breeding stock
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2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012128
A Sasomo ◽  
K Setyowati ◽  
R H Haryanti

Abstract The era of global trade is a political system based on international rules and agreements that encourage and stabilize economic exchanges between countries. One of the impacts is the demand for a shift in government role to the private sector. The poultry sector plays an important role in providing 65% of the need for animal protein consumption in Indonesia. A product certification body of seed and breeding stock poultry is a tool used in global trade to increase product competitiveness in the global market. By applying standards in trade, it is expected to improve the performance of producers so that they can produce quality products, fair competition in trade, and provide protection to the public and consumers. Unfortunately, the existing seed and livestock certification institutions are still fully initiated by the government. Meanwhile, private participation in establishing a seed and poultry seed product certification body through public-private partnerships (PPPs) is still far from expectations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 167-182
Camilla Toulmin

The village of Kala has large cattle holdings, totalling more than 600 animals managed in 7 herds. But cattle are held very unequally, with 2/3 of households having 10 cattle or less. A strong positive relationship exists between herd and household size, with larger households also holding greater cattle wealth per person. The chapter presents data on sales and purchases of cattle, exploring the costs of investment in breeding cattle, and returns in the form of calf production, milk, dung, and final sales value. The risks to cattle, and factors affecting yields from breeding stock, are investigated, as are the reason for variation in returns from one farmer to another. Returns are modelled over a 5-year period for four household types A, B, C, D, to demonstrate the range of outcomes. There are multiple risks to capital values embodied in breeding cattle, and the flow of returns, such as from theft, disease, and tensions between herd-owner and hired herder.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 260-260
Alexandra Lapshina ◽  
Vyacheslav Gabidulin ◽  
Svetlana Alimova ◽  
Mikhail Kizaev ◽  
Aleksey Ruchay

Abstract Aberdeen Angus cattle of Australian breeding is a new ecological and genetic genotype and it is currently in the process of formation and differentiation, the genealogy of the breeding stock is represented by the leading related groups of bulls-leaders of domestic and imported breeding. The aim of this work was to study the breeding value of Bismarck5682bovine cows of Australian selection (n = 20) and Design1015 (n = 20) of domestic reproduction of the Aberdeen-Angus breeding and their influence on the selection and genetic parameters of the productivity of heifers-daughters. It was revealed that the representatives of the Design line had an advantage in live weight (615.4 kg,lim-705-495kg) by 9.8% (P < 0.001), milk productivity (219.7 kg,lim-241-184kg) by 2.4% (P > 0.05) and height insacrum (134.5 cm,lim-140cm-128cm) by 4.1% (P < 0.001) compared to peers of Bismarck line.The ability of animals to realize their breeding potential is determined by many factors. So, it was revealed that the heifers of Design lineexceeded their peers from Bismarck group in live weight in 15 months (359.8 kg, Cv-5.24%) by 5.2%, (P >0.05), average daily gain (652.8 g, Cv-7.86%) - 10.6% (P< 0.001), body conformation score (19.7 points, Cv-3.72)- 14.5% (P< 0.01). It should be noted that heifers – daughters of the Bismarck genealogical line gave in sacrum height but had a better estimate of meat forms by 2.9% with reliable values. These results allow us to conclude that the offspring of the Bismarck 5682 genealogical line of Australian breeding are more affected by the negative factors of the new breeding zone. Thus, a step-by-step selection evaluation of the breeding stock will allow more reliable identification of breeding bulls with a better ability to improve valuable distinguishing features in the generations of cows during their linear breeding. The research was carried out within the framework of RAS 0526-2021-0001.

