mating duration
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Dini Widianingrum ◽  
Tuti Widjastuti ◽  
Asep Anang ◽  
Iwan Setiawan

Muscovy duck development can be influenced by reproductive performance, including mating behavior. The purpose of the study was to obtain the quantitative characteristics of the Ciayumajakuning Muscovy duck mating and to obtain the best antog in its mating characteristics. The research method was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The parameters observed were mating frequency, mating duration, mating time, and mating location. The results showed that the quantitative characteristics of the antog Kuningan showed a significant difference in the frequency of mating with the drake and duck and the duration of mating was higher than that of the Cirebon, Indramayu, and Majalengka Muscovy duck. This is supported by data on the frequency of mating with 7.4 drake and duck 2 times/day, and the mating duration is 119.4 seconds. The mating time of the Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, and Kuningan Muscovy duck did not show a significant difference, namely more in the first and second quarters at 06.01-12.00 WIB and 12.01-16.00 WIB. The mating location is in zone 1 in the area near the place of feed and drinking water. In conclusion, Muscovy duck Kuningan has the best marital characteristics.

Ethology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Irene Pandulli‐Alonso ◽  
Ivanna H. Tomasco ◽  
Maria J. Albo

Madeley Gladys Hilasaca Mamani ◽  
Jesús Martín Urviola Sánchez ◽  
Francisco Halley Rodríguez Huanca ◽  
Víctor Raúl Leyva Vallejos ◽  

An experiment was carried out at the Experimental Center La Raya-Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno, to determine the effect of copulation duration on ovulation and pregnancy in alpacas. 47 adult females were used (postpartum time ≥ 20 days and presence of a follicle ≥ 7 mm) distributed in three groups, according to copulation time: 20, 35 and 50 min, for G1 (n = 15), G2 (n = 16) and G3 (n = 16), respectively. For the mating, 6 reproducers of proven fertility were used, interrupting the copulation at the established time. Ovulation and pregnancy rates were evaluated on days 7 and 30 post service respectively (by ultrasound and receptivity of the female), the data were analyzed using X2 and simple correspondence. Both the ovulation rate (G1: 73.33%, G2: 81.25% and G3: 81.25%); and pregnancy (G1: 53.33%, G2: 81.25% and G3: 75%) were not different (P> 0.05). Pregnancy rates between G1 and G2 tended to be different (P <0.10), consistent with the simple correspondence analysis. Despite there being no differences in ovulation and pregnancy rates, there was a higher percentage trend in G2 and G3, suggesting that the longer duration of mating would have some positive effect on them, according to the simple correspondence analysis, and the trend of low significance (P <0.10) in favor of pregnancy in G2 compared to G1. In conclusion, there were no significant differences in the effect of copulation duration on ovulation; however, there was a 90% trend for the difference between mating duration of 35 minutes versus 20 minutes (in pregnancy).

2021 ◽  
Mariusz Wiecek ◽  
Jacek Dabert ◽  
Heather Proctor

Conflicts of interest between the sexes over control of mating can be reflected in various aspects of morphology and behaviour, including structure of genitalia and copulation duration. In Arrenurus water mites (Hydrachnidia: Arrenuridae) there are two main patterns of sperm transfer that differ in degree of potential male control of sperm uptake by females. In some species, males are equipped with an intromittent organ (the "petiole") that is used to forcefully insert sperm into the female reproductive tract. In others, males lack an intromittent organ and females appear to push sperm into their reproductive opening themselves. Theory suggests that the amount of time spent in courtship after sperm transfer should differ between males with and without an intromittent structure. We predicted that male Arrenurus able to push sperm into the female's reproductive tract (petiolate males) should spend less time courting females after transferring sperm than apetiolate males, which may have to "convince" females to take up their sperm. Here, we examined durations of mating for 10 species of Arrenurus with males that differ in genital morphology: six species with males equipped with a well developed petiole (= "petiolate" species) and four species with males that either completely lack a petiole or have a minute peg-like petiole that does not appear to function as an intromittent organ (= "apetiolate" species). We tested whether males of petiolate species spend less time in the stage of courtship that takes place after sperm transfer (= "post-transfer courtship") than apetiolate males. In contrast to our prediction, we found that species with well developed petioles spent significantly more time in post-transfer behaviours than species lacking petioles. The possible function of protracted post-transfer courtship in the genus Arrenurus is discussed.

