almond tree
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2022 ◽  
pp. 249-265
Luís Quinta-Nova ◽  
Dora Ferreira

The objective of this study is to determine the suitability for the cultivation of emerging fruit crops in the Beira Baixa region. The suitability was examined for the present time and in the face of two future emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5). For this purpose, the biophysical criteria determining the cultivation of pistachio tree and almond tree were processed using a G. The analysis was performed by the AHP. After dividing the problem into hierarchical levels of decision making, a pairwise comparison of criteria was performed to evaluate the weights of these criteria, based on a scale of importance. In the present conditions, about 16.4% of the study area is classified as highly suitable for almond tree and 15.9% to pistachio tree. For the future scenarios, the area with high suitability will increase both for almond tree and pistachio tree. The AHP was adequate in the evaluation of the emerging fruit tree species suitability, since it allowed the integration of the several criteria studied, being a useful tool, which allows the decision making and the resolution of problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012088
D Yuldosheva ◽  
O Khujaev ◽  
R Gulmurodov ◽  
Sh Gulmurodova

Abstract Among the fruit trees, almond has a special place and is an ancient and traditional type of fruit crop for many countries of the world. Leading research centers around the world have conducted research to study the prevalence, development, damage, and control measures of the almond tree fungi Stigmina carpophila and Monilinia cinerea, which cause widespread perforated spot and moniliosis burns. As a result, it was possible to preserve the almond crop lost under the influence of these diseases. Even today, research aimed at developing effective measures to control the fungal diseases of the almond tree remains relevant.

2021 ◽  
pp. 131216
M. Kamaraj ◽  
T.G. Nithya ◽  
S. Shyamalagowri ◽  
J. Aravind ◽  
R. Mythili

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (III) ◽  
pp. 19-27
Iqra Khadam ◽  
Amna Aziz ◽  
Faiza Saeed

This article finds out the relationship between nature and human beings. Nature is being damaged by advanced technology as well as by human beings. Glotfelty (1996) presents his idea that it is the relation of living organisms to their environment that bring changes in the surroundings. We have seen the loss of humanity in this age of science and advancement. The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti (2012) is about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. For this purpose, the research is done from Eco Criticism lenses. Both physical and natural world shares close relations. The urgency of examining literature from an ecological point of view has increased due to the present environmental crisis which has swept the globe. This research leads to the conclusion that there must be peace and harmony in the world by being friendly not only with other human beings but with the environment as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
Emily Reisman

Almonds were once “the gold of Mallorca,” a source of modest wealth and a pillar of diversified farming systems for smallholders on the largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands. Now researchers believe nearly every rainfed almond tree on the island will be dead within as few as five years. The introduced bacteria Xylella fastidiosa, enabled by its spittle-bug vector, and emboldened by climate change, has flooded the xylem of these rainfed trees, impeding the flow of fluid and nutrients to the point where the tree can no longer survive. This article enrolls feminist theorizations of care and agential realism to broaden the political scope and stakes of a plant epidemic. I argue that by attending to the care relations underlying pathogenicity we can shift from narratives of landscape purification toward a more-than-human politics of care. Abstracto Una vez las almendras eran “el oro de Mallorca,” una fuente de riqueza modesta y un pilar de un sistema de agricultura diversificada para los payeses (campesinos) de la isla más grande del archipiélago balear de España. Actualmente los investigadores creen que casi todos los almendros de la isla pueden morir dentro de cinco años. Una bacteria introducida,Xylella fastidiosa, apoyada por su insecto vector, el salivazo, y animada por el cambio climático, ha inundado la xilema de los almendros de secano, impidiendo la circulación de fluidos y nutrientes hasta el punto de que el árbol no puede sobrevivir. Este artículo emplea teorizaciones feministas del cuidado y del realismo agencial para ampliar el alcance político de una epidemia de plantas. Argumento que teniendo en cuenta las relaciones de cuidado subyacentes de la patogenicidad, podemos pasar de los temas de purificación del paisaje a una política más-que-humano del cuidado.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 97-106
R. Balaguer-Romano ◽  
A. Barea-Marquez ◽  
F.J. Ocaña-Calahorro ◽  
J.M. Gomez ◽  
E.W. Schupp ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Marjenah Marjenah

Terminalia catappa (Tropical almond) is a tree that usually grows on the seashore. this tree has a shady canopy. This tree is usually planted as an ornamental plant or a shade plant on the side of the road. The presence of the Terminalia catappa tree can provide coolness if the tree is planted in the garden or in the yard or along the roadside. This research was carried out in areas around East Kalimantan, at the sampling location (Balikpapan City, Samarinda City, Tenggarong Ciyt), 25 trees Tropical almond were set in each city which were used as the test samples trees. Data taken includes a) data on physical environmental characteristics including light intensity, ambient temperature and humidity under the canopy performed and out of canopy on each tree sample, and b) data on morphological characteristics (location, height, diameter at breast height, and shape / width of crown ). The relationship between the volume, light penetration and decreased ambient of the tropical almond tree canopy on light penetration under and in the out area of the canopy of the tropical almond tree indicated that there was an effect of the volume of the tropical almond tree canopy on light penetration and there was an effect of light penetration of the tropical almond canopy on a decrease in ambient temperature. The relationship between light penetration and increase of relative humidity indicated that there was an effect of light penetration of the tropical almond canopy on a increase in relative humidity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. e0904
Alba Mondragón-Valero ◽  
Ricardo Malheiro ◽  
Domingo M. Salazar ◽  
Juan Martínez-Tomé ◽  
José A. Pereira ◽  

Aim of study: Recently, the development of almond crops on a global scale has increased their area under cultivation. The demand for both plants and products that stimulate the growth of almond trees has therefore become increasingly necessary. Accordingly, in this project we have studied the response in the vegetative and root systems of almond trees with different rootstocks to varying inputs of several root stimulants.Area of study: This is a study in the domain of horticultural sciences. Such a study is of interest to the tree nursery industry, due to the importance of tree growth and faster adaptation to their growing conditions.Material and methods: Several different organic biostimulants were studied in isolation, i.e. not combined with synthetic chemical fertilizers, in order to ascertain if chemical fertilizers could be at least partially replaced.Main results: Good results were obtained by applying a biostimulant composed of organic matter rich in saccharides and carboxylates. Using an approach that enabled a distinguishing between them, plant radicular systems were shown to respond differently according to the biostimulant applied and the rootstock tested. The best results were obtained with a biostimulant composed of organic matter from corn hydrolysis and containing free amino acids and extracts from algae, as well as 0.07% zeaxanthins.Research highlights: Although biostimulants are promoters of young almond tree growth, they should be applied to only partially replace chemical fertilizers. The present paper shows the importance of using an organic-origin biostimulant, as a complement to chemical nutrition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 11791-11800 ◽  
Cinthya H. S. Souza Rosa ◽  
Michelle Gonçalves Mothé ◽  
Maria F. Vieira Marques ◽  
Cheila Gonçalves Mothé ◽  
Sergio Neves Monteiro

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