The story of the Phanerozoic Eon continues in this chapter with the Mesozoic Era. The first period in the Mesozoic, the Triassic, was bookended by two extinction events, the one at the beginning, discussed in the prior chapter at the end of the Permian Period, the Great Dying, and then another at the end of the period, related to the further breakup of Pangea. Dinosaurs evolved and diversified during the Mesozoic to occupy nearly each and every ecological niche on the planet, with large dinosaurs and small dinosaurs, ones that flew, those that ate vegetation, and those that preyed upon the herbivores—making this time a dino-dominated age. In the late Jurassic Period, small mammals, many of them insectivores, were starting to become prevalent. The era ended with a “big bang” of a different type than is theorized as the start of the universe—with the Chicxulub asteroid impact 66 million years ago that ended the lives of most of the dinosaurs, the non-avian lines, and opened up new ecological niches for the next “masters of the universe,” the mammals.