liquefaction resistance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 101098
Mohammad Bagher Asadi ◽  
Rolando P. Orense ◽  
Mohammad Sadeq Asadi ◽  
Michael J. Pender

Geotechnics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Diana Cordeiro ◽  
Fausto Molina-Gómez ◽  
Cristiana Ferreira ◽  
Sara Rios ◽  
António Viana da Fonseca

Earthquake-induced liquefaction is one of the major causes of building damage as it decreases the strength and stiffness of soil. The liquefaction resistance of soils increases significantly as the degree of saturation decreases, making soil desaturation an effective measure for the mitigation of this phenomenon. This paper presents a comparative analysis of liquefaction resistance of an alluvial sand from Aveiro (Portugal) under fully and partially saturated conditions. For this purpose, an in situ characterisation based on CPTu and a laboratory series of cyclic triaxial tests were carried out. The cyclic triaxial tests were conducted under undrained conditions on remoulded specimens with different degrees of saturation, including the full saturation. On the other hand, the triaxial apparatus was instrumented with Hall-effect transducers to accurately measure the strains during all testing phases. In addition, it was equipped with piezoelectric transducers to measure seismic waves velocities, namely P-wave velocity, for evaluation of the saturation level of the specimen in parallel with the Skempton’s B parameter. Hence, relations between the B-value, and P-wave velocity and cyclic strength resistance are presented. The number of cycles to trigger liquefaction, considering the pore pressure build-up criterion, is presented for the different degrees of saturation. Results confirmed the increase in liquefaction resistance for lower degrees of saturation in this soil.

Ali Akbar Karimzadeh ◽  
Anthony Kwan Leung ◽  
Pedram Fardad Amini

2021 ◽  
Dr. Anand Katti ◽  
Ankur Jadhav

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11631
Xiuwei Chai ◽  
Jingyuan Liu ◽  
Yu Zhou

This study is aimed at numerically investigating the cnoidal wave-induced dynamics characteristics and the liquefaction process in a loosely deposited seabed floor in a shallow water environment. To achieve this goal, the integrated model FSSI-CAS 2D is taken as the computational platform, and the advanced soil model Pastor–Zienkiewicz Mark III is utilized to describe the complicated mechanical behavior of loose seabed soil. The computational results show that a significant lateral spreading and vertical subsidence could be observed in the loosely deposited seabed floor due to the gradual loss of soil skeleton stiffness caused by the accumulation of pore pressure. The accumulation of pore pressure in the loose seabed is not infinite but limited by the liquefaction resistance line. The seabed soil at some locations could be reached to the full liquefaction state, becoming a type of heavy fluid with great viscosity. Residual liquefaction is a progressive process that is initiated at the upper part of the seabed floor and then enlarges downward. For waves with great height in shallow water, the depth of the liquefaction zone will be greatly overestimated if the Stokes wave theory is used. This study can enhance the understanding of the characteristics of the liquefaction process in a loosely deposited seabed under coastal shallow water and provide a reference for engineering activities.

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