riveted joints
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2022 ◽  
Vol 281 ◽  
pp. 115022
Shipeng Li ◽  
Shiguang Zhang ◽  
Hao Li ◽  
Xuda Qin ◽  
Xiaozhong Wu ◽  

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2037
Young-In Lee ◽  
Ho-Kyung Kim

During the self-piercing riveting (SPR) process, residual stress develops due to the high plastic deformation of the sheet materials. In this study, the effect of the residual stress on the fatigue lifetime of SPR joints with dissimilar magnesium AZ31 alloy and aluminum Al5052 alloy sheets was evaluated. The residual stress distribution was derived through a simulation of the SPR process by the FEA (finite element analysis). The measured values by the X-ray diffraction technique confirmed that the validity of the simulation has a maximum error of 17.2% with the experimental results. The fatigue strength of the SPR joint was evaluated at various loading angles using tensile-shear and cross-shaped specimens. It was found that the compressive residual stresses of the joint reduce the stress amplitude by 13% at 106 cycles lifetime, resulting in extension of its lifetime to approximately 3.4 million cycles from 106 cycles lifetime. Finally, it was confirmed that the fatigue life of SPR joints was appropriately predicted within a factor of three using the relationship between the fatigue life and the equivalent stress intensity factor. The fatigue resistance of the magnesium AZ31 alloy on the upper sheet was found to govern fatigue lifetimes of SPR joints of dissimilar magnesium AZ31 alloy sheets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 108277
Zhanpeng Du ◽  
Baolv Wei ◽  
Zhicheng He ◽  
Aiguo Cheng ◽  
Libin Duan ◽  

Sanjana Jaishankara

Abstract: Pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold liquids or gases at a pressure which are higher than the surrounding atmospheric pressure. These pressure vessels are not made as a single component but manufacture with an assembly of many other components and connected through bolted joints or riveted joints or welded joints. These joints are susceptible to failure and cause leakage of the liquid or gas which are very dangerous and sometimes causes heavy loss of life, health and property. Hence proper care has to be taken during the design analysis processes by following ASME section VIII division 1 which specifies the design-by-formula approach while division 2 contains a set of alternative rules based on design by Analysis (FEA) to determine the expected deformation and stresses that may develop during operation. The ASME section-VIII division-2 standards are used for the design of pressure vessel. Leakage in gasketed flanged joints have always been a great problem for the process industry. The sealing performance of a gasketed flanged joints depends on its installation and applied loading conditions. The present project work involves the design procedure and stress analysis (Structural Analysis) for the leak proof pressure vessel at the gasket under three different gasket conditions. Keywords: 1. FEM, 2. ASME, 3. ANSYS, 4. Gasket,5. Displacement,6. Stress

Ming Li ◽  
Wei Tian ◽  
Junshan Hu ◽  
Changrui Wang ◽  
Wenhe Liao

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yinglian Jia ◽  
Zhichao Huang ◽  
Yongchao Zhang ◽  
Fan Zhang

Two kinds of self-piercing riveted (SPR) joints were prepared with DP590 and AA6061 plates. The forming qualities of the joints were studied using the finite element method. The relationships between the fatigue life and failure forms of the joints with different upper plates were discussed. Finally, the failure mechanisms of the joints were analyzed. The results show that the maximum static tension of DA32 joints (with an upper plate of DP590) is significantly greater than that of the other kind, and the fatigue life of DA32 joints is always longer than that of AA40 joints when with a 2.0 mm thick AA6061 aluminum alloy upper plate under the same fatigue load. The failure mode of SPR joints changes obviously due to different upper plates, and the fatigue life of the joints can be effectively improved by reducing the microvibration wear.

