sour taste
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 545-548
Sari Virgawati ◽  
Ari Wijayani ◽  
Ninik Probosari

The organoleptic test of coffee grown in the Toyomarto area aims to determine consumer preferences for coffee grown on the slopes of Mount Arjuna. The two types of coffee that are most in demand in the global market are Arabica and Robusta. When viewed from the level of consumption, around 70% of the world's population are consumers of Arabica coffee, which has a mild and aromatic taste. Meanwhile, the remaining 30% of the world's population are consumers of Robusta coffee, which has a bitter taste and 50% higher caffeine content than Arabica coffee. There is another type that is grown in Toyomarto, namely the Liberica type. Toyomarto Village, which is located in Singosari District, Malang Regency, is located at an altitude of 700-1200 masl. has a fertile soil that makes a specific and unique taste in the coffee that grows around it. Organoleptic testing has been carried out at 2 different locations. The panelists really liked the sour taste of Arabica coffee and the bitter taste of Robusta coffee. Meanwhile, Liberica coffee was less liked by the panelists.

2021 ◽  
Rob Dunn

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
Dhanang Puspita ◽  
Monang Sihombing ◽  
Karina Permata

<em>Increased consumption of fruit requires consumers to understand how to choose good and ripe fruit. The level of fruit maturity can be known based on physical characteristics, including the parameters of size, weight, skin color, fragrance of the fruit, and the level of hardness of the fruit flesh. Determining the level of fruit maturity based on physical characteristics has a weakness that is subjective and inconsistent. Making indicators based on natural dyes, namely anthocyanins, to determine the level of sweetness of the fruit. The purpose of this research is to use anthocyanin pigments as an indicator of fruit sweetness level to determine fruit maturity. This research is an experimental laboratory and qualitative descriptive analysis with stages; Sample Extraction, Indicator Making, Indicator Application, Fruit Acidity Testing, Data Analysis. Based on the results of the study, there were quite visible color differences on toothpicks after being inserted into the fruit samples with a sweet taste and the fruit samples with a sour taste. The indicator shows that fruit with a sour taste (pH &lt; 3) changes color from blue to reddish purple. If the taste is not too sour (pH 5), it does not experience a significant color change. In conclusion, the anthocyanins in telang flower can be used as an indicator solution because they have a blue color at neutral pH, a reddish color at pH = 2, the red color fades at pH = 3 and 4, and there is no color change at pH 5.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
Heather N. Turner ◽  
Emily R. Liman

Sour taste, the taste of acids, is one of the most enigmatic of the five basic taste qualities; its function is unclear and its receptor was until recently unknown. Sour tastes are transduced in taste buds on the tongue and palate epithelium by a subset of taste receptor cells, known as type III cells. Type III cells express a number of unique markers, including the PKD2L1 gene, which allow for their identification and manipulation. These cells respond to acid stimuli with action potentials and release neurotransmitters onto afferent nerve fibers, with cell bodies in geniculate and petrosal ganglia. Here, we review classical studies of sour taste leading up to the identification of the sour receptor as the proton channel, OTOP1. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Physiology, Volume 84 is February 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

Hasan Tangüler

Şalgam (Shalgam) beverage, which is manufactured by lactic acid-ethanol fermentation, takes its name from turnip radish and its purple-reddish colour from purple carrot, is a drink with certain turbidity and sour taste. This research was carried out to determine the effect of using an autochthonous starter culture and purple carrot size in şalgam production. For this purpose, with the direct production process, purple carrot in two different sizes (4 cm horizontally cut purple carrot or 12 cm vertically cut purple carrot) and şalgam with the addition of 3% L. plantarum was produced. The added starter culture enabled the fermentation to start quickly and the maximum total acidity and LAB count was reached earlier. Besides, the addition of starter culture significantly affected the overall composition of şalgam. In the production of shalgam beverage, the use of horizontally cut purple carrot and L. plantarum as an autochthonous starter culture can be recommended.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 2034
Justin Long Kiu Suen ◽  
Andy Wai Kan Yeung ◽  
Ed X. Wu ◽  
Wai Keung Leung ◽  
Hiroki C. Tanabe ◽  

