dynamic work
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jianhua Wang

In today’s interconnected world, environmental uncertainty is higher than ever. Under the new economic normal, innovation-driven has become the key to the transformation and upgrading of various enterprises. Employees’ behavior affects the company’s innovative performance, but it is also deeply affected by the dynamic work environment. The sudden epidemic has greatly increased the environmental dynamics and uncertainties faced by individuals, and also caused many changes in individual behavior. However, the research on the mediating mechanism and boundary conditions of how the dynamic work environment affects employee behavior and results is relatively few. Based on uncertainty reduction theory and innovative performance theory, and following the research paradigm of “environment-behavior-performance,” a moderated mediation model with job crafting as the mediating variable and voice behavior as the moderating variable is constructed. Through the statistical analysis of 210 valid questionnaires for employees in different types of enterprises, the mechanism of how the dynamic work environment affects innovative performance by promoting employees to carry out job crafting is discussed. According to the test results, the dynamic work environment has a significant positive impact on individual innovative performance, and job crafting plays a mediating role in the relationship between the two. In addition, voice behavior positively moderate the relationship between dynamic work environment and job crafting, and the indirect relationship between dynamic work environment and innovative performance through job crafting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
Rhys Johnstone ◽  
Anthony Wilson-Prangley

Purpose: Individual adaptability has been proposed as a source of adaptive performance. This is an increasingly important performance dimension in dynamic contexts. Mindfulness has been demonstrated to improve dimensions of performance and well-being in the workplace, but the underlying mechanisms of this relationship are not well understood. Addressing this gap, the study hypothesised a link between mindfulness and individual adaptability in dynamic work contexts.Design/methodology/approach: One hundred and ninety-eight individuals in dynamic work contexts completed a self-rating survey that measured mindfulness and a multifactor measure of individual adaptability. These data were then analysed to test the hypotheses developed.Findings/results: A significant positive relationship was found between mindfulness and five dimensions of adaptability (work-stress adaptability, uncertainty adaptability, crisis adaptability, creative problem-solving adaptability and learning adaptability). Interpersonal and cultural adaptability were not found to correlate with mindfulness.Practical implications: This study demonstrates that mindfulness is not simply a stress management skill but is correlated with key aspects of adaptability such as learning and problem-solving. The findings suggest it may be possible to enhance individual adaptability through Mindfulness-Based Interventions and thus support adaptive performance.Originality/value: This study is original in examining the relationship between mindfulness and individual adaptability in the workplace. This study highlights how different methods of operationalising mindfulness can lead to different conclusions. It points to the value of broader measures of mindfulness that capture attitudinal dimensions. In addition, as few studies on mindfulness in African contexts have been performed, this study broadens the research contexts in which mindfulness is understood.

2021 ◽  
pp. 18-20
Harpreet Singh Gulat ◽  
Upendra Kumar Gupta ◽  
Ambica Wadhwa

BACKGROUND : Clinicians in the today's world are always under sustained levels of physical exertion. As they form backbone of healthcare setup, the health of clinicians themselves is a very signicant factor towards providing good health to all. AIMS & OBJECTIVES - The objective of the study was to determine the relation of body mass index (BMI) on both static standing as well as dynamic sitting body posture in clinicians. This will establish a relation between obesity and postural stress of clinicians METHODS: The descriptive study was conducted in OPD clinics of our medical college and various private hospitals of Jalandhar. BMI was calculated as ratio of weight (kg) to the square of height (m). Standing posture was assessed with the help of plumb bob passing the line in lateral and posterior aspect of the body nding the correct (YES) or faulty (NO) posture taken for the calculation. Dynamic (work sitting) posture was checked with observation during the OPD work by using the RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) worksheet. All the values obtained were statistically analysed with Chi square test to determine association. RESULTS: In high BMI group, three-fourths of the clinicians were found to have faulty standing static posture and 79% had faulty dynamic work posture whereas normal BMI group had minimum faulty posture. Female clinicians showed more level of faulty posture than male clinicians. The results also show that with increase in BMI, faulty posture also takes a higher turn. CONCLUSION: BMI is positively related to postural stress in clinicians, especially in the higher age group. This information serves as an awareness and warning signal for the clinicians to safeguard their own health and correct their faulty posture

