evaluate serving and table behavior from the point of view of aesthetics; the ability to independently set the table, behave in accordance with the requirements of etiquette. The study involved 348 preschool children with visual impairments of varying severity (EG – 1, 116 people) and mental retardation (EG – 2, 122 people), with normal psychophysical development (EG – 3, 110 people). Results. As a result of the study, differences were established in the formation of the mechanism of aesthetic development in children of experimental EG-1 – CG (temp = -2.977; p≤0.003) EG-2 – CG (temp = -2.23; p≤0.027) in comparison with control group (CG). As a result, the features of the components of aesthetic development in children with mental retardation (PD) and children with visual impairments were revealed. So the worst formed is the cognitive component in children with CRD, 11%, in comparison with children with visual impairments (28%). The estimated component in children with visual impairments corresponds to 17% and 14% in children with CRD. The behavioral component is worse formed in children with visual impairments (14%); in children with mental retardation, the indicator of formation corresponds to 21%. Conclusions. The data obtained made it possible to prove the advisability of choosing the aesthetics of everyday life as the fundamental social competence necessary for the successful development of a child with disabilities and his entry into society. The peculiarities of the aesthetic development of children with mental retardation and visual impairment revealed in the course of the study became the leading factor for determining the corrective orientation of aesthetic education, which involves solving special (correctional) tasks in accordance with various components of the mechanism of aesthetic development of a child with disabilities (in the context of everyday aesthetics).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 12-21
Olha Muzyka ◽  
Yurii Lopatiuk ◽  
Tetiana Belinska ◽  
Anna Belozerskaya ◽  
Iryna Shvets

The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that in the field of modern education there are numerous discussions and study of such an aspect as updating the education methods. The leading task of educational policy is to ensure a high-quality level of education at all stages of education – from preschool to professional. The above also applies to arts education, as it is part of the general education system. The purpose of the study is to study the issue of modern art education, to analyses further possible directions in which it can develop. The main results that can be highlighted in the analysis of aesthetic education at the present time: education in the field of creativity is underestimated in the learning process, although it is an important aspect of the development of a particular individual; artistic and aesthetic education in the context of modern educational activities is not a primary task of society current principles embedded in education provide for the dominance of authoritarian models of regulation art education is insufficiently equipped with a material, technical and personnel base within the framework of the general educational process.

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