artificial wetland
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2022 ◽  
Chunhui Liu ◽  
Yanjie Wang ◽  
Xiaoding Ma ◽  
Di Cui ◽  
Bing Han ◽  

Abstract Background: The Dong people mainly live in Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou provinces, China, with a long history of glutinous rice cultivation, among which Kam Sweet Rice (KSR) is a group of rice landraces that has been domesticated for thousands of years by the Dong people. The core distribution area of KSR is Liping, Congjiang and Rongjiang County of southeast, Guizhou Province. Paddy fields, forests, livestock and cottages have formed a special artificial wetland ecosystem in local area, and the Dong people have also formed a set of traditional farming systems of KSR for variety breeding, field management, and soil and water conservation. However, this traditional agricultural management has not been reported at multiple levels based on landraces, species and ecosystems.Methods: Fieldwork was conducted in ten villages in southeast Guizhou from 2019-2021. A total of 229 informants were interviewed from the villages. Semi-structured and key informant interviews were administered to collect ethnoecological data on the characteristics and traditional utilization of KSR, traditional farming systems and agricultural management of the Dong people. Results: (1): A total of 57 KSR varieties were recorded as used by the Dong people in southeast Guizhou. We analyzed the cultural importance index (CII) of all KSRs. Varieties with high CII often have a pleasant taste, special biological characteristics of cold resistance, disease and insect resistance and high utilization in the traditional culture of Dong people. (2) There is a clear division of labor between men and women in the breeding, seed retention, field management and grain storage management of different varieties of KSR in Dong communities. In order to resist natural disasters and insect pests, the cultivation of KSR is usually managed by multi-variety mixed planting. These agricultural management modes are the result of Dong people's understanding and adaptation to the local natural geographical environment, as well as the experience and wisdom crystallization of Dong people's long-term practice. (3) The traditional farmland of Dong People is a typical artificial wetland ecosystem that is planted with mixed KSR varieties with rich traditional wisdom. In addition, the economic benefit of the rice-fish-duck symbiotic system was 3.07 times that of hybrid rice alone; therefore, the rice-fish-duck system not only has the function of maintaining soil, water and ecological balance but also improves the income of Dong people.Conclusion: KSR is a special kind of rice that has been domesticated and cultivated by Dong people for thousands of years. Dong people have also formed traditional agriculture dominated by KSR cultivation. The traditional agricultural management of Dong people provides suitable habitats for flora and fauna with biodiversity protection, and convenient conditions for rational utilization and distribution of water resources were also provided. This traditional management mode is of great significance for environmental protection, climate change response, community resource management, sustainable utilization, and agricultural transformation in modern society. Therefore, we call for interdisciplinary research in natural and social sciences, in-depth study of the ecological culture of ethnic areas, and sort out treasures conducive to the development of all mankind.

Ida Bagus Suryabrata ◽  
Yudha Akbar Prasetyawan ◽  
Agus Putu Abiyasa

Tourism activities around the coast are growing rapidly, especially in the Petitenget Coastal area. Waste management by tourism actors around the area causes the contamination of the Petitenget Beach estuary. To overcome this, it is necessary to restore estuary water, one way is by utilizing the potency of the fragrant root plant as a phytoremediation agent. The purpose of this community empowerment program is to examine how effective the vetiver plant is as a phytoremediation agent for Petitenget Beach estuary water. This research was started by collecting water samples from the petitenget estuary and then conducting water quality research and testing water samples on Wangi Root plants using an artificial wetland system which was carried out for one month. From the research that has been done, it is known that the vetiver plant is quite effective in reducing the levels of chemical pollutants such as pH, BOD and COD, but this plant cannot reduce the microbiological levels contained in the water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 446
Amrul Hasan ◽  
Suryani Catur Suprapti