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 34 - 2020 - Special... ◽  
Rodrigue Konan Tchinda ◽  
Clémentin Tayou Djamegni

International audience Search space splitting and portfolio are the two main approaches used in parallel SAT solving. Each of them has its strengths but also, its weaknesses. Decomposition in search space splitting can help improve speedup on satisfiable instances while competition in portfolio increases robustness. Many parallel hybrid approaches have been proposed in the literature but most of them still cope with load balancing issues that are the cause of a non-negligible overhead. In this paper, we describe a new parallel hybridization scheme based on both search space splitting and portfolio that does not require the use of load balancing mechanisms (such as dynamic work stealing). Les deux principales approches utilisées dans la résolution parallèle du problème de satisfiabilité propositionnelle sont DPR (Diviser Pour Régner) et portfolio. Chacune d’elles comporte des forces et des faiblesses. La décomposition dans DPR permet d’améliorer le speedup sur les instancessatisfiables tandis que la compétition dans les portfolios accroit la robustesse. Plusieurs approches hybrides pour la résolution parallèle de SAT ont été présentées dans la littérature mais la plupart d’entre elles souffrent encore des problèmes dus aux mécanismes de rééquilibrage dynamique decharges qui sont à l’origine d’un surcoût non négligeable. Nous décrivons dans ce papier un nouveau schéma d’hybridation parallèle basé sur les deux approches DPR et portfolio ne nécessitant pas la mise en œuvre des mécanismes de rééquilibrage de charges (tels que le vol de tâche).

A. S. Asochakov ◽  
A. A. Druzhinin ◽  
I. M. Zhuravlyov ◽  
A. A. Lopatin ◽  

The operation of multichannel shunt solar array converter with discrete zone voltage regulation was investigated. The «relay» and «ring» switch algorithms for shunt voltage converter of solar array energy are considered. The prototype of multichannel shunt voltage converter has been developed, and the analytical waveforms by dynamic work mode of shunt voltage converter have been obtained

2020 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Ângela J. Ben ◽  
Judith G.M. Jelsma ◽  
Lidewij R. Renaud ◽  
Maaike A. Huysmans ◽  
Femke van Nassau ◽  

A. Yu. Forverts ◽  
K. T. Oniani ◽  
A. V. Zaitseva

Investigated the working conditions of nursesn children’s resuscitationon the basis of professiographic the results of timekeeping observations. An assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system of nurses in a dynamic work shift. Analysis of indicators of the cardiovascular system revealed high values of dBP and sBP exceeding the physiological norms of the working voltage of the body by the end of the work shift.

2020 ◽  
pp. 146-164
Jessie Koen ◽  
Roy B. L. Sijbom

Today’s world of work is rapidly changing. The on-demand economy is on the rise, the number of temporary contracts is increasing, major industries are being disrupted by the latest wave of digital innovation, and increasingly more jobs are being replaced by machines. As a result of these labor market developments, people’s careers have become more dynamic and more uncertain. With regard to fostering career progress in this dynamic career landscape, however, existing perspectives still draw heavily on linear frameworks that involve the development of a clear set of career goals and plans. Such approaches to career progress are at odds with the reality of today’s world of work. That is, contemporary careers rarely unfold as intended or imagined: No matter how much people analyze their aspirations and opportunities while planning their careers, unexpected developments can bring unforeseen changes. Drawing on the career pathways framework, this chapter proposes a proactive approach to career pathways and discusses the key factors that can contribute to career progress in today’s dynamic work context. This framework also encapsulates the dialogical dynamics between one’s “internal” and “external” career management. Such a framework can be helpful for workers to successfully steer their careers in today’s world of work.

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