feeding groups
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  

Plants and arthropods interact with each other and constitute an important part of the modern terrestrial ecosystem (Schoonhoven et al., 2005). Historically, fossil records of plant-arthropod interactions have been well documented in Paleozoic terrestrial ecosystems, which were evidenced by large coprolites containing various plant fragments (e.g., Salter et al., 2012), small larvae and coprolites remained in plant organs (e.g., Feng et al., 2017), and diverse functional feeding groups discovered on plant stems, rachises, roots, leaves and fertile organs (e.g., Liu et al., 2020).

Jessica Pippen ◽  
Bethany Stetson ◽  
Lindsay Doherty ◽  
Michael W. Varner ◽  
Brian M. Casey ◽  

Objective Antenatal and early neonatal nutritional environment may influence later metabolic health. Infants of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have higher risk for childhood obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Leptin and adiponectin are known biomarkers for MetS and may guide interventions to reduce later obesity. We sought to examine the relationship between birthweight, early infancy feeding practices, and biomarkers for MetS in offspring of women with mild GDM. Study Design Secondary analysis of a prospective observational follow-up study on the offspring of women who participated in a multicenter randomized treatment trial on mild GDM. Children were evaluated by research coordinators and biospecimens collected at the age of 5 to 10. Plasma concentrations of leptin and adiponectin were compared between large for gestational age (LGA) and average birthweight (AGA) infants, and according to whether solid foods were introduced early (<6 months of age) or at the recommended age (≥6 months of age). Multivariable analysis adjusted for fetal sex, race/ethnicity, and maternal body mass index. Results Leptin and adiponectin were measured in 336 plasma samples. In bivariate analysis, compared with AGA children, LGA children had lower leptin (5.0 ng/mL [3.6–6.0] vs. 5.8 ng/mL [4.5 = 6.6], p = 0.01) and similar adiponectin (6.3 µg/mL [5.1–7.9] vs. 6.4 µg/mL [5.3–8.6], p = 0.49) concentrations. Maternal/child characteristics were similar between the early/delayed solid feeding groups. Leptin and adiponectin concentrations were similar in the early fed and delayed feeding groups (5.8 ng/mL [4.6–6.7] vs. 5.6 ng/mL [4.2–6.6], p = 0.50 and 6.4 µg/mL [5.4–8.1] vs. 6.4 µg/mL [5.1–8.8], p = 0.85, respectively). After controlling for covariates, children who were LGA and AGA at birth had similar leptin concentrations. Conclusion Birthweight and early infancy feeding practice are not associated with alterations in leptin and adiponectin in children of women with mild GDM. Key Points

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3520
Robert Kasprzak ◽  
Anna Beata Grzeszkiewicz ◽  
Aleksandra Górecka

Little to no research has been conducted thus far regarding aquarium fish nutrition. In order to ensure the welfare of house-kept ornamentals, such studies should take into account that there are distinct biological differences occurring between different fish species/taxa, especially in regard to the structure of their digestive organs. Accordingly, a 12-week trial was executed to assess the effects of two commercial flakes and a mix of lyophilized natural food on the condition of co-reared neon tetras, Paracheirodon innesi (Characidae), and glowlight rasboras, Trigonostigma hengeli (Danionidae). The four feeding groups were as follows: (T)—Tetra flakes; (O)—Omega flakes; (TO)—Tetra + Omega; (TOL)—Tetra + Omega + Lyophilizate (twice a week). There were no differences in final body weight (FBW) between the feeding groups of either species, but in the case of neon tetras, FBW increased significantly from the initial value only for the T group. However, histological observations and measurements of digestive organs (livers, intestines) showed pronounced differences between the two species. The supplementation with natural food in group TOL caused lipoid hepatic degeneration only in the rasboras. The healthiest histological structure of livers and longest intestinal folds were found in group T of the tetras and group TO of the rasboras. Whole-mount staining for bone and cartilage did not reveal any significant deformities or differences in terms of bone mineralization. In conclusion, it was outlined that concurrent feeding of co-housed, anatomically diverse ornamental fish species is a highly ambiguous task, because the nutritional strategy applied for a community tank may yield radically divergent effects, most of which may remain unnoticed when depending only on external body observations and measurements. Most emphatically, this was highlighted in regard to the dietary supplementation with natural food—although no significant effects were observed in neon tetras, severe lipoid liver degeneration occurred in glowlight rasboras.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1361
So-Sun Kim ◽  
Gyeong-Sik Han ◽  
Hae-Kyun Yoo ◽  
Ki-Tae Kim ◽  
Soon-Gyu Byun ◽  

Starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) is a commercially important cold-water fish. Our aim was to investigate the effects of fluctuating water temperature on flounders after periods of starvation and feeding. Fish were divided into starvation and feeding groups. The water temperature was increased stepwise in experiment 1; more focused variations, based on the results of experiment 1, were studied in experiment 2. At temperatures ≤27 °C, there was no significant difference observed in survival. At 28 °C, mortality increased, survival was lower (21%) in the starvation group than in the feeding group (46%), and weight loss was the highest (15%) in the starvation group. In experiment 2, survival was ≥86%, and there was no significant difference between the starvation/feeding groups. However, when the water temperature was increased to 27 °C after being decreased to 12 °C, weight loss was the highest (11%). Glucose, cortisol, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione (GSH) levels increased with increasing water temperature, and then gradually decreased. Glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT)/glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) levels showed large variations among individuals. Triglyceride, cholesterol, and protein levels gradually decreased with long-term starvation. Survival was not affected by water temperature drop ≤27 °C after starvation/feeding. These results indicate that 27 °C is the upper limit of tolerable water temperature for the survival of starry flounders. Therefore, aquaculture farms should ensure maintaining water temperatures at ≤27 °C during high-temperature periods.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3303
Patricio Andino ◽  
Rodrigo Espinosa ◽  
Verónica Crespo-Pérez ◽  
Sophie Cauvy-Frauníe ◽  
Olivier Dangles ◽  

Tropical Andean glaciers are retreating rapidly, with possible consequences for trophic structure and ecosystem processes in high Andean meltwater streams. Here, we measured the environmental characteristics, quantified pools of particulate organic matter (POM) and periphyton (Chl. a), sampled benthic macroinvertebrates, determined functional feeding groups (FFG), and performed mesh bag decomposition experiments with Calamagrostis grass detritus at 17 stream sites along a gradient of glacial influence (GI) with 0–23% glacier cover in the catchment at 4050–4200 m a.s.l. in the Andes of Ecuador. POM was unrelated to GI while Chl. a. showed a weak (non-significant) negative relationship to GI. The macrofauna abundance decreased while taxon richness and the number of FFGs per site showed a hump-shaped relationship with increasing GI. Taxa with an opportunistic and generalist feeding mode generally dominated benthic assemblages and were related to high GI levels and low Chl. a. Only shredders were negatively related to GI, but unrelated to POM. Decomposition rates were comparable to those found in temperate alpine streams, and for both fine (0.0010–0.0065; median 0.0028 d−1) and coarse (0.0019–0.0088; median 0.0048 d−1) mesh bags, peaked at intermediate GI values, while the difference between bag types was small and almost constant along the GI gradient. This indicates an overall minor effect of macroinvertebrate shredders compared to that of microbes, in particular at high GI. It also suggests that the relatively high average temperature of these high-altitude equatorial streams (7–10 °C) does not produce higher decomposition rates than those in comparable but colder streams at temperate latitudes. The results suggest that, at the lower end of glacier cover, tropical glacier loss will not change the dominant microbial role in detritus decomposition, but that part of the physical abrasion could be partially replaced by biological shredding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
Sri Heriza ◽  

Abstract. Heriza S, Buchori D, Harahap IS, Maryana N. 2021. Response of termite communities to natural forest conversion. Biodiversitas 22: 5092-5096. Natural forest conversion can affect termite communities resulting from the various types of land use conversion. This study aims to examine the impacts of natural forest conversion on termite communities based on species richness, feeding groups, and termite species composition. Four land use types were evaluated on a gradient from the least to the most disturbing: natural forest, plantation forest, oil palm plantations and settlements. The method used to observe termites in this study is a plot measured 50 m x 10 m and was divided into sub-plots of 5 m x 5 m. The termites were collected from leaf litter and soil, dead wood, trunks, and nests. The response of the termite community to the conversion of natural forest functions into other forms of land use types, where for termite species richness, there was no significant differences between land uses, but for abundance and based on feeding groups there were difference between them.

Metabolites ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 702
Anne G. Hoen ◽  
Modupe O. Coker ◽  
Juliette C. Madan ◽  
Wimal Pathmasiri ◽  
Susan McRitchie ◽  

Cesarean delivery and formula feeding have both been implicated as important factors associated with perturbations to the infant gut microbiome. To investigate the functional metabolic response of the infant gut microbial milieu to these factors, we profiled the stool metabolomes of 121 infants from a US pregnancy cohort study at approximately 6 weeks of life and evaluated associations with delivery mode and feeding method. Multivariate analysis of six-week stool metabolomic profiles indicated discrimination by both delivery mode and diet. For diet, exclusively breast-fed infants exhibited metabolomic profiles that were distinct from both exclusively formula-fed and combination-fed infants, which were relatively more similar to each other in metabolomic profile. We also identified individual metabolites that were important for differentiating delivery mode groups and feeding groups and metabolic pathways related to delivery mode and feeding type. We conclude based on previous work and this current study that the microbial communities colonizing the gastrointestinal tracts of infants are not only taxonomically, but also functionally distinct when compared according to delivery mode and feeding groups. Further, different sets of metabolites and metabolic pathways define delivery mode and diet metabotypes.

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