<p>Utilization of the aquatic plant Typha latifolia, in the treatment of hospital wastewater with the method of an artificial wetland system (constructed wetland), is expected to be able to treat the liquid waste of health care facilities. This study aims to determine the ability of the aquatic plant Typha latifolia in degrading the parameters contained in the wastewater of health facilities using the Artificial Wetland Method. Quasi-experimental research design. The measurement of liquid waste parameters (BOD, COD, TSS, Fatty Oil, and Ammonia) is carried out by taking samples at the inlet and outlet of each pot, then analyzed in the laboratory. The study reported an average influent BOD level of 66.2mg/L, an average effluent in a circular cross-sectional pot increased by 99.6mg/L, an influent COD level of 190.8mg/L, an effluent in a rectangular pot four decreased by an average of 31.6mg/L, the influent TSS parameter was 106mg/L, the average effluent in a circular cross-sectional pot was 283.6mg/L, the influent Oil &amp; Fat parameter averaged 1.2mg/L, average effluent 1.2mg/L, ammonia influent parameter 12mg/L, effluent 2.62mg/L. The rectangular cross-section has a good ability compared to other cross-sections in reducing hospital waste, namely; BOD=64%, COD=40%, TSS=48%, Ammonia=67%, Oil and Fat parameters did not decrease because the influent parameter levels were already below the Liquid Waste quality standard. The researcher concluded that the rectangular cross-sectional pot planted with Typha latifolia could reduce the wastewater parameters better than other cross-sectional types. </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 389-401
Soo-Dong Lee ◽  
Seung-Jun Back ◽  
Hyun-Kyung Kang

Background and objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the ecological status of six areas around Geumgang River that used to be farmlands before they were restored as a riverine ecobelt. This study aims to analyze the correlation between the location environment and ecological status of the sites to identify the environmental factors affecting them. Methods: The sites are classified into four types according to restoration: terraced paddy fields, flat paddy fields, artificial wetland, and landscape forest. The survey items were divided into land use status, plant ecology, and animal ecology. Results: In terms of plant ecology, terraced paddy fields showed favorable naturality with the rate of native species above 90% and the naturalization index below 10%. In terms of animal ecology, the total number of species found in these areas was biggest in terraced paddy fields, followed by flat paddy fields, artificial wetland, and landscape forest. Regarding species diversity, terraced paddy fields also showed abundant species with an average of 1.05 to 1.09. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the forest area around the sites had the most significant effect on species diversity. The grassland and open water area showed a positive correlation with the total number of animal species and the number of dragonflies, confirming that the marshy grassland had a positive effect. As the cultivated land and urbanized area around the sites increased, it had a negative effect on the distribution of native species and the number of animal species that appeared, and a positive effect on the naturalization index. Conclusion: It is necessary to establish preemption and restoration plans for sites such as grasslands adjacent to the forest and terraced paddy fields in order to promote resilience of the diverse species returning to the purchased lands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-249
Huyn-Ju Cho ◽  
Eun-Jae Lee ◽  
Chung-Man Moon ◽  
Jae-Kune Lee

2021 ◽  
Vol 299 ◽  
pp. 02006
Siyi Wang ◽  
Zixiang Ji ◽  
Yumin Wang

Decentralized wastewater treatment technology, especially natural ecological treatment technology has widely been used in rural regions. In this paper, a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of a typical wastewater ecological treatment technology - artificial wetland technology was conducted. SimaPro software was applied to simulate the wastewater treatment facility, and the CML2 baseline2000 impact evaluation method was selected to analyze the environmental loads and benefits during the life cycle. The environmental impact of the facility adopting grey-black separation mode is compared with that of the unified collection and treatment model to provide scientific basis and suggestions for the selection of wastewater collection and treatment model. The results indicated that the main environmental impact of the Southeast University artificial wetland system comes from the construction and operation of the artificial wetland and aeration tank. Marine water ecotoxicity is the main impact factor, followed by freshwater water ecotoxicity.

Wetlands ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 2799-2809
Chongyu Yan ◽  
Tao Zhuang ◽  
Junhong Bai ◽  
Xiaojun Wen ◽  
Qiongqiong Lu ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Atieka Wulandari ◽  
Rossie Wiedya Nusantara ◽  
Muhammad Sofwan Anwari

