load characteristic
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2021 ◽  
pp. 35-44
V.A. Korohodskyi

The subject matter of study in the article is the indicators of the combustion process of a two-stroke engine 1D 8.7 / 8.2 with spark ignition when using a carburetor power supply system (external mixture formation) and a direct fuel injection system (internal mixture formation). Internal mixture formation ensures the organization of a stratified fuel-air charge (SFAC) and a stratified lean fuel-air charge (SLFAC). Combustion indicators allow you to assess the nature of the combustion process. The goal is to determine the nature of the change in the combustion indicators of the engine with external and internal mixture formation during the organization of the working process with the SFAC and SLFAC at the load characteristic modes (n = 3,000 rpm). The tasks to be solved are as follows. The use of internal mixture formation and the organization of the combustion of SLFAC and SFAC made it possible to obtain values of ηi greater than with external mixture formation at all modes of the load characteristic. The maximum value of ηi for SLFAC is 0.5 at a load bmep = 0.2 MPa, for SFAC – 0.44 at bmep = 0.25 MPa and 0.3 at bmep = 0.36 MPa for an engine with a carburettor. Maximum combustion pressure (рz), pressure increase ratio (λ), preliminary expansion ratio (ρ), further expansion ratio (δ), combustion character indicator (m), maximum heat release rate (dx / dfi max), duration of combustion from TDC to point Z (φz), total duration of combustion (dφz); to construct the characteristics of changes in combustion indicators and to obtain empirical dependences depending on the engine load. An experimental-analytical research method is used, which provides for the determination of the nature and analysis of the course of the combustion process according to the combustion indicators established by the experimental indicator diagrams. The following results were obtained. The use of internal mixture formation and the organization of the combustion of SFAC and SLFAC made it possible to obtain ηi values greater than with external mixture formation at all modes of the load characteristic. The maximum value of ηi for SLFAC is 0.5 at a load ре = 0.2 MPa, for SFAC - 0.44 at ре = 0.25 MPa and 0.3 at ре = 0.36 MPa for an engine with a carburetor. The pressure in the cylinder with the piston position at TDC is on average 1.5 times higher for an engine with a carburetor, and the maximum combustion pressure рz is higher up to 11 % with the organization of SLFAC (the degree of pressure increase λ is reduced by 26 %) and 20-22 % higher than in the organization of SFAC (the value of λ is reduced by 31 %). An increase in the compression ratio ε by 26.4 % and a decrease in the degree of preliminary expansion ρ at SLFAC in comparison with SFAC made it possible to increase the degree of further expansion δ by an average of 30 % and by 43 % in comparison with the carburetor power system. When organizing SLFAC, the value of the indicator of the nature of combustion m is, on average, 1.4 times higher than that of an engine with a carburetor and 1.45 times higher relative to the organization of SFAC, at which the maximum rate of heat release dx / dfi max is up to 40 % higher than in the engine with carburetor. The SLFAC organization allowed reduce the combustion duration by 39 % relative to external mixture formation and by 36 % relative to the SFAC organization. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained consists in obtaining data and empirical dependences of the indicators of the combustion process of the 1D 8.7 / 8.2 engine with external and internal mixture formation with the organization of SFAC and SLFAC at load characteristic modes (n = 3,000 rpm). It was found that the best technical, economic and environmental indicators correspond to the organization of internal mixing with SLFAC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Weijie Cheng ◽  
Renli Cheng ◽  
Jinsheng Liu ◽  
Weizhe Ma ◽  
Jie Li ◽  

In order to improve the work efficiency of load characteristic analysis and realize lean management, scientific prediction, and reasonable planning of the distribution networks, this paper develops a multidimensional intelligent distribution network load analysis and prediction management system based on the fusion of multidimensional data for the application of multidimensional big data in the smart distribution network. First, the framework of the software system is designed, and the functional modules for multidimensional load characteristic analysis are designed. Then, the method of multidimensional user load characterization is introduced; furthermore, the application functions and the design process of some important function modules of the software system are introduced. Finally, an application example of the multidimensional user load characterization system is presented. Overall, the developed system has the features of interoperability of data links between functional modules, information support between different functions, and modular design concept, which can meet the daily application requirements of power grid enterprises and can respond quickly to the issued calculation requirements.

Ting-ting Hou ◽  
Yu-xin Zou ◽  
Zhu Chen ◽  
Heng Ding ◽  
Reng-cun Fang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 231 ◽  
pp. 110619
Lin Lin ◽  
Xiaohua Liu ◽  
Tao Zhang ◽  
Xichen Liu ◽  
Xiangyang Rong

2021 ◽  
pp. 20-29
M.P. Shishkarev

It is shown that to obtain a load characteristic corresponding to an ideal adaptive friction coupling of the second generation, the value of the spacer force must have the greatest increase in a certain initial range of friction coefficient values, and the value of the torque of the friction pairs of the main friction group must decrease linearly in the range of friction coefficient values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 233 ◽  
pp. 01070
Xiangqian Yu ◽  
Xiaoming Li ◽  
Jianhua Chen ◽  
Zhiguo Wang ◽  
Shiyuan Zhang

To detect the operating condition of equipment and understand the environmental management situation of enterprises in real-time, this paper studies the non-intrusive load decomposition of enterprises based on bidirectional LSTM. In this paper, we first obtain the load characteristic parameters of different equipment in different states, and then obtain the electrical power measured from the main power meter of decontamination equipment in TOP-5 through the softmax layer of bidirectional LSTM, and then change the softmax layer to decompose the load data from the main power meter.

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