Objective: Studying torque expression and biomechanical effects of various wires on giving palatal root torque, using finite element (FE) method (FEM). Conclusion: TMA wires are most favourable for torquing, in terms of torque expression and susceptibility to root resorption. Materials and Method: Geometric model of maxillary right central incisor was developed, using computed tomography (CT) scan. 0.022" × 0.028" Standard edgewise brackets and 10-mm-long stainless steel (SS), titanium molybdenum (TMA) and titanium niobium (TiNb) archwires of dimension 0.019" × 0.025" were modeled and a palatal root torque of 25 degrees was applied on all wires. The angular displacement of the crown and root and nodal displacement at the incisal edge and root apex in y and z axis were analyzed along with stresses on periodontal ligament (PDL), bone, cementum, enamel, and bracket. Results: Buccal crown and palatal root movement was seen, which was maximum for SS and least for TMA. Angular displacement was also highest for SS. Compressive stresses were concentrated at the bucco-cervical and linguo-apical regions in the PDL, cementum, and bone and tensile stresses were concentrated in the linguo-cervical regions. In the enamel, the bracket attachment site showed maximum stresses, and slot base showed higher values of stresses than wings. All stress values were highest for SS and least for TMA.