electrokinetic flow
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Xin Chu ◽  
Yongjun Jian

Abstract In microfluidic electrokinetic flows, heterogeneous wall potentials are often required to fulfill some functions, such as increasing dispersion and mixing efficiency. In this paper, we study the pressure-driven electrokinetic flow through microannulus with heterogeneous wall potentials in circumferential direction. The streaming potential induced by the ions accumulating in downstream of the microannulus is considered and the electrokinetic energy conversion efficiency is further investigated. Interestingly, based on the method of Fourier expansion, the analytical solutions of fluid velocity, streaming potential and energy conversion efficiency are derived for arbitrary peripheral distribution of the small wall potential for the first time. Four specific patterned modes of the heterogeneous wall potential, i.e., constant, step, sinusoid with period 2π and sinusoid with period π/2 are represented. The distributions of the electric potential and the velocity for four different modes are depicted graphically. Furthermore, the variations of the streaming potential and the electrokinetic energy conversion efficiency with related parameters are also discussed. Results show that when these integral values from -π to π associated with the wall potentials are identical, the streaming potential and the electrokinetic energy conversion efficiency corresponding to different modes are the same. Additionally, the amplitude of fluid velocity peripherally reduces with the increase of the wavenumber of wall potential distribution in θ-direction.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1578
Chenang Lyu ◽  
Leo Lou ◽  
Matthew J. Powell-Palm ◽  
Gideon Ukpai ◽  
Xing Li ◽  

Porous dielectric membranes that perform insulator-based dielectrophoresis or electroosmotic pumping are commonly used in microchip technologies. However, there are few fundamental studies on the electrokinetic flow patterns of single microparticles around a single micropore in a thin dielectric film. Such a study would provide fundamental insights into the electrokinetic phenomena around a micropore, with practical applications regarding the manipulation of single cells and microparticles by focused electric fields. We have fabricated a device around a silicon nitride film with a single micropore (2–4 µm in diameter) which has the ability to locally focus electric fields on the micropore. Single microscale polystyrene beads were used to study the electrokinetic flow patterns. A mathematical model was developed to support the experimental study and evaluate the electric field distribution, fluid motion, and bead trajectories. Good agreement was found between the mathematic model and the experimental data. We show that the combination of electroosmotic flow and dielectrophoretic force induced by direct current through a single micropore can be used to trap, agglomerate, and repel microparticles around a single micropore without an external pump. The scale of our system is practically relevant for the manipulation of single mammalian cells, and we anticipate that our single-micropore approach will be directly employable in applications ranging from fundamental single cell analyses to high-precision single cell electroporation or cell fusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (12) ◽  
pp. 122002
Xingyu Chen ◽  
Yongjun Jian ◽  
Zhiyong Xie

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 915
Vahabodin Goodarzi ◽  
Saeed Hayati Jafarbeygi ◽  
Ramezan Ali Taheri ◽  
Mikhail Sheremet ◽  
Mohammad Ghalambaz

Mixing is essential in microdevices. Therefore, increasing the mixing efficiency has a significant influence on these devices. Using conductive obstacles with special geometry can improve the mixing quality of the micromixers. In this paper, a numerical study on the mixing caused by an induced-charge electrokinetic micromixer was carried out using a conductive plate with a curved arc shape instead of a conductive flat plate or other non-conductive obstacles for Newtonian fluids. This study also explored the effect of the different radius curves, span length, the number of curved arc plates in the channel, the pattern of arrangement, concavity direction, and the orientation angle against the flow on the mixing. Furthermore, the efficiency of the T-micromixer against a flow with a low diffusion coefficient was investigated. It should be noted that the considered channel is symmetric regarding to the middle horizontal plane and an addition of flat plate reflects a formation of symmetric flow structures that do not allow to improve the mixture process. While an addition of non-symmetric curved arc plates al-lows to increase the mixing by creating vortices. These vortices were created owing to the non-uniform distribution of induced zeta potential on the curved arc plate. A rise in the span length of the curved arc plate when the radius was constant improved the mixing. When three arc plates in one concavity direction were used, the mixing efficiency was 91.86%, and with a change in the concavity direction, the mixing efficiency increased to 95.44%. With a change in the orientation angle from 0 to 25, the mixing efficiency increased by 19.2%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 024104
Lindsay Schneider ◽  
Francis Cui ◽  
Anubhav Tripathi

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Fehaid Salem Alshammari

This research aims to study the characteristics of thermal transport and analyse the entropy generation of electroosmotic flow of power-law fluids in a microtriangular prism in the presence of pressure gradient. Considering a fully developed flow subject to constant wall heat flux, the nonlinear electric potential, momentum, and linear heat transfer equations are solved numerically by developing an iterative finite difference method with a nonuniform grid. The thermal efficiency of the model is explored under the light of the second law of thermodynamics. Effect/impact of governing physical parameters on velocity, temperature, Nusselt number, and entropy distributions is studied, and the results are demonstrated graphically; we found that the Nusselt number decreases with the increase of power-law index, and average entropy generation increases with power-law index. We believe that the obtained result in the present study shall be useful for design of energy efficient microsystems which utilize the dual electrokinetic and centrifugal pumping effects.

Kristopher L. Kuhlman ◽  
Bwalya Malama

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