Structures ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 1715-1720
Reza Masoudi Nejad ◽  
Filippo Berto ◽  
Greg Wheatley ◽  
Mohammadreza Tohidi ◽  
Wenchen Ma

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 102
Guido Di Bella ◽  
Luigi Calabrese ◽  
Chiara Borsellino ◽  
Tiziana Alderucci

Orbital riveting is an innovative joining technology used in various industrial fields. Despite its diffusion in recent years, it has not been accompanied by an equivalent interest from the scientific community, which has neglected the aspects of process optimization and joint performance. In this experimental/numerical study, six different configurations of orbital riveted joints were realised and tested to determine the effects of sheet thickness and rivet geometry on the mechanical properties of the joints and their failure modes. The results showed that the configuration of the joint significantly affects both its resistance and fracture mechanism. Moreover, it was possible to identify a transition between different failure modes by changing the rivet diameter. A non-optimal joint geometry favours a premature fracture at very low load (i.e., S9A21 batch with net tension fracture). The highest mechanical resistance was found in the S8A15 batch, which experienced unbuttoning failure. In order to better correlate the joint geometry with the mechanical behaviour and the relative stress distribution, a simplified numerical FEM was validated with the experimental results.

Михаил Витальевич Карускевич ◽  
Сергей Ромуальдович Игнатович ◽  
Татьяна Петровна Маслак ◽  
Александр Иванович Семенец ◽  
Евгений Павлович Гаврилов

Corrosion of aircraft structures is one of the main factors limiting the duration of their operation, affecting on the economic efficiency and safety of air transport. Corrosion protection is performed at the stage of manufacturing aircraft structures, during their repair and operation. One of the additional measures of anti-corrosion protection is the use of film-forming coatings, which displace moisture from the gaps of structural joints, form a protective film, and also slow down the corrosion process. The protective properties of film-forming coatings are investigated by standard corrosion tests. At the same time, the specifics of aircraft structures and the possible side effects of the use of anti-corrosion compounds require special studies. The article presents an analysis of works in which the effect of film-forming anticorrosive compounds on the fatigue of elements of aircraft structures is considered.The main type of joints in the structure of modern aircraft are riveted joints. The high penetrating ability of film-forming materials ensures their penetration into the gaps of riveted joints, which, in some cases, can affect the frictional forces between the connected elements, which ensure the integrity of the joints. In some experimental investigations, the influence of film-forming compositions on the kinetics of fatigue crack growth is noted as a side effect. A number of possible mechanisms of deceleration and acceleration of the rate of crack propagation are considered. Experimental data concerning the effect of anticorrosive compounds on the fatigue of riveted joints and the process of propagation of fatigue cracks in structural materials, indicate the need to develop a universal methodology for the selection and use of film-forming compositions for the protection of aircraft structures from corrosion, taking into account the minimization or prevention of negative side effects on the service life of aircraft.

Сергей Ромуальдович Игнатович ◽  
Александр Сергеевич Якушенко ◽  
Владимир Сергеевич Краснопольский ◽  
Евгений Игоревич Годына

Multiple Site Damage (MSD) is one of the significant damaging factors that limit the airworthiness of aging fleet aircrafts. In case of MSD multiple fatigue cracks initiates and propagates at the rivet holes. Those cracks are relatively short in length, but with a sufficiently large number of them and an unfavorable arrangement along the rivet joint, they can join together and form a crack of a dangerous length. To prevent this type of damage it is necessary to have adequate methods for predicting the boundary state of riveted joints during MSD. A useful approach is a numerical experiment based on Monte-Carlo simulation of the MSD main random factors – the formation of initial cracks and their growth. This paper presents a probabilistic model for predicting the initial stage of MSD – destruction of at least one bridge between the adjacent holes. A level I model is considered, which describes the process of fatigue failure of specimens without rivets but with multiple holes, which are typical for riveted joints. The initiation of fatigue cracks and their growth are modeled taking into account the laws of damage development obtained experimentally on specimens with multiple cracks. So, to simulate the random initiation of cracks in time the Weibull distribution is used. The parameters of this distribution depend on the applied stress. The growth of cracks is described by the Paris' equation, taking into account the experimentally confirmed correlation between the coefficients of this equation. The model assumes that each initiated crack propagates according to a random value of the Paris' equation exponent. The distribution of such a random value corresponds to a logarithmically normal law with experimentally obtained parameters. The criterion for the possible join of opposite cracks growing from adjacent holes is the uniting of plastic deformation zones at the tips of such cracks. The results of modeling are presented in the form of multiple site damage realization field of points in the coordinates of the number of cycles before the initiation of cracks vs. the number of cycles before the destruction of the bridge between holes.

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