software measurement
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2021 ◽  
Komeil Raisian ◽  
Jamaiah Yahaya ◽  
Siti Rohana Ahmad Ibrahim ◽  
Aziz Deraman ◽  
Tumen Yunos

Alexandra Lapointe-Boisvert ◽  
Sebastien Mosser ◽  
Sylvie Trudel

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-35
Lennon Sales Furtado ◽  
Rafael Ferreira de Souza ◽  
João Luís dos Reis Lima ◽  
Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira

Software process improvement programs are partly founded on software measurement. However, despite their importance, it has been pointed out in the literature that many students are leaving the academic world without the necessary skills to conduct this kind of process. This can be understood by people’s attitudes to this process which is regarded as time-consuming and difficult to understand—factors that explain the lack of interest in it during a student’s academic life. In light of this, the application of serious games or gamification can show useful alternative ways of meeting this need, because the strategies they involve are well accepted by students and have a motivational and engaging effect on them. The objective of this work is to discover different approaches to the teaching of software measurement and software process improvement through gamification projects and serious games. This involves carrying out a systematic review of the literature, which is aimed at characterizing the state-of-the-art on the use of methods related to gamification and serious games in the abovementioned subjects. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify primary studies that address the use, planning, or evaluation of gamification, serious games, their features, and game mechanics in software engineering. We located 137 primary studies, published between 2000 and 2019. Although the use of serious games and gamification in software engineering is not recent, there still remains a large area to be explored, especially in software process improvement and software measurement. The study expands and advances the research on how serious games and gamification proposals can be used for teaching software measurement in the context of software process improvement programs by conducting a systematic review of the literature.

Cureus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Jeffrey M Muir ◽  
Kelly A Foley ◽  
Karlina Fiaes ◽  
Justin B Wagler ◽  
Milena Galaszewicz ◽  

Gábor Lencse ◽  
Attila Pivoda ◽  
Keiichi Shima

AbstractDNS64 is an important IPv6 transition technology that facilitates the communication of an IPv6 only client with an IPv4 only server, which becomes a more and more common scenario. Several different DNS64 implementations exist, and their performance is a relevant decision factor for network operators. RFC 8219 has defined a benchmarking methodology for DNS64 servers, which requires the operation of an authoritative DNS server at 220% of the query rate used for DNS64 benchmarking. In this paper, we aim to build an authoritative DNS server that operates at 2.2 million qps (queries per second) rate, thus it facilitates DNS64 benchmarking up to 1,000,000 qps rate. To that end, we compare the performance of BIND, YADIFA, NSD, Knot DNS and FakeDNS (a special purpose software) to find the best suiting one of them. We fully disclose the details of our measurements including the configuration of the DNS implementations, the usage of our improved software tester called dns64perf ++, and the details of the hardware and software measurement environment in the NICT StarBED, Japan. We perform a series of measurements to examine, how the performance of the tested solutions scale up with the number of the active CPU cores from 1 to 32. Besides their performance, we also measure their memory consumption and zone load time. We present and discuss all the results. In addition to successfully building an authoritative DNS server with the required performance, we also make recommendations, which solutions suit to different special needs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-67
Javier Mancebo ◽  
Coral Calero ◽  
Félix García

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 445
Maria Rosario Borroek ◽  
Errissya Rasywir ◽  
Yovi Pratama

Software effort estimation is to estimate the amount of resources needed in developing the software. For that software effort estimation is important so need to see the effect of software measurement to software effort estimation which is done by machine learning technique. Based on this the researcher tries to build a system capable of measuring software. In this study experiments on software measurement techniques (FPA, FPA with Sugeno fuzzy and FPA with mamdani fuzzy). The three types of techniques are compared with the three project data for further software effort estimation. For evaluation, this study evaluates using the assessment of the Developeras Analyst of the Project. The results of the study that the LOC and effort values on a similar system can be different if calculated by the use of FPA, Fam Mamdany fuzzy and FPA Sugeno Fuzzy. The highest LOC and Effort values are generated by FPA Mamdany Fuzzy on Project DUMAS POLDA SUMSEL. While the lowest effort value and lowest LOC produced by FPA Sugeno Fuzzy. This can be traced from the calculation mechanisms performed by FPA Sugeno Fuzzy where this method does not count the input, output, file, query and interface values at all. The calculation of FPA Sugeno fuzzy is done by roughly judging only from the difficulty of making the system. To raise the price of a project in order to be rewarded higher FAT methods Mamdani Fuzzy is recommended

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