: The anterior insula and rolandic operculum are key regions for flavour perception in the human brain; however, it is unclear how taste and congruent retronasal smell are perceived as flavours. The multisensory integration required for sour flavour perception has rarely been studied; therefore, we investigated the brain responses to taste and smell in the sour flavour-processing network in 35 young healthy adults. We aimed to characterise the brain response to three stimulations applied in the oral cavity—sour taste, retronasal smell of mango, and combined flavour of both—using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Effective connectivity of the flavour-processing network and modulatory effect from taste and smell were analysed. Flavour stimulation activated middle insula and olfactory tubercle (primary taste and olfactory cortices, respectively); anterior insula and rolandic operculum, which are associated with multisensory integration; and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, a secondary cortex for flavour perception. Dynamic causal modelling demonstrated that neural taste and smell signals were integrated at anterior insula and rolandic operculum. These findings elucidated how neural signals triggered by sour taste and smell presented in liquid form interact in the brain, which may underpin the neurobiology of food appreciation. Our study thus demonstrated the integration and synergy of taste and smell.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Celeste Ferraris ◽  
Alexandria Turner ◽  
Christopher J. Scarlett ◽  
Martin Veysey ◽  
Mark Lucock ◽  

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in taste receptors influence dietary choices that contribute to health and quality of life. Individual differences in sour taste perception and preference have been linked to heritable genetics, yet the impact of sour taste receptor SNPs on sour taste is under-researched, and studies on sour taste SNP associations to diet and health are lacking. Therefore, this study explored the relationships between the sour taste SNP KCNJ2-rs236514 and estimated macronutrient, vitamin and mineral intakes, and markers of metabolic health. Associations were explored in 523 participants aged 65 years and older with data analysed using standard least squares and nominal logistic regression modelling with post hoc student's t-tests and Tukey's HSD. Associations were found between the presence of the KCNJ2-rs236514 variant allele (A) and lower intakes of energy, total fat, monounsaturated fat and saturated fat. The lower fat intakes were significant in female carriers of the variant allele (A), along with lower water intake. Lower retinol, riboflavin, folate, calcium and sodium intakes were found in the KCNJ2-A allele carriers. In females, the variant allele was associated with lower sodium intake before and after Bonferroni adjustment. Higher body mass index, waist and waist-to-hip ratio measures were found in males carrying the variant allele. Lower levels of liver function biomarkers were associated with the presence of the KCNJ2-A allele. Overall and in males, the variant's association to lower gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels remained significant after Bonferroni adjustments. These novel findings suggest the sour taste SNP, KCNJ2-rs236514, may be modifying macronutrient, vitamin and mineral intakes, and markers of metabolic health. Research on the extra-oral functions of this SNP may improve health outcomes for those with overweight, obesity and liver disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-181
Noer Endah Islami ◽  
Utami Dyah Syafitri ◽  
Cici Suhaeni

In order to lead in the market, companies should have an innovation product. Before the innovation product lauch to the market, the marketing research should be done. The goal of the reasearch is to determine whether the new product is accepted or rejected in the market. This study was to identify the characteristics of the new product based on organoleptic point of view and performance the three type of new multivitamin products based on location and social economic classes (SEC) of respondents. MANOVA and biplot analysis were used in this research. Based on MANOVA, there were differences on the organoleptic point of view of respondents among three type of new multivitamin products. The three products had differences on the assessment of aroma, sour taste, and sour after taste. In addtion with biplot analysis, it was concluded that each product had different location for sale and the target of respondents based on sosial economic classes. According to respondents, product A was too sweet taste and too sour after taste in the mouth compared to others. This product was preferred by respondents who reside in South Jakarta with social economic classes (SEC) A2 and C1. Unlike product A, product B was too hard with a bit of bitter after taste in the mouth. This product was relatively preferred by respondents in various residential with social economic classes (SEC) B. Product C was strong aroma with smooth texture and more bitter taste than others. This product was preferred by respondents who reside in North Jakarta and Depok with social economic classes (SEC) A1. Overall, product B was preferred by respondents compared to other products.

2021 ◽  
Eunjin Cheon ◽  
Richard D Mattes

Abstract Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) are effective taste stimuli. The quality they impart has not been well characterized. Sourness, and “fattiness” have been reported, but an irritation component has also been described and how these transition with gradations of aliphatic chain length has not been systematically studied. This study examined intensity and quality ratings of NEFA's ranging from C2 to C18. Oral sites and the time course of sensations were also monitored. Given all NEFA contain carboxylic acid moieties capable of donating hydrogen ions, the primary stimulus for sour taste, testing was conducted with and without sour adaptation to explore the contribution of sour taste across the range of NEFA. Short chain NEFA (C2-C6) were rated as predominantly sour and this was diminished in C2 and C4 by sour adaptation. Medium chain NEFA (C8-C12) were rated as mainly irritating with long chain NEFA (C18) described mostly as bitter. The latter may reflect the lack of “fatty” lexicon to describe the sensation. Short chain NEFA were mostly localized to the anterior tongue and were of rapid onset. The sensation from medium chain NEFA was attributed to the lateral tongue while medium and long chain NEFA sensations were predominantly localized to the back of the tongue and throat and had a longer lag time. The findings indicate there is a systematic transition of NEFA taste quality and irritation with increments in chain length and this is consistent with multiple modes of transduction.

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