edible part
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K. Kamalakkannan ◽  
V. Balakrishnan ◽  
R. Sumathi ◽  
N. Manikandaprabu

Humans can benefited greatly from functional foods in order to preserve good health. The research began with the extraction of DNA from the white edible section of Cocos nucifera and the flesh of Borassus flabellifer fruits using the simple, Edward, PCI, and CTAB methods. To confirm the existence of DNA, the complete isolated DNA was examined using the DPA and Keller-killani tests. Following the identification test, UV spectroscopy was used to quantify the results by taking the absorbance of the samples at 260nm and 280nm and quantified using absorbance ratio procedure. When compared to other procedures, the CTAB approach produces acceptable results at low temperatures. Both the white edible part of Cocos nucifera and flesh of Borassus flabellifer gave high purity DNA on extraction. Further the concentration of DNA obtained from Cocos nucifera was 4.94, 4.7, 5.25 and 8.25 µg\ml by simple, Edward PCI and CTAB methods respectively and for Borassus flabellifer the concentration DNA isolated was found to be 2.48, 2.14, 4.25, 6.4 µg\ml by simple, Edward PCI and CTAB methods respectively.

2021 ◽  
Dao-Cheng Ma ◽  
Xiang Tian ◽  
Pinxiang Guo ◽  
Ling-hui Wang ◽  
Wei-Chao Teng

Abstract Erythropalum scandens Bl. is a kind of leafy vegetable which has high edible and medicinal value in Southern China. However, it has been treated as a kind of wild vegetable for a long time and there is still little researches on its yield and quality after fertilization. This study aimed to assess the effect of yield and quality of E. scandens after using two kinds of organic fertilizer: chicken manure and cow manure, which find out the responses of the edible part in E. scandens after using different dosage and proportion of chicken manure and cow manure and find out a best fertilization treatment. We investigated the yield and quality of the edible part in biennial E. scandens including average yield, titratable acid content, sugar acid ratio, crude protein content, ascorbic acid content, tea polyphenols content, nitrate content, general flavone content and macronutrient content (including total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) after using different dosage and proportion of chicken manure and cow manure, which to find out a best fertilization treatment via the yield, nutrient and taste. Compared with CK group, proper fertilization can increase the average yield of E. scandens and promote its growth and macronutrient accumulation at the same time. The content of all kinds of nutrients are higher than CK group after using organic fertilizers and they can be accumulated during the process of fertilization. The E. scandens seedlings had the highest yield and best quality under T6 treatment (0.8kg/plant chicken manure+1.2 kg/plant cow manure). However, nitrate can be accumulated in the edible part of E. scandens during the process of fertilization. Compared with CK group, organic fertilization can increase the yield and quality of E. scandens, but excessive fertilization can lead to a significant increase in nitrate levels in plants, even exceeding food safety standards. The nitrate level of E. scandens is a little bit high in this research and better solution is still needed to ensure the quality and food security of E. scandens in the near future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Odit Ferry Kurniadinata ◽  
Song Wenpei ◽  
Bernatal Saragih ◽  
Rusdiansyah Rusdiansyah

The large number of Durio species that grow in Kalimantan illustrates that this area is the most important distribution center for durian relatives. Two of the best-known edible durians in East Kalimantan are Durian (Durio zibethinus) and Lai (Durio Kutejensis). Several studies have been conducted to determine the effect of calcium on the quality of fruits. However, very little information was obtained regarding the effect of Ca on the quality of lai-durian fruit. This research was carried out by collecting data and information about Fruit performance and edible part nutritional value three D. zibenthinus x D. kutejensis plants. The five potential superior plants have some similar in rind moisture factor, ash content, water content, total fat, crude protein, and total dissolved solids. However, there is a difference in flesh thickness which indicates that LK4 has the thickest flesh thickness with an average of 9mm, while LK5 shows the thinnest average flesh thickness of 4mm. Meanwhile, when viewed from total carbohydrates, LK3 fruit has the highest total carbohydrate content compared to other fruits, which is 37.477 and energy is 180.357 kcal. This study indicates that there is a negative correlation between fruit peel size and calcium content. In large Lai-durian fruits such as LK4 fruit there is a lower amount of calcium than other fruits.

