magnetic insulator
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Dheeraj Ranaut ◽  
K. Mukherjee

AbstractExploration of low temperature phase transitions associated with quantum critical point is one of the most mystifying fields of research which is under intensive focus in recent times. In this work, through comprehensive experimental evidences, we report the possibility of achieving quantum criticality in the neighborhood of a magnetic field-tuned tricritical point separating paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic and metamagnetic phases in a magnetic insulator, DyVO4. Magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity indicate to the presence of a long-range second order antiferromagnetic transition at TN ~ 3.2 K. Field variation of Magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity, along with differential magnetic susceptibility and DC field dependent AC susceptibility gives evidence of the modification of the antiferromagnetic structure below the tricritical point; implying the presence of a field-induced first order metamagnetic transition which persists down to 1.8 K. Further, the magnetic field dependence of the thermodynamic quantity − dM/dT, which is related to magnetic Gruneisen parameter, approaches a minimum, followed by a crossover near 5 kOe to a maximum; along with a hyperbolic divergence in temperature response of dM/dT in the critical field regime. Temperature response of heat capacity at 5 kOe also shows a deviation from the conventional behavior. Entropic topography phase diagram allows tracking of the variation of the entropy, which indicates towards the emergence of the peak at quantum critical point into a V-shaped region at high temperatures. Our studies yield an inimitable phase diagram describing a tricritical point at which the second-order antiferromagnetic phase line terminates followed by a first order line of metamagnetic transition, as the temperature is lowered, leading to metamagnetic quantum critical end point.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (22) ◽  
Yiheng Rao ◽  
Qinghui Yang ◽  
Qi Wang ◽  
Guokun Ma ◽  
Jie Li

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (22) ◽  
Shilei Ding ◽  
Zhongyu Liang ◽  
Chao Yun ◽  
Rui Wu ◽  
Mingzhu Xue ◽  

2021 ◽  
Atindra Pal ◽  
Arnab Bera ◽  
Sirshendu Gayen ◽  
Suchanda Mondal ◽  
Riju Pal ◽  

Abstract Low-dimensional materials with broken inversion symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling can give rise to fascinating quantum phases and phase transitions. Here we report coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism below 2.5 K in the quasione dimensional crystals of non-centrosymmetric (TaSe4)3I (space group: P¯421c). The unique phase is a direct consequence of inversion symmetry breaking as the same material also stabilizes in a centro-symmetric structure (space group: P4/mnc) where it behaves like a non-magnetic insulator[1–4]. The coexistence here upfront contradicts the popular belief that superconductivity and ferromagnetism are two apparently antagonistic phenomena. Notably, here, for the first time, we have clearly detected Meissner effect in the superconducting state despite the coexisting ferromagnetic order. The coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism projects non-centrosymmetric (TaSe4)3I as a host for complex ground states of quantum matter including possible unconventional superconductivity with elusive spin-triplet pairing[5–8].

2021 ◽  
Piotr Trocha ◽  
Emil Siuda

Abstract We investigate spin thermoelectric properties of a hybrid system consisting of a single-level quantum dot attached to magnetic insulator and metal electrodes. Magnetic insulator is assumed to be of ferromagnetic type and is a source of magnons, whereas metallic lead is reservoir of electrons. The temperature gradient set between the magnetic insulator and metallic electrodes induces the spin current flowing through the system. The generated spin current of magnonic (electric) type is converted to electric (magnonic) spin current by means of quantum dot. Expanding spin and heat currents flowing through the system, up to linear order, we introduce basic spin thermoelectric coefficients including spin conductance, spin Seebeck and spin Peltier coefficients and heat conductance. We analyse the spin thermoelectric properties of the system in two cases: in the large ondot Coulomb repulsion limit and when these interactions are finite.