В.Г. Осипов ◽  
Р.В. Иванов

Исследованы этапы становления лугопастбищного хозяйства Якутии применительно к табунному коневодству со средних веков до нашего времени. В таёжно-мелкодолинной зоне табунного коневодства Якутии необходимая площадь пастбищ для одной взрослой лошади в бесснежный период (165 дней) составляет 5,2 га при урожайности угодий в среднем по 2 т/га в натуральной массе, в зимний период (200 дней) — 11 га при урожайности угодий 0,53 т/га, или в год — 16–17 га. Создание сеяных травостоев из травосмесей регнерии ленской, костреца безостого, ломколосника ситникового, превосходящих по продуктивности естественные природные травостои в 2–2,5 раза, позволяет повысить конеёмкость кормовых угодий в 2 раза. В таёжно-аласной зоне табунного коневодства Центральной Якутии для создания высокопродуктивных сеяных сенокосно-тебенёвочных угодий на аласных лугах рекомендуются кострец безостый сорта Аммачаан и люцерна сорта Якутская жёлтая, а также кострец в чистом виде. Конеёмкость аласных угодий повышается в 1,5–2 раза. Для использования в качестве замороженных тебенёвочных кормов для молодняка в возрасте до 3 лет и маточного поголовья лошадей якутской породы из однолетних культур высокоэффективны овёс, а также овёс с ячменём в два летних срока посева: 25–30 июня — первый срок, 10–15 июля — второй срок. Пробы зелёной массы овса летнего срока посева в замороженном виде (октябрь-март) по кормовым достоинствам мало отличаются от проб зелёной массы овса, взятых на тех же посевах в тёплое время года. Рекомендуемые сроки тебенёвки молодняка — с середины ноября по апрель; сроки тебенёвки маточного поголовья — с февраля по апрель. При этом для рационального тебенёвочного использования угодий необходимо выделять отдельные участки от 5 до 20–25 га каждый. This review provides insights on pasture cultivation in Yakutia from the Middle Ages to these days. In the taiga-bottomland zone of horse herd farming an adult horse requires 5.2 ha of grazing area under grass productivity of 2 t ha-1, while in winter (200 days) — 11 ha under the productivity of 0.53 t ha-1 (16–17 annually). Planting swards of Regneria spp., smooth brome and Russian wildrye increases forage land productivity by 2 times since these crops exceed natural stands in productivity by 2–2.5 times. To obtain high-productive forage lands in the taiga-alas zone of the Central Yakutia smooth brome “Ammachaan” and alfalfa “Yakutskaya zheltaya” are recommended. Alas productivity increases by 1.5–2 times. Oats or oat mixtures with barley (planted on the 25–30th of June or 10–15th of July) are effective in feeding of young horses (up to 3 years old) or breeding stock as frozen feed. Frozen green mass of oats seeded in summer has similar forage characteristics as the one collected in warm period. The best period for young horse grazing is from the middle of November to April; breeding stock — from February to April. It is necessary to separate areas of 5–25 ha for efficient grazing.

O. V. Gorelik ◽  
N. A. Fedoseeva ◽  
A. S. Gorelik ◽  
E. V. Koksharov

In the last few decades the improvement of domestic dairy cattle was due to the widespread use of the gene pool of the best world breed such as Holstein. As a result of crossbreeding the breeding stock of the domestic Black-and-White breed with the sires of Holstein breed in different regions of the country a population of crossbreds has been created. The purpose of the work was to study the age dynamics of the live weight of replacement heifers depending on the paternal origin and the correlation between the indicators for the growth periods. The daughters of different sires have a difference in their live weight at the first insemination. The live weight of more than 400 kg was obtained from replacement heifers obtained from the sires Saber, Decaro and Baquero. The daughters of the sires Gatedenser, Bentley and Alta Ciara in live weight were inferior to their herdmates by 2,7–9,3 kg or by 0,7–2,8 % (P ≥ 0,05). The bulk of the replacement heifers are inseminated at the age of 13 months and only the daughters of the sire Alta Ciara are inseminated at the age of 14,1 months with a live weight of 396,7 kg. Despite the almost identical live weight of heifers at birth they differed from each other in the process of rearing. It has been established that the live weight at birth is not an indicator for assessing the further growth of replacement young animals. At 6 months of age the correlation of live weight at the age of 6 months and at the first insemination was positive and ranges from 0,01 (daughters of the sire Baquero) to 0,55 (daughters of the sire Decaro). Selection of heifers at the age of 6 months by their live weight allows us to choose the best and provide the opportunity to inseminate them at the age of 12–13 months with the organization of intensive rearing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 204 (01) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Ol'ga Gorelik ◽  
Aleksey Lavrov ◽  
Yuliya Lavrova ◽  
A. Belookov

