delay bound
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2021 ◽  
Guoqi Xie ◽  
Xiangzhen Xiao ◽  
Hong Liu ◽  
Renfa Li ◽  
Wanli Chang

Actuators ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 261
Tan Hou ◽  
Yuanlong Li ◽  
Zongli Lin

This paper considers the problem of stabilizing switched time-delay linear systems through a state-dependent switching strategy. In contrast to the existing works, we adopt a less restrictive assumption of the system, and show that this assumption is sufficient to guarantee asymptotic stability of the considered system under the min-projection switching strategy. Our results also imply that the min-projection switching strategy, originally designed for delay-free switched systems, is robust with respect to small state delays. An optimization problem is formulated to estimate the upper bound of the tolerable time delay. Numerical examples are presented to show that our method is applicable to a larger class of switched systems and leads to a greater delay bound.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 1638
Benedetta Picano

The emerging sixth-generation networks have to provide effective support to a wide plethora of novel disruptive heterogeneous applications. This paper models the probabilistic end-to-end delay bound for the virtual reality services in the presence of heterogeneous traffic flows by resorting to the stochastic network calculus principles and exploiting the martingale envelopes. The paper presents the network performance analysis under the assumption of different scheduling policies, considering both the earliest deadline first and the first-in-first-out queue discipline. Furthermore, differently from previous literature, the probabilistic per-flow bounds have been formulated taking into account a number of traffic flows greater than two, which results in a theoretical analysis that is remarkably more complex than the case in which only two concurrent flows are considered. Finally, the validity of the theoretical bounds have been confirmed by the evident closeness between the analytical predictions and the actual simulation results considering, for the sake of argument, four concurrent traffic flows with heterogeneous quality-of-service constraints. That closeness exhibits the ability of the proposed analysis in fitting the actual behavior of the system, representing a suitable theoretical tool to support resource allocation strategies, without violating service constraints.

Álisson Assis Cardoso ◽  
Marcus Vinícius Gonzaga Ferreira ◽  
Flávio Henrique Teles Vieira

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e462
Marcus V.G. Ferreira ◽  
Flávio Henrique Teles Vieira

This paper addresses the resource allocation problem in multi-sharing uplink for device-to-device (D2D) communication, one aspect of 5G communication networks. The main advantage and motivation in relation to the use of D2D communication is the significant improvement in the spectral efficiency of the system when exploiting the proximity of communication pairs and reusing idle resources of the network, mainly in the uplink mode, where there are more idle available resources. An approach is proposed for allocating resources to D2D and cellular user equipments (CUE) users in the uplink of a 5G based network which considers the estimation of delay bound value. The proposed algorithm considers minimization of total delay for users in the uplink and solves the problem by forming conflict graph and by finding the maximal weight independent set. For the user delay estimation, an approach is proposed that considers the multifractal traffic envelope process and service curve for the uplink. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through computer simulations in comparison with those of other algorithms in the literature in terms of throughput, delay, fairness and computational complexity in a scenario with channel modeling that describes the propagation of millimeter waves at frequencies above 6 GHz. Simulation results show that the proposed allocation algorithm outperforms other algorithms in the literature, being highly efficient to 5G systems.

Kritika Bansal ◽  
Pankaj Mukhija

This paper proposes a hybrid aperiodic sampled-data mechanism for the control of interconnected subsystems with time-delay. The proposed aperiodic sampled-data mechanism comprises of two stages. In the first stage, the next sampling instant for each subsystem is computed using self-triggering strategy. Thereafter, in the second stage, an event-triggering condition is checked at these sampling instants for each subsystem and signal is transmitted to the controller only if the event-triggering condition is violated. Further, to reduce the computational complexity involved in the proposed triggering mechanism, another triggering mechanism with integrated event-triggering and self-triggering is developed. Also, an upper bound on delay for each subsystem is computed to ensure the stability of distributed networked control system. The results proposed are validated using a simulation example. A comparison of the proposed technique with other triggering mechanisms in terms of sampling instants, number of transmissions to the controller, maximum delay bound and other performance measures is drawn through simulation example.

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