nonconvex problems
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De-Ren Han

AbstractRecently, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) attracts much attentions from various fields and there are many variant versions tailored for different models. Moreover, its theoretical studies such as rate of convergence and extensions to nonconvex problems also achieve much progress. In this paper, we give a survey on some recent developments of ADMM and its variants.

Gabriele Eichfelder ◽  
Patrick Groetzner

AbstractIn a single-objective setting, nonconvex quadratic problems can equivalently be reformulated as convex problems over the cone of completely positive matrices. In small dimensions this cone equals the cone of matrices which are entrywise nonnegative and positive semidefinite, so the convex reformulation can be solved via SDP solvers. Considering multiobjective nonconvex quadratic problems, naturally the question arises, whether the advantage of convex reformulations extends to the multicriteria framework. In this note, we show that this approach only finds the supported nondominated points, which can already be found by using the weighted sum scalarization of the multiobjective quadratic problem, i.e. it is not suitable for multiobjective nonconvex problems.

Andreas Lundell ◽  
Jan Kronqvist

AbstractDifferent versions of polyhedral outer approximation are used by many algorithms for mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP). While it has been demonstrated that such methods work well for convex MINLP, extending them to solve nonconvex problems has traditionally been challenging. The Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit (SHOT) is a solver based on polyhedral approximations of the nonlinear feasible set of MINLP problems. SHOT is an open source COIN-OR project, and is currently one of the most efficient global solvers for convex MINLP. In this paper, we discuss some extensions to SHOT that significantly extend its applicability to nonconvex problems. The functionality include utilizing convexity detection for selecting the nonlinearities to linearize, lifting reformulations for special classes of functions, feasibility relaxations for infeasible subproblems and adding objective cuts to force the search for better feasible solutions. This functionality is not unique to SHOT, but can be implemented in other similar methods as well. In addition to discussing the new nonconvex functionality of SHOT, an extensive benchmark of deterministic solvers for nonconvex MINLP is performed that provides a snapshot of the current state of nonconvex MINLP.

2021 ◽  
pp. 539-569
Andreas Antoniou ◽  
Wu-Sheng Lu

2020 ◽  
pp. 125904
Hoai An Le Thi ◽  
Hoai Minh Le ◽  
Duy Nhat Phan ◽  
Bach Tran

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