camera lens
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2022 ◽  
Renhao Ge ◽  
Dahai Li ◽  
Xinwei Zhang ◽  
Ruiyang Wang ◽  
Wanxing Zheng ◽  

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 193
Renata Majgier ◽  
Kordian Chamerski ◽  
Arkadiusz Mandowski

In this work, the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) properties of camera lens protectors and their potential use in emergency dosimetry were investigated. Camera lens protectors can be attached to mobile phones, which are commonly carried by individuals and may be useful in estimating an emergency dose. The presented results confirm the great potential of this type of glass material for dose determination. The glass protectors exhibit advantageous properties, such as linear dose dependence in the range of at least 0.6–10 Gy, minimum detectable dose at the level of tens of mGy, and good measurement repeatability for samples of the same type. Significant fading during the first day after exposure is an undesirable feature of tested glass. Nevertheless, the application of the correction for fading shows promising results in the dose recovery process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Krzysztof Dziarski ◽  
Arkadiusz Hulewicz

The result of the works presented is the uncertainty budget of a thermographic temperature measurement taken through an IR window. The type B uncertainty determination method has been employed. Publication of European Accreditation EA-4/02 has been patterned. Conditions prevailing in course of the thermographic temperature measurement of low-voltage electric units contained in the switchgear were recreated as part of the works. The measurement system has been presented. Components of the infrared radiation reaching the camera lens in case when an IR window was used and when an IR window was not used have been discussed. Uncertainties estimated for the measurement done with an IR window and without an IR window have been compared.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Krzysztof Dziarski ◽  
Arkadiusz Hulewicz

The article presents summaries of works which have resulted in the presentation of a formula making it possible to determine an approximate transmittance of an IR window used in thermographic measurements of electric device temperatures. The equation was formulated after analysing components of the IR radiation reaching the camera lens in case when an IR window was not used and when an IR window was used. Conditions prevailing in course of the thermographic temperature measurement of electric devices contained in the switchgear were recreated in the performance of the works. The measurement system which was used in the experiment has been presented. Components of the IR radiation reaching the camera lens in case when the IR window was used and when the IR window was not used have been discussed. The obtained transmittance results of windows VPFR-75 FRK100-CL have been compared against data from literary sources.

Optik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 167895
Jong-Chol Kang ◽  
Chol-Su Kim ◽  
Il-Jun Pak ◽  
Ju-Ryong Son ◽  
Chol-Sun Kim

Public ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (63) ◽  
pp. 118-121
Na’ama Freeman

A new exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montreal, QC), Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier, investigates the practice of Japanese architectural photographer Takashi Homma (1962) and his exploration of the intrinsic similarities between windows and cameras in the way they mediate an experience, be it in a modernist dwelling or in a photograph recalling a memory. Homma’s photographs focus attention on the ‘eye’, the ‘camera’, and the ‘window’ in the way they shape perspective in intimate form. In a visual interpretation that uses the camera lens as an eye to witness new forms, Homma advances an argument of timelessness, providing intimate architectural perspectives on eternal vistas.

Discoveries ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. e133
Chia-Ming Lee ◽  
Xuejiao Tian ◽  
Chieh Tsao ◽  
Peilin Chen ◽  

Macro photography allows direct visualization of the enlarged whole mouse brain by a combination of lightsheet illumination and expansion microscopy with single-cell resolution. Taking advantage of the long working distance of a camera lens, we imaged a 3.7 cm thick, transparent, fluorescently-labeled expanded brain. In order to improve 3D sectioning capability, we used lightsheet excitation confined as the depth of field of the camera lens. Using 4x sample expansion and 5x optical magnification, macro photography enables imaging of expanded whole mouse brain with an effective resolution of 300 nm, which provides the subcellular structural information at the organ level.

2021 ◽  
Hongtu Zhang ◽  
Chunjian Hua ◽  
Jinke Ma

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-123
В.Л. Мартынов ◽  
Ю.Л. Сиек ◽  
А.Н. Борисов

В статье обосновывается и предлагается для практического применения методика расчёта подводных телевизионных коммуникаций, апробированная при проведении испытаний отечественных подводных аппаратов на морских акваториях Белого и Баренцева морей. Последовательно проводится расчет освещенности толщи воды между осветителем и объектом наблюдения; определяется суммарная освещенность на входе объектива телевизионной камеры, создаваемая отраженным от объекта светом и помехой обратного рассеяния; рассчитывается контраст белых и черных объектов. В заключении показан расчет изменения пороговой чувствительности камеры в зависимости от дальности наблюдения. Представленная методика может использоваться при проектировании систем технического зрения обитаемых и необитаемых подводных аппаратов для получения данных о предполагаемых дальностях наблюдения объектов с различными коэффициентами отражения с заданными параметрами прожекторного осветителя. The article proposes a technique for calculating underwater television communications, which was confirmed during tests of domestic underwater vehicles in the waters of the White and Barents Seas. First, the illumination of the water between the illuminator and the object of observation is calculated; then the total illumination at the entrance of the TV camera lens, created by the light reflected from the object and the backscattering interference, is determined; and finally, the contrast of white and black objects is calculated. In conclusion, the calculation of the change in the threshold sensitivity of the camera depending on the observation range is shown. The presented technique can be used in the design of computer vision systems of crewed and unmanned underwater vehicles to obtain data on the estimated observation ranges of objects with different reflection coefficients and with the specified parameters of the searchlight illuminator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1871 (1) ◽  
pp. 012089
Ziqiang Zeng ◽  
Yuhan Wang

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