AbstrakLahan basah buatan adalah sistem yang melibatkan tanaman, tanah, mikroba sebagai pengolahan limbah cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektifitas sistem lahan basah buatan dalam pengolahan limbah cair rumah sakit X dan mengkaji kemampuan jenis tanaman Canna Indica, Echinodorus palaefolius dan Iris pseudoacorus sebagai biofilter limbah cair rumah sakit X . Lahan basah buatan dibuat menggunakan media pasir, karbon aktif, dan kerikil dalam skala laboratorium. Analisis data menggunakan uji Anova dan Uji BNT dengan penggunaan jenis tanaman sebagai perlakuan biofilter, yaitu Canna Indica, Echinodorus palaefolius plant, Iris pseudoacorus, penggabungan ketiga tanaman, dan tidak ada tanaman sebagai kontrol. Waktu detensi 3, 6, dan 9 hari sebagai perlakuan hari dengan tiga kali ulangan. Parameter utama adalah Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), dan amoniak. Parameter pendukung warna, bau, suhu, dan pH. Lahan basah buatan terbukti efektif dalam pengolahan limbah cair rumah sakit X dan ada perlakuan yang memberikan pengaruh beda nyata terhadap perubahan kualitas air limbah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efisiensi penurunan BOD dan COD terjadi pada waktu detensi 6 hari. Variasi waktu berpengaruh terhadap penurunan konsentrasi BOD dan COD. Penggabungan ketiga tanaman (C. Indica, E. palaefolius dan I. pseudoacorus) terbukti efektif sebagai biofilter dalam penurunan parameter pH (11,2%) dan warna (27,4%), serta tanaman Echinodorus palaefolius terbukti efektif sebagai biofilter dalam penurunan parameter amoniak (34%), namun pengggunaan tanaman (biofilter) dalam lahan basah buatan tidak terbukti efektif pada penurunan BOD, COD, dan suhu. Hasil penelitian ini telah memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh Permen KLHK No: P. 68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 tentang Baku mutu air Limbah domestik.AbstractAn artificial wetland is a system which involves plants, soil, and microbes in the wastewater treatment. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of artificial wetland to be used for the hospital’s wastewater treatment. It also reviews the role of Canna Indica, Echinodorus palaefolius, and Iris pseudoacorus to serve as biofilters of the hospital’s wastewater. The artificial wetland is made of sand, active carbon, and gravels in lab-scale amount. The data was analysed by using Anova test and BNT test. The analysis involved several types of plants serving as a biofilter treatment, namely Canna Indica, Echinodurus palaefolius, Iris pseudoacorus, and the combination of these three plants. None served as a control plant. The detention times were 3, 6, and 9 days compounded with three-time repetitions. The main parameters were Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and amoniak. Supporing parameters included colour, odor, temperature, and pH. The artificial wetland was considered effective in the hospital’s wastewater treatment. The results also documented that some treatments had a significantly different effect towards the change of wastewater quality. The research indicated that the efficiency of BOD’s and COD’s decline occured at 6 days of detention. The variety of time affected the concetration decline of BOD and COD. The combination of three plants (E. palaefolius, I. pseudoacorus, and C. Indica) was proven effective as a biofilter which reduces pH parameter (11,2%) and colour parameter (27,4%). In addition, The Echinodorus palaefolius plant was reported effective to reduce amoniak parameter (34%). However, the use of plants (biofilter) in the artificial wetland was not effective towards the decline of BOD, COD, and temperature. The results of this research therefore have met the requirement stipulated by the Goverment regulation of KLHK (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) No : P.68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 on the quality standards of the domestic wastewater.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 475 ◽  
Tatsuya Kato ◽  
Yohei Kawasaki ◽  
Masakazu Kadokura ◽  
Kohei Suzuki ◽  
Yasuhiro Tawara ◽  

Passive systems that utilize a natural power such as a pond, plant, or microorganisms, is expected to be a cost-effective method for acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment. The Ningyo-toge mine, a non-operational uranium mine located in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, generates AMD containing arsenic and iron. To quantitatively study arsenic and iron ion removal in an artificial wetland and pond, chemical reactions were modeled and incorporated into the GETFLOWS (general-purpose terrestrial fluid-flow simulator) software. The chemical reaction models consisted of arsenite and ferrous oxidation equations and arsenic adsorption on ferrihydrite. The X-ray diffraction analysis of sediment samples showed ferrihydrite patterns. These results were consistent with the model for arsenite/ferrous oxidation and arsenic adsorption on ferrihydrite. Geofluid simulation was conducted to simulate mass transfer with the utilized topographic model, inlet flow rate, precipitation, and evaporation. The measured arsenic and iron ions concentrations in solution samples from the wetland and pond, fitted well with the model. This indicated that the main removal mechanism was the oxidation of arsenite/ferrous ions and that arsenic was removed by adsorption rather than dilution.

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