María Sariñana-Navarrete ◽  
Luis Hernández-Montiel ◽  
Esteban Sánchez-Chávez ◽  
Juan Reyes ◽  
Bernardo Murillo-Amador ◽  

Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for humans, but in plants, this essentiality has not been demonstrated. However, the supplementation of Se in crops has been shown to improve the yield and the quality of the edible part. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of Se foliar fertilization on yield, nutraceutical quality and Se accumulation in grape. Five doses of Se (Na2SeO3 at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 mg.L-1) and a control were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the application in low doses of Se increased the yield; high doses increase nutraceutical quality and induced the accumulation of Se in grapes. In conclusion, the grapevine is a crop with the potential to be biofortified and improve the quality of grape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 9723-9734
Estefany Quispe Lupuche ◽  
Jorge Antonio Chávez Pérez ◽  
Maria Luisa Medina-Pizzali ◽  
Lillyan Loayza Gutiérrez ◽  
Eder Apumayta Suárez

Pitahaya has originated worldwide interest due to its content of bioactive compounds with proven beneficial effects on health, acting as antioxidants against free radicals. This study aimed to evaluate the nutraceutical potential of the peel and pulp of the red (Hylocereus monacanthus) and yellow (Hylocereus megalanthus) pitahaya ecotypes for nutritional formulation purposes. Two pitahaya ecotypes were analyzed, obtaining a methanolic extract of the peel and edible part to perform the proximal chemical analysis, the phytochemical screening, and determine antioxidant activity by the DPPH, ABTS, and IC50 methods. Flavonoids, tannins, quinones, among other bioactive compounds were identified. Yellow pitahaya presented higher content of polyphenols and higher antioxidant activity by the ABTS method, while the average inhibition percentage for both ecotypes was 93% by DPPH method. IC50 was higher for the edible part of red pitahaya with 1.68 mg mL-1. Both ecotypes have a high content of polyphenols and a high antioxidant capacity, which agree with those found in different studies such as those of Colombia, Brazil and Korea, being as high or even higher than most varieties of citrus fruits in Peru. Future studies should consider the inclusion of other metabolites and bioactive substances such as betalains due to their antioxidant activity. Both pitahaya ecotypes are rich in antioxidants, bioactive compounds, have low energy density, and may be suitable for food prescriptions as a functional ingredient in food industry.

Chemosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 132062
Mohamed Mohsen ◽  
Lin Chenggang ◽  
Shilin Liu ◽  
Hongsheng Yang

2021 ◽  
Dalia Abd El-Azeem Ahmed ◽  
Tarek M. Galal ◽  
Hatim M. Al-Yasi ◽  
Loutfy M. Hassan ◽  
Dalia Fahmy Slima

Abstract Usage of wastewater to irrigate crops increases in Egypt and the whole world as a result of water shortage. This study is conducted to explore the potential of Abelmoschus esculentus Moench. (Okra plant) to accumulate and translocate eight trace metals: lead: Pb, cadmium: Cd, chromium: Cr, copper: Cu, iron: Fe, manganese: Mn, nickel: Ni and zinc: Zn in its different tissues due to irrigation with untreated industrial wastewater. It extended to assess the effect of the irrigation with wastewater on the growth parameters, nutrients, pigments and organic contents of the cultivated okra plants.Two studied sites at South of Cairo was conducted, the first site (29°42'31.17" N and 31°15'11.56" E); represented by five cultivated fields irrigated with Nile water (control) and the second site (29°42'37.87" N and 31°17'14.53" E); fields irrigated with effluent receive untreated industrial wastewater. Three composite soil and irrigated water samples were collected from each site. A significant decrease in nutrients: nitrogen (N), Potassium (K) and Phosphorous (P) in soil and Plants were resulted due to irrigation with wastewater. Also, there was a significant increase in trace metals concentration in both soil and plants irrigated with wastewater. A significant decrement in okra growth parameters and leaves photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids) due to irrigation with wastewater. Iron was the highest accumulated metal in the plant's fruits (edible part) irrigated with wastewater. Also, the concentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn (42.57, 140,67, 2756.67, 1293.33, 1326.67 and 877.83 mg kg− 1, respectively) was in the phytotoxic range. Wastewater irrigated okras accumulate all of the studied trace metals in their roots (Bioaccumulation factor: BF > 1). In contrast, okra plants had no accumulated trace metals strategy in their shoot, as translocation factor values were less than one. Authors recommended avoiding consuming okra plants cultivated in fields irrigated with wastewater due to high trace metals concentration in their edible part.

