semantic system
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M. V. Cherkunova ◽  
E. V. Ponomarenko

The article is devoted to the study of modern mini-format literary works of English web literature. This subject is addressed due to the fact that there exists an urgent need to study ways of ensuring effective communication in the light of modern tendencies of verbal optimization of the cognitive processes and the reduction of the physical length of the texts. Mini-texts of web literature are considered from the standpoint of the system-dynamic approach, namely from the point of view of the dynamics of the formation of a complex semantic construct in the process of interaction and mutual influence of different-level elements of the discourse system, including the factors of the exterior environment. The methods of discourse, contextual and linguosynergetic analysis are employed for the analysis of the texts, which allows to understand how systemic interaction of speech elements within a small-format text is organized. In particular, the article describes the mechanisms of the emergence of additional semantic combinations due to the interdiscursive interaction at the level of form and content within the mini-format web narratives. Another mechanism of creating additional semantic structures consists in the violation of the proportionality between the structural and semantic plans of the mini-texts. Besides, attention is paid to ways of expanding the semantic plan of the discourse system due to the specific interaction of lexical operators that form the verbal layers of the text. In general, it is concluded that the synergetic interaction of different-level textual elements is of fundamental importance for ensuring pragmatic effectiveness of small-format web narratives, since on its basis an integral semantic system is formed which does not only influence the cognitive sphere of the recipients, but also is capable of fulfilling their aesthetic needs.

Proglas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Anastasiya Petrova

The article focuses on the semantics of the Bulgarian lexeme глух, examined on a wider Slavic, Balkan and Indo-European background. The emphasis is on the phenomenon of verbal synaesthesia, which allows the manifestation of the cross-modal character of many image schemes that gave rise to its semantic structure. The analysis is an opportunity to verify the established models of metaphorical projections from lower to higher modalities with respect to the Bulgarian lexeme глух. The relationship between perception and conceptual structure is being studied with particular interest in contemporary linguistics, so the study of the role of non-visual experience in structuring a semantic system in a language complements the general idea of linguistic synaesthesia and its role in all languages.

enadakultura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Teona Tedoradze

Nowadays the aim of teaching English is communication as well as being acquainted with the culture of the country. In order to master the language it is important to study the lexical-semantic system. Teaching vocabulary is one of the most difficult issues. It is also complicated to choose the vocabulary while teaching. Vocabulary can be presented in different ways; one of the significant methods is presenting vocabulary through the context. Teachers use a great number of additional and supplementary tools and methods, including games, dances, puzzles and songs. There are many techniques of teaching vocabulary in the methodology and one of the most important techniques is teaching vocabulary using music and songs inasmuch as the value of songs in increasing the students’ motivation and involvement is great. Music has a very positive impact on pronunciation, accent, mood and motivation. Songs are an important source to develop students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. That is why it is so important to use songs as a teaching tool. They play a major role in the process of teaching a second language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 429 ◽  
pp. 119011
Emanuele Maria Costantini ◽  
Guido Maria Giuffré ◽  
Salvatore Citro ◽  
Davide Quaranta ◽  
Antonio Daniele ◽  

2021 ◽  
W Tyler Ketchabaw ◽  
Andrew Tesla DeMarco ◽  
Sachi Paul ◽  
Elizabeth Dvorak ◽  
Candace van der Stelt ◽  

Language function in the brain, once thought to be highly localized, is now appreciated as relying on a connected but distributed network. The semantic system is of particular interest in the language domain because of its hypothesized integration of information across multiple cortical regions. Previous work in healthy individuals has focused on group-level functional connectivity (FC) analyses of the semantic system, which may obscure interindividual differences driving variance in performance. These studies also overlook the contributions of white matter networks to semantic function. Here, we identified semantic network nodes with a semantic decision fMRI task in 53 typically-aging adults, characterized network organization using structural connectivity (SC), and quantified the segregation and integration of the network using FC. Hub regions were identified in left inferior frontal gyrus. The individualized semantic network was composed of three interacting modules: 1) default-mode module characterized by bilateral medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate regions and also including right-hemisphere homotopes of language regions; 2) left frontal module extending dorsally from inferior frontal gyrus to pre-motor area; and 3) left temporoparietal module extending from temporal pole to inferior parietal lobule. FC within Module3 and integration of the entire network related to a semantic verbal fluency task, but not a matched phonological task. These results support and extend the tri-network semantic model (Xu et al., 2017) and the controlled semantic cognition model (Chiou et al., 2018) of semantic function.

Shorena Tsignadze

The semantic and Lingo-cultural analysis of the synonymic et for cares is discussed in the article. Georgian and English synonymic dictionaries are used as an analytic source. Studying synonyms has quite a long history. Linguistic observation of such items in different systematic languages is very interesting. We consider the difference which exists in the Georgian and English languages as structural-semantic, as well as lingu-cultural point of views. Synonyms are the part of lexical-semantic system of a language and the main point is shown in their absolute or partial coincidence. Their study allows us to have the access to a huge reserve depictive means of a language and gives us the opportunity to show them in a methodological way, which is “very crucial for learning our mother tongue as well as a foreign language”(Jorjaneli. K. 2006:6).While making a linguo-cultural analysis, the focus is mainly point on the question of what this notion means in different languages, what does it imply to, how is it expressed by; how does one language differ from another based on their linguistic portraits.As the observation on synonyms has revealed, the usage of substantial adjectives and zoonyms in the caress-endearment speech is universal for these two languages. Of course, individual words aso participate, which is the result of the linguo-cultural characteristics of each language. For example, addressing words like the following ones are very specific in English : Sweetie-pie( a sweet patty), bantam( bantam is associated with the breed of a little domestic hen), minuscule ( this is one of script varieties. It is used while showing an affection as a sign of something very little, insignificant), and in Georgian we can find - შენი ჭკუისა! ( Sheni chkuisa) მიტირე (mitire) / მტლად დაგედე (mtlad gadagede) / ჭირი მოგჭამე(chiri mogchame) / ჭირი მოგპარე (chiri mogpare) and so on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (41) ◽  
pp. 141-150
Oleg Reznik ◽  
Andrii Fomenko ◽  
Andrii Melnychenko ◽  
Natalia Pavlova ◽  
Andrii Prozorov

