oligotrophic lakes
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Ecosystems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Sven Norman ◽  
Karin A. Nilsson ◽  
Marcus Klaus ◽  
David Seekell ◽  
Jan Karlsson ◽  

AbstractEcological theory predicts that the relative distribution of primary production across habitats influence fish size structure and biomass production. In this study, we assessed individual, population, and community-level consequences for brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) of variation in estimated habitat specific (benthic and pelagic) and total whole lake (GPPwhole) gross primary production in 27 northern oligotrophic lakes. We found that higher contribution of benthic primary production to GPPwhole was associated with higher community biomass and larger maximum and mean sizes of fish. At the population level, species-specific responses differed. Increased benthic primary production (GPPBenthic) correlated to higher population biomass of brown trout regardless of being alone or in sympatry, while Arctic char responded positively to pelagic primary production (GPPPelagic) in sympatric populations. In sympatric lakes, the maximum size of both species was positively related to both GPPBenthic and the benthic contribution to GPPWhole. In allopatric lakes, brown trout mean and maximum size and Arctic char mean size were positively related to the benthic proportion of GPPWhole. Our results highlight the importance of light-controlled benthic primary production for fish biomass production in oligotrophic northern lakes. Our results further suggest that consequences of ontogenetic asymmetry and niche shifts may cause the distribution of primary production across habitats to be more important than the total ecosystem primary production for fish size, population biomass, and production. Awareness of the relationships between light availability and asymmetric resource production favoring large fish and fish production may allow for cost-efficient and more informed management actions in northern oligotrophic lakes.

Phycologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Danielly Guilherme de Oliveira ◽  
Geniane Schneider ◽  
Ana Gabriela Itokazu ◽  
Giulia Burle Costa ◽  
Leonardo Rubi Rörig ◽  

2021 ◽  
Franziska Klotz ◽  
Katharina Kitzinger ◽  
David Kamanda Ngugi ◽  
Petra Buesing ◽  
Sten Littmann ◽  

Deep oligotrophic lakes sustain large archaeal populations of the class Nitrososphaeria in their hypolimnion. They are thought to be the key ammonia oxidizers in these freshwater systems and as such responsible for the rate-limiting step in nitrification. However, the impact that planktonic Nitrososphaeria have on N cycling in lakes is severely understudied and yet to be quantified. Here, we followed this archaeal population in one of Central Europe's largest lakes, Lake Constance, over two consecutive years using metagenomics and metatranscriptomics combined with stable isotope-based activity measurements. A single, highly abundant and transcriptionally active freshwater ecotype of Nitrososphaeria dominated the nitrifying community. Phylogenomic analysis of its metagenome-assembled genome showed that this ecotype represents a new lacustrine Nitrosopumilus species. Stable isotope probing revealed that Nitrososphaeria incorporated significantly more 15N-labeled ammonium than most other microorganisms at near-natural conditions and oxidized ammonia at an average rate of 0.22 ± 0.11 fmol cell-1 d-1. This translates to 1.9 gigagram of ammonia oxidized per year, corresponding to 12% of the N-biomass produced annually by photosynthetic organisms in Lake Constance. Here, we show that ammonia-oxidizing archaea play an equally important role in the nitrogen cycle of deep oligotrophic lakes as their counterparts in marine ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Kaitlin L. Reinl ◽  
Justin D. Brookes ◽  
Cayelan C. Carey ◽  
Ted D. Harris ◽  
Bas W. Ibelings ◽  

Lewis A Molot ◽  
Scott N Higgins ◽  
Sherry L Schiff ◽  
Jason J. Venkiteswaran ◽  
Michael J Paterson ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 3391
Arne N. Linløkken

Density estimation of pelagic fish was performed by means of single beam echosounding in 17 lakes within a period of 34 years, from 1985 to 2018. Surveys were performed repeatedly (two to fourteen times) in five lakes. The density estimates ranged from 34 to 4720 fish/ha and were significantly correlated with total phosphorus concentration. The high density in relatively phosphorus rich lakes (TP > 10 µg/L) was comprised of small fish (<20 cm) and was partly due to the higher number of pelagic fish species. The number of pelagic species varied from one, Arctic charr, in the most elevated and oligotrophic lakes, and whitefish dominated in less elevated oligotrophic lakes. In lowland lakes characterized as mesotrophic or tending to mesotrophy, smelt, vendace, and two to three cyprinids comprised the pelagic fish stock. These fish species predate zooplankton effectively, and species composition and body size of planktonic cladocerans was affected by fish density. Large species of Daphnia were lacking in lakes with high fish density, and body size of present species, D. galeata, D. cristata, and Bosmina spp. were negatively correlated with pelagic fish density.

Hydrobiologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Karen S. Atkins ◽  
Scott H. Hackley ◽  
Brant C. Allen ◽  
Shohei Watanabe ◽  
John E. Reuter ◽  

AbstractNuisance periphyton blooms are occurring in oligotrophic lakes worldwide, but few lakes have documented changes in biomass through periphyton monitoring. For decades periphyton has caused concern about oligotrophic Lake Tahoe’s nearshore water quality. To determine whether eulittoral periphyton increased in Lake Tahoe, measures of biomass and dominant communities at 0.5 m below lake level have been monitored regularly at nine shoreline sites starting in 1982, with up to 54 additional sites monitored annually at peak biomass. Lake-wide, this metric of periphyton biomass has not increased since monitoring began. Biomass decreased at many sites and increased at one. Periphyton biomass peaked in March and was low in the summer lake-wide. The northern and western shores had higher biomass than the eastern and southern shores. Biomass varied with lake level. High biomass occurred at sites regardless of urban development levels. As increasing periphyton at Lake Tahoe was first cited in scientific literature in the 1960s, it is possible that periphyton increased prior to our monitoring program. A dearth of published long-term monitoring data from oligotrophic lakes with reported periphyton blooms makes it difficult to determine the extent of this issue worldwide. Long-term nearshore monitoring is crucial for tracking and understanding periphyton blooms.

Elena V. Stanislavskaya

Here are results of investigation of taxonomic composition, community structure and dominant species of epiphytic algae in 12 oligotrophic lakes located in different geomorphic regions of Leningrad region. In summer epiphytic communities there were 385 algal taxa, they belonged to 6 taxonomic divisions: Cyanophyta (Cyanoprokaryota) – 50 (13%), Bacillaryophyta – 175 (45%), Chlorophyta – 37 (10%), Charophyta – 118 (30%), Xanthophyta – 4 (1,55%), Rhodophyta – 1 (0,45%). The taxonomic structure of each lake was predominant diatoms and desmids, but the biomass was dominated by zygnems and green algae. In total, the taxonomic composition of the epiphyton in the studied lakes is similar, the differences are revealed at the species level. The structure of dominanting epiphyton complex was rather constant and composed by a small number of species. The greatest contribution to the epiphyton was made by Tabellaria flocculosa and species of the genus Bulbochaete. The structure of the epiphyton reflects the undisturbed nature of lake ecosystems, as well as their northern location.

Diversity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 454
Rocío Fernández ◽  
Javier Alcocer ◽  
Luis A. Oseguera

The species richness, composition, abundance, and biomass of pelagic rotifers were determined in 17 karst lakes of the “Lagunas de Montebello” National Park, Chiapas, Mexico. The species richness of the region (21 species) and single lakes (1–12 species) was smaller than that of other Mexican, tropical, and temperate lakes. It is worth noting the high dissimilarity in species composition—about half (52%) of the species were observed in only 1–3 lakes. A total of eight rotifer families, all from the Monogononta subclass, were recorded. Keratella americana was the species with the highest occurrence (13 lakes), followed by Ptygura sp. (8 lakes). The abundance (0 to 536 ind L−1) and biomass (0 to 21 µg L−1) of rotifers were low. The highest values of species richness, abundance, and biomass were found in eutrophic lakes, and the lowest in oligotrophic lakes. The low values of rotifer biodiversity, abundance, and biomass in the Montebello lakes are probably the product of the interaction of different factors—such as environmental homogeneity (all water bodies are karst lakes), the low availability of “good-quality” food, and predation by cyclopoid copepods in the eutrophic lakes, and the low availability of food, and competitive interference by calanoid copepods and cladocerans in the oligotrophic lakes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 534-543
Anders Klemetsen ◽  
Berit M Aase ◽  
Per-Arne Amundsen

Abstract Littoral chydorids were sampled with a bottom sledge in Takvatn, a 15 km2 north Norwegian oligotrophic lake with poor vegetation. Three out of eight recorded species of chydorids were common, with abundance minima in late summer and maxima in autumn. Eurycercus lamellatus (O.F. Müller, 1776) and Acroperus harpae (Baird, 1835) were monocyclic, whereas Chydorus sphaericus (O.F. Müller, 1776) was seemingly acyclic. Females of E. lamellatus appeared in early June and grew to maximum sizes of 2–2.5 mm in early August. Parthenogenesis started in late July and two summer generations could be distinguished by size distributions. Gamogenesis took place in September. Acroperus harpae females appeared in early June and grew to maximum sizes of around 0.7 mm in early August. Parthenogenesis started in early July and gamogenesis took place in September and October. Parthenogenetic females of C. sphaericus appeared already at ice-break and had constant sizes of around 0.4 mm through the entire season. Males or ephippial females were not observed. The acyclic life history may be an adaptation to the challenging environment of this subarctic lake. Summer generations could not be distinguished in the two small-sized species, but both populations reached high abundances in autumn. The abundance of E. lamellatus increased from August, but then decreased, possibly as a result of fish predation. We argue that the present results are typical for large oligotrophic lakes in subarctic Europe.

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