Abstract. Purpose. Study of the reasons for culling cows from the herd depending on belonging to Holstein lines. Methods. Materials of breeding and zootechnical accounting of the Selex database and breeding cards of cows were used for research. Results. The farm breeds animals that belong to the following genealogical lines: Vis Back Idial 1013485, Reflection Sovering 198998, Montwick Chieftain 95679, Pabst Governor 882933 and Annas Adema 30587. The cull was 92 heads or 14.3 %, including lines: 21, 33, 25, 6, 7 heads or 10,0; 18.9; 12.3; 15.8; 41.2 % accordingly. Analysis of the reasons for culling by groups of cows of different lines showed that among the culled cows of the Vis Back Idial line 1013485 there were more than in other groups with pathology of the musculoskeletal system – 37.5 %; the Reflection Sovering line 198998 – accidents and injuries – 34.6 %; in the group of cows of the Montwick Chieftain line 95679, a significant number of cases of breast pathology – 27.2 % and in general, the main reasons for culling on the farm are injuries and surgical diseases – 33.7 %; pathology of the breast – 21.7 % and pathology of the reproductive system and barrenness – on 16.3 %. Despite the fact that the farm has created quite good conditions for ensuring the normal life of cows, including a balanced feeding diet, which is indicated by a low percentage of culls associated with metabolic pathology, cases of poisoning were detected – 8.7 %. Existing violations of the content are confirmed by a significant number of injuries, accidents, and limb diseases. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the influence of origin (belonging to the line) on the level of culling of breeding stock for one reason or another has been proved, which allows through breeding work to have a positive impact on increasing the duration of productive use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 677 (4) ◽  
pp. 042037
O E Lihodeevskaya ◽  
G A Lihodeevskiy ◽  
V V Stepanova

O. M. Tsereniuk ◽  
O. V. Akimov ◽  
M. Babicz ◽  
K. Kropiwiec-Domańska

The analysis of the facilities for breeding for Landrace and Wales pigs in Ukraine was carried out; it was established that as of 01.01.2021 there were 16 breeding facilities for Landrace pigs in Ukraine. It identifies that in comparison to last year the number of facilities has decreased by one. Heterogeneity in geographical location was identified; so out of 25 regions (together with the ARC), 13 have breeding facilities for breeding Landrace pigs and in one region there is a breeding facility for breeding Walsh pigs. Accordingly, in 12 (together with the ARC) regions, there are no breeding facilities for both breeds. There is a disproportion in the number of boars and sows in some breeding facilities. So the average number of breeding stock at 1 breeding plant for Landrace pig breed is 350 heads. However, at the same time, in the Ternopil region within one breeding plant there are 1080 sows, and in the Mykolaiv region 70 heads. Assessment of the level of reproductive qualities of sows indicates the need for further improvement of these indicators in most farms. Thus, the analysis of the multiple fertility rate between the facilities for the Landrace breed proved that the difference between the farms with the smallest and largest fertility indicator is 9.1 heads or 206 %. It should be noted that in most farms this indicator is 11–12.3 heads. In terms of litter weight at 2 months, there is also a significant difference between the farms with the smallest and largest indicators and it is 141 kg or 187 %. Accordingly, the SIVYAS index in farms ranged from 76.5 to 147.1. Although in Ukraine there is only one farm for breeding pigs of the Welsh breed, the animals have rather high indicators of reproductive qualities. So the multiple fertility was 12.8 heads, the weight of the litter at 2 months was 210 kg, respectively, the SIVYAS index was 109.5.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-15

Intensive use of sows in industrial pig breeding complexes requires the preparation of a large number of repair young animals to replace retired sows. The main goal while growing repair pigs in conditions of intensive production is to get strong and healthy animals that have shown good productivity and high operational qualities during the period of economic use. The repair livestock should exceed the breeding stock in its productivity for the gradual replacement of which it is intended.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-45

The optimal frequency of administration and terms use of preparation Progestamag® for increased level of reproduction in sows are defined. The efficiency this hormonal progesterone-containing preparation in the critical period pregnancy of animals is revealed. Experimental studies have shown that injection of exogenous progesterone during early gestation contributes increase level of fertilization and multiple fetation of breeding stock pigs.

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