The article aims to characterize the forensic features of the initial stage of investigating fraud with financial resources in cyberspace, its significance, analysis, and justification as a type of cybercrime that is dangerous for everyone, and prove the need for urgent measures to prevent and combat such criminal offenses. The authors used several methods of scientific cognition: logical-semantic, system-structural, analytical, formal-legal, forecasting, dialectical, interpretation, and hermeneutics. The article focuses on the general provisions of the forensic characteristics of Internet fraud with financial resources; analysis of the information model of the mechanism of committing fraud with financial resources in the field of computer information; coverage of the tactical features of individual investigative actions at the initial stage of the investigation of fraud with financial resources in cyberspace. It was concluded that the effectiveness of combating Internet fraud and the level of cybersecurity in Ukraine is very low. Therefore, the investigation of fraud with financial resources in cyberspace requires in-depth specific knowledge from the subjects of the investigation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 420-468
Richard E. Passingham

Humans differ from their nearest relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos, in being predominantly right-handed. In the human brain handedness is also associated with an asymmetry in the arcuate fasciculus, favouring the left. This links the inferior parietal, superior and middle temporal cortex with area in the inferior caudal PF cortex (areas 44 and 45B), as well as the ventral PF cortex more anteriorly. There is activation in the inferior caudal PF cortex when subjects imitate, whether via gestures or speech; and damage to the arcuate fasciculus impairs the ability to repeat words. The ability to imitate gestures and sounds was essential for the evolution of learned communication. The left inferior caudal PF cortex (area 44) supports the sequences of speech, whether words, phrases, or sentences. The areas that are connected by the left arcuate fasciculus also support the semantic system. The ability to teach in sentences means that knowledge and skills can be passed on with high fidelity from one generation to another. It also aids communication on cooperative enterprises. The need to cooperate has also led to pressure to be able to understand the intentions of others, and the medial PF cortex forms part of the system that makes this possible. Cooperation requires that individuals obey social and moral rules, and damage to the medial and polar PF cortex impairs the ability to do this.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-131
Mykola Stepanenko

The article analyses the latest changes in the lexical-semantic system of the Ukrainian language within clearly defined period – the year of 2020. It has been proved that the appearance of a new lexeme is associated with some intra- and extra-lingual factors. These lexical units are the carriers of information about what is happening in the society, and how the representatives of various social strata are involved in a particular event. It has been established that the most used words in the defined are connected with medicine; the dominant position occupies such nouns as covid, coronavirus. The article underlines that the spread of the COVID-19 in Ukraine influenced the formation of the phraseological system, e.g. folk poetic rhymes, which are usually variants of widely used paremic constructions. The motivational basis of lexical coinages has been analysed. This refers to the lexical units based on the surname of the current president; the dynamics of this process has been traced for the period 2004–2020. The author determined the mechanism of coining new lexemes based on the surnames of the prominent Ukrainian politicians close to President. The article clarifies the onomasiological basis of new lexical units of proprietary and non-proprietary origins of previously coined and newly coined or renamed political forces. An important way to expand the lexicon is to change the meaning of words. This is due to the fact that the lexical unit enters the innovative linguistic sphere determined by extra-lingual factors, when it acquires a new meaning or becomes a creative resource for other lexemes. The nouns vodomor (water starving) and Velur (the name of the restaurant notorious for breaking quarantine restrictions) have been carefully analysed, the constitutive possibilities of the latter, which relate to its lexical-semantic, syntagmatic nature, have been clarified. Exceptional attention is paid to the precedent expression “what is the difference” in the focus of its semantization (acquisition of ambiguity), grammaticalization (existence in the role of noun-adjective phrase or its functional equivalent – a complex occasional word), phraseological, semantic, syntax, axiology (attributive, object, subjective functions), word-forming possibilities (becoming on its basis a way of composing and suffixing nouns “kakaiaraznik” (What-is-the-differenter), “kakayaraznitstvo” (What-is-the-differentment)). The subject of the study was also the innovative structures that were formed on the model of lexical phrases with social meaning which are on the stage of forming.

2021 ◽  
Gyula Klima

This paper is a multidisciplinary project proposal, submitted in the hopes that it may garner enough interest to launch it with members of the AI research community along with linguists and philosophers of mind and language interested in constructing a semantics for a natural logic for AI. The paper outlines some of the major hurdles in the way of “semantics-driven” natural language processing based on standard predicate logic and sketches out the steps to be taken toward a “natural logic”, a semantic system explicitly defined on a well-regimented (but indefinitely expandable) fragment of a natural language that can, therefore, be “intelligently” processed by computers, using the semantic representations of the phrases of the fragment.

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