photon noise
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Olivier Guyon ◽  
Barnaby Norris ◽  
Marc-Antoine Martinod ◽  
Kyohoon Ahn ◽  
Peter Tuthill ◽  

Yuri Barmenkov ◽  
Alexander V Kir’yanov ◽  
Pablo Muniz-Cánovas ◽  
José L Cruz ◽  
Miguel V Andrés

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (10) ◽  
pp. 14467
William Fourcault ◽  
Rudy Romain ◽  
Gwenael Le Gal ◽  
François Bertrand ◽  
Vincent Josselin ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 640 ◽  
pp. A42 ◽  
M. Cretignier ◽  
J. Francfort ◽  
X. Dumusque ◽  
R. Allart ◽  
F. Pepe

Aims. We provide an open-source code allowing an easy, intuitive, and robust normalisation of spectra. Methods. We developed RASSINE, a Python code for normalising merged 1D spectra through the concepts of convex hulls. The code uses six parameters that can be easily fine-tuned. The code also provides a complete user-friendly interactive interface, including graphical feedback, that helps the user to choose the parameters as easily as possible. To facilitate the normalisation even further, RASSINE can provide a first guess for the parameters that are derived directly from the merged 1D spectrum based on previously performed calibrations. Results. For HARPS spectra of the Sun that were obtained with the HELIOS solar telescope, a continuum accuracy of 0.20% on line depth can be reached after normalisation with RASSINE. This is three times better than with the commonly used method of polynomial fitting. For HARPS spectra of α Cen B, a continuum accuracy of 2.0% is reached. This rather poor accuracy is mainly due to molecular band absorption and the high density of spectral lines in the bluest part of the merged 1D spectrum. When wavelengths shorter than 4500 Å are excluded, the continuum accuracy improves by up to 1.2%. The line-depth precision on individual spectrum normalisation is estimated to be ∼0.15%, which can be reduced to the photon-noise limit (0.10%) when a time series of spectra is given as input for RASSINE. Conclusions. With a continuum accuracy higher than the polynomial fitting method and a line-depth precision compatible with photon noise, RASSINE is a tool that can find applications in numerous cases, for example stellar parameter determination, transmission spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres, or activity-sensitive line detection.

2020 ◽  
pp. 000370282094673
Miles J. Egan ◽  
Arelis Colón ◽  
S. Michael Angel ◽  
Shiv Sharma

2020 ◽  
Vol 634 ◽  
pp. A69 ◽  
S. Hunziker ◽  
H. M. Schmid ◽  
D. Mouillet ◽  
J. Milli ◽  
A. Zurlo ◽  

Aims. RefPlanets is a guaranteed time observation programme that uses the Zurich IMaging POLarimeter (ZIMPOL) of Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument at the Very Large Telescope to perform a blind search for exoplanets in wavelengths from 600 to 900 nm. The goals of this study are the characterisation of the unprecedented high polarimetic contrast and polarimetric precision capabilities of ZIMPOL for bright targets, the search for polarised reflected light around some of the closest bright stars to the Sun, and potentially the direct detection of an evolved cold exoplanet for the first time. Methods. For our observations of α Cen A and B, Sirius A, Altair, ɛ Eri and τ Ceti we used the polarimetricdifferential imaging (PDI) mode of ZIMPOL which removes the speckle noise down to the photon noise limit for angular separations ≿0.6′′. We describe some of the instrumental effects that dominate the noise for smaller separations and explain how to remove these additional noise effects in post-processing. We then combine PDI with angular differential imaging as a final layer of post-processing to further improve the contrast limits of our data at these separations. Results. For good observing conditions we achieve polarimetric contrast limits of 15.0–16.3 mag at the effective inner working angle of ~0.13′′, 16.3–18.3 mag at 0.5′′, and 18.8–20.4 mag at 1.5′′. The contrast limits closer in (≾0.6′′) display a significant dependence on observing conditions, while in the photon-noise-dominated regime (≿0.6′′) the limits mainly depend on the brightness of the star and the total integration time. We compare our results with contrast limits from other surveys and review the exoplanet detection limits obtained with different detection methods. For all our targets we achieve unprecedented contrast limits. Despite the high polarimetric contrasts we are not able to find any additional companions or extended polarised light sources in the data obtained so far.

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