2021 ◽  
E.K. Fowler ◽  
S. Leigh ◽  
A. Bretman ◽  
T. Chapman

AbstractOrganisms alter their phenotype in response to variation in their environment by expressing phenotypic plasticity. Both sexes exhibit such plasticity in response to contrasting environmental and social cues, and this can reflect the influence of sexual conflict. However, theory predicts that plasticity expressed by both sexes may either maximise the sex-specific fitness of both, or of one sex at the expense of the other. Hence empirical tests of the predictions are sorely needed. Here we conducted novel tests of the fitness effects of interacting reproductive plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. First, prior to mating, males were kept alone, or with same sex rivals, and females were kept alone, in same sex, or mixed sex groups. Second, we conducted matings between individuals from all these social treatments under ‘choice’ and ‘no choice’ scenarios. The results showed that males and females can both plastically respond to these socio-sexual environments to influence the expression of mating duration, mating latency, and fecundity. These plastic responses interacted significantly to determine mating latency and fecundity. Effects on mating latency were also observed under both choice and no-choice conditions, but in opposing directions. Variation in the outcome of interacting plasticity pivoted around the outcomes observed with focal females that had been maintained in same-sex environments prior to mating. However, not all fitness-related traits examined responded in the same way. Mating duration was determined largely by the social environment of the male. Our results show that the expression of some, but not all fitness-related reproductive traits can be determined by the outcome of interacting behavioural plasticity expressed by both sexes. This highlights the need for new predictive theory informed by these empirically-derived parameters. Overall, we conclude that variation in the expression of shared traits due to interacting plasticity represents an important and novel facet of sexual interactions.Impact SummaryAnimals and plants are able to respond to variation in their environment by expressing phenotypic plasticity. In sexual organisms, both males and females can exhibit such plasticity but the cues they respond to and the fitness consequences of these actions may be different between the sexes, and even conflicting. For example, males may respond to the presence of competitors by altering their mating behaviour or ejaculate transfer to increase their own, but not necessarily their mate’s reproductive output. However, females may also express phenotypic plasticity in response to their social and sexual environment to maximise their own fitness. Theory suggests that plasticity expressed by both sexes may either maximise the sex-specific fitness of both, or of one sex at the expense of the other. So far, little experimental work has been conducted to explore such interacting plasticity. Here we conducted novel tests of the fitness effects of interacting plasticity in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. In doing so, we provide novel experimental evidence for interacting behavioural plasticity. We show that males and females can plastically respond to their socio-sexual environment to influence the expression of mating duration, mating latency, and fecundity. These plastic responses, while induced to increase the fitness interests of each sex, interact in the case of mating latency and fecundity and may reflect the outcome of sexual conflict. Our findings suggest that studies of reproductive behaviour should carefully consider the socio-sexual environment of both males and females and highlight the need for new predictive theory informed by empirically-derived parameters. Overall, we show that interacting plasticity between sexes represents an important and novel facet of sexual interactions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 45-50
Emily R. Churchill ◽  
Jon R. Bridle ◽  
Michael D.F. Thom

2020 ◽  
Vol 152 (4) ◽  
pp. 563-574 ◽  
Geneviève Lanouette ◽  
Jacques Brodeur ◽  
François Fournier ◽  
Veronique Martel ◽  
Annabelle Firlej

