termination analysis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 344 ◽  
pp. 13-21
Jesús J. Domenech ◽  
Samir Genaim

Shaowei Zhu ◽  
Zachary Kincaid

AbstractThis paper shows how techniques for linear dynamical systems can be used to reason about the behavior of general loops. We present two main results. First, we show that every loop that can be expressed as a transition formula in linear integer arithmetic has a best model as a deterministic affine transition system. Second, we show that for any linear dynamical system f with integer eigenvalues and any integer arithmetic formula G, there is a linear integer arithmetic formula that holds exactly for the states of f for which G is eventually invariant. Combining the two, we develop a monotone conditional termination analysis for general loops.

Marcel Moosbrugger ◽  
Ezio Bartocci ◽  
Joost-Pieter Katoen ◽  
Laura Kovács

AbstractThe termination behavior of probabilistic programs depends on the outcomes of random assignments. Almost sure termination (AST) is concerned with the question whether a program terminates with probability one on all possible inputs. Positive almost sure termination (PAST) focuses on termination in a finite expected number of steps. This paper presents a fully automated approach to the termination analysis of probabilistic while-programs whose guards and expressions are polynomial expressions. As proving (positive) AST is undecidable in general, existing proof rules typically provide sufficient conditions. These conditions mostly involve constraints on supermartingales. We consider four proof rules from the literature and extend these with generalizations of existing proof rules for (P)AST. We automate the resulting set of proof rules by effectively computing asymptotic bounds on polynomials over the program variables. These bounds are used to decide the sufficient conditions – including the constraints on supermartingales – of a proof rule. Our software tool Amber can thus check AST, PAST, as well as their negations for a large class of polynomial probabilistic programs, while carrying out the termination reasoning fully with polynomial witnesses. Experimental results show the merits of our generalized proof rules and demonstrate that Amber can handle probabilistic programs that are out of reach for other state-of-the-art tools.

Akihisa Yamada

AbstractInterpretation methods constitute a foundation of termination analysis for term rewriting. From time to time remarkable instances of interpretation methods appeared, such as polynomial interpretations, matrix interpretations, arctic interpretations, and their variants. In this paper we introduce a general framework, the multi-dimensional interpretation method, that subsumes these variants as well as many previously unknown interpretation methods as instances. Employing the notion of derivers, we prove the soundness of the proposed method in an elegant way. We implement the proposed method in the termination prover and verify its significance through experiments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 265-284
Tsubasa Shoshi ◽  
Takuma Ishikawa ◽  
Naoki Kobayashi ◽  
Ken Sakayori ◽  
Ryosuke Sato ◽  

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