2021 ◽  
Qiyao Zhou ◽  
Qiong Wang ◽  
Lukuan Huang ◽  
Luyao Ma ◽  
Yingjie Wu ◽  

Abstract Due to the increasing concerns of heavy metal contamination in greenhouse field, safety production of vegetables especially leafy vegetables was largely limited. In this study, the cadmium (Cd) concentration and major nutrition qualities of 23 main celery cultivars of China were compared in a greenhouse experiment. Great genotypic differences in biomass, cadmium accumulation and nutrition traits were observed. The biomass of cultivars HQ, JZ, JH and SQ were significantly higher than those of the others. And Cd concentration in edible part ranged from 0.53 to 2.56 mg·kg− 1 DW, of which SQ exhibited the lowest Cd concentration. In addition, SQ has the lowest Cd transport factor (TF) and bio-concentration factor (BCF), followed by another genotype LF. Simultaneously, they have relatively higher chlorophyll content and vitamin C concentration, lower cellulose content. Therefore, the two genotypes SQ and LF were selected as promising candidates to grow on a mid Cd-contaminated greenhouse field to achieve safety production. Further correlation analysis showed that Cd concentration in edible part is positively correlated with cellulose content, but negatively correlated with vitamin C concentration. The results of celery variety screening provide a safe production strategy of moderately polluted greenhouse vegetable fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-38
Mariana Aparecida Giraldelli ◽  
Osvaldo Alves Pereira ◽  
Samuel Felipe Dos Santos ◽  
Mirela Aguiar Brasil ◽  
Stefani Karoline Teodoro Pinheiro

O coco é um fruto presente na agricultura de diversos países, estimando-se um consumo 61,3 milhões de toneladas colhidas por ano em cerca de 12 milhões de hectares. O principal consumo do fruto está relacionado com a indústria alimentícia, sendo consumida a sua água, a polpa que é a parte comestível do fruto e que gera demais derivados alimentícios. Entretanto, após a utilização das partes comestíveis do fruto, é possível utilizar o seu subproduto extraindo a fibra do mesocarpo do fruto, sendo este compósito conhecido como fibra de coco. A fibra vegetal proveniente do coco, fibra de coco, é amplamente utilizada em diversos setores econômicos em função de suas características de durabilidade, rigidez, impermeabilidade, resistência contra ataques biológicos, resistência à tração e termoacústica, se destacando das demais fibras vegetais. Estas características estão ligadas com a sua composição de lignocelulósicos desta fibra, sendo que esta apresenta maiores concentrações de lignina (45 – 46%) em comparação com outras fibras naturais. Esta revisão narrativa é baseada em livros, artigos, seminários e demais obras científicas que abordam o tema de fibras vegetais e fibra de coco, sendo que o principal objetivo é fazer um levantamento sobre este compósito abordando sua origem, comportamentos químicos, físicos, mecânicos e características gerais.   Palavras-chave: Fibra de Coco. Coco. Fibra Vegetal.   Abstract Coconut is a fruit present in agriculture in several countries, with an estimated consumption of 61.3 million tons of tons per year in about 12 million hectares. The main fruit consumption is related to the food industry, being consumed its water, the pulp that is the edible part of the fruit and that generates other food derivatives. However, after using the edible parts of the fruit, it is possible to use its by-product by extracting the fiber from the fruit's mesocarp, this composite being known as coconut fiber. Vegetable fiber from coconut, coconut fiber, is widely used in several different sectors due to its characteristics of durability, rigidity, impermeability, resistance against biological resistance, tensile and thermoacoustic resistance, standing out from other vegetable fibers. These characteristics are associated with its lignocellulosic composition of this fiber, being present higher lignin (45 - 46%) in comparison with other natural fibers. This narrative review is based on books, articles, seminars and other scientific works that address the topic of vegetable fibers and coconut fiber, and the main objective is to survey this composite addressing its origin, chemical, organic, mechanical and general features.   Keywords: Coconut Fiber. Coconut. Vegetable Fiber.

2021 ◽  
Vol 95 ◽  
pp. 103667
Carlos Eduardo Rubio Senes ◽  
Carina Alexandra Rodrigues ◽  
Antonio Eduardo Nicácio ◽  
Joana Schuelter Boeing ◽  
Liane Maldaner ◽  

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