AbstractThe sterile insect technique is a new approach for the integrated management of Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae), an invasive pest in North America. We evaluated, under laboratory conditions, the mating capacities and success of male D. suzukii, irradiated at a dose of 120 Gy, with and without competition. We also explored the tendency of females to remate depending if their first mate was irradiated or not. We observed that irradiated males have the same mating capacity as control males, copulating with, respectively, 6.4 ± 1.9 females versus 6.9 ± 2.0 females in a 24-hour period. Irradiated males won the competition 37.5% of times, which is not significantly different from competiveness of control males. Female remating can be considered infrequent and not significantly influenced by male treatment: 7.4% of the females first mated with control males and 18.8% of the females first mated with irradiated males remated when given the opportunity two days and four days after the first mating. Latency before mating and mating duration were not significantly influenced by male treatment, but by presence of male competition. Overall, irradiated males thus seem to be as performant as control males, which is an important condition for a successful sterile insect technique programme.

Caroline Mirieri ◽  
Gratian N Mutika ◽  
Jimmy Bruno ◽  
Momar Talla Seck ◽  
Baba Sall ◽  

Background: Tsetse flies transmit trypanosomes that cause the debilitating diseases human African trypanosomosis (HAT) or sleeping sickness in humans and animal African trypanosomosis (AAT) or nagana in livestock. The riverine tsetse species Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank (Diptera: Glossinidae) inhabits riparian forests along river systems in West Africa. The Government of Senegal has embarked on a project to eliminate a population of this tsetse species from the Niayes area with the objective to manage AAT in the area. The project is implemented following an area-wide integrated pest management approach with an SIT component. The SIT can only be successful when the sterile males that are released in the field are of high biological quality, i.e. have the same dispersal capacity, survival and competitiveness as their wild counterparts. To date, sterile tsetse males have been released by air using biodegradable cardboard cartons that were manually dropped from a fixed-wing aircraft or gyrocopter. The cardboard boxes are however expensive, and the system is rather cumbersome to implement. Methods: A new prototype of an automated chilled adult release system (Bruno Spreader Innovation, (BSI™)) for tsetse flies was tested for its accuracy (in counting numbers of sterile males as loaded into the machine), release rate consistency and impact on quality of the released males. The impact of the release process was evaluated on several performance indicators of the irradiated male flies such as flight propensity, survival, mating competitiveness, premating and mating duration, and insemination rate of mated females. Results: The BSI TM release system counted with a consistent accuracy and released homogenously tsetse flies at the lowest motor speed (0.6 rpm). In addition, the chilling conditions (6 ± 1 o C) and the release process (passing of flies through the machine) had no significant negative impact on the males' flight propensity. No significant differences were observed between the control males (no irradiation and no exposure to the release process), irradiated males (no exposure to the release process) and irradiated males exposed to the release process with respect to mating competitiveness, premating period and mating duration. Only survival of irradiated males that were exposed to the release process was reduced, irrespective of whether the males were held with or without feeding. Conclusion: Although the release process had a negative effect on survival of the flies, the data of the experiments indicate that the BSI machine holds promise for use in operational tsetse SIT programmes. The promising results of this study will now need to be confirmed under operational field conditions in West Africa.

2019 ◽  
Kyle Wong ◽  
Justine Schweizer ◽  
Khoi-Nguyen Ha Nguyen ◽  
Shatha Atieh ◽  
Woo Jae Kim

SummaryDrosophila melanogaster is a suitable model for investigating how neuropeptides influence animal behaviours and physiology. We previously reported that two behavioural paradigms control mating duration of male Drosophila, called Longer-Mating-Duration (LMD) and Shorter-Mating-Duration (SMD) that are induced through socio-sexual environment prior to copulation. Understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which males exhibit plasticity to different social cues remains poorly understood. Here, we show that SIFa modulates the neural circuitry for both LMD and SMD. Neuropeptide-to-neuropeptide communication, so called ‘neuropeptide relay’ plays a key role to mediate this control. We identified that 7 neuropeptides expressed in SIFa Receptor-positive cells are functionally important to regulate either LMD and/or SMD. The modulation of two independent mating duration behaviour by the different SIFa-mediated neuropeptide relay will help to further investigate how the neuropeptidergic modulation can control complex behaviours.

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