Oscar Lee ◽  
Jan Sahliger ◽  
Aisha Aqeel ◽  
Safe Khan ◽  
Shinichiro Seki ◽  

Abstract Recently, it has been shown that the chiral magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 hosts skyrmions in two separated pockets in temperature and magnetic field phase space. It has also been shown that the predominant stabilization mechanism for the low-temperature skyrmions (LTS) phase is the crystalline anisotropy in contrast to temperature fluctuations, which stabilize the well established high-temperature skyrmion (HTS) lattice. Here, we report on the gigahertz dynamics in the LTS phase in Cu2OSeO3. The LTS phase is populated via a field cycling protocol with the static magnetic field applied parallel to the h100i crystalline direction of plate and cuboid-shaped bulk crystals. By analyzing temperature-dependent broadband spectroscopy data, clear evidence of low-temperature skyrmion excitations with clockwise (CW), counterclockwise (CCW), and breathing mode (BR) character at temperatures below T = 40 K are shown. We find that the modes’ intensities can be tuned with the number of field-cycles below the saturation field, and by tracking the resonance frequencies, the LTS phase diagram can be established. From our experiments, we conclude that the LTS phase is well separated from the high-temperature phase. Furthermore, by monitoring the strength of the observed hybridization between a dark CW mode and the BR as a function of temperature for the two differently shaped crystals, we unambiguously conclude that the magnetocrystalline anisotropy governs the hybridization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (47) ◽  
Mengke Liu ◽  
Joshua Leveillee ◽  
Shuangzan Lu ◽  
Jia Yu ◽  
Hyunsue Kim ◽  

Rashid Khan ◽  
Kaleem Ur Rahman ◽  
Qingmin Zhang ◽  
Altaf Ur Rahman ◽  
Sikander Azam ◽  

Abstract Using first-principles calculations, the effects of Yb$^{2+}$ substitutional doping on structural, electronic, and optical properties of a series of perovskite compounds CsCaX$_3$ (X: Cl, Br, I), have been investigated. We employed generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and HSE hybrid functional to study the electronic and optical properties. A series of pristine CsCaX$_3$(X: Cl, Br, I) is characterized as a non-magnetic insulator with indirect bandgap perovskite materials. These phosphor materials are suitable candidates for doping with lanthanide series elements to tune their electronic bandgaps according to our requirements because of their wide bandgaps. The calculated electronic bandgaps of CsCaX$_3$ (X: Cl, Br, I) are 3.7 eV(GGA) and 4.5 eV (HSE) for CsCaI$_3$, 4.5 eV (GGA) and 5.3 eV (HSE) for CsCaBr$_3$, and 5.4 eV (GGA) and 6.4 eV (HSE) for CsCaCl$_3$. According to formation energies, the Yb$^{2+}$ doped at the Ca-site is thermodynamically more stable as compared to all possible atomic sites. The electronic band structures show that the Yb$^{2+}$ doping induces defective states within the bandgaps of pristine CsCaX$_3$. As a result, the Yb$^{2+}$ doped CsCaX$_3$ (X: Cl, Br, I) become the direct bandgap semiconductors. The defective states above the VBM are produced due to the $f$-orbital of the Yb atom. The impurity states near the CBM are induced due to the major contribution of $d$-orbital of the Yb atom and the minor contribution of $s$-orbital of the Cs atom. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function, optical reflectivity, electron energy loss spectrum, extinction coefficient, and refractive index of pristine and Yb$^{2+}$ doped CsCaX$_3$ were studied. The optical dispersion results of dielectric susceptibility closely match their relevant electronic structure and align with previously reported theoretical and experimental data. We conclude that the Yb$^{2+}$ doped CsCaX$_3$ (X: Cl, Br, I) are appealing candidates for optoelectronic devices.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2766
Zhiren Chen ◽  
Zehan Chen ◽  
Xiaotian Zhao ◽  
Baoshan Cui ◽  
Hongnan Zheng ◽  

Electrical spin-orbit torque (SOT) in magnetic insulators (MI) has been intensively studied due to its advantages in spin-orbitronic devices with ultralow energy consumption. However, the magnon torque in the MIs, which has the potential to further lower the energy consumption, still remains elusive. In this work, we demonstrate the efficient magnon torque transferred into an MI through an antiferromagnetic insulator. By fabricating a Pt/NiO/Tm3Fe5O12 heterostructure with different NiO thicknesses, we have systematically investigated the evolution of the transferred magnon torque. We show that the magnon torque efficiency transferred through the NiO into the MI can retain a high value (∼50%), which is comparable to the previous report for the magnon torque transferred into the metallic magnet. Our study manifests the feasibility of realizing the pure magnon-based spin-orbitronic devices with ultralow energy consumption and high efficiency.

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