total lifetime
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2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (12) ◽  
pp. e2021528118
Peidong Wang ◽  
Jeffery R. Scott ◽  
Susan Solomon ◽  
John Marshall ◽  
Andrew R. Babbin ◽  

The ocean is a reservoir for CFC-11, a major ozone-depleting chemical. Anthropogenic production of CFC-11 dramatically decreased in the 1990s under the Montreal Protocol, which stipulated a global phase out of production by 2010. However, studies raise questions about current overall emission levels and indicate unexpected increases of CFC-11 emissions of about 10 Gg ⋅ yr−1 after 2013 (based upon measured atmospheric concentrations and an assumed atmospheric lifetime). These findings heighten the need to understand processes that could affect the CFC-11 lifetime, including ocean fluxes. We evaluate how ocean uptake and release through 2300 affects CFC-11 lifetimes, emission estimates, and the long-term return of CFC-11 from the ocean reservoir. We show that ocean uptake yields a shorter total lifetime and larger inferred emission of atmospheric CFC-11 from 1930 to 2075 compared to estimates using only atmospheric processes. Ocean flux changes over time result in small but not completely negligible effects on the calculated unexpected emissions change (decreasing it by 0.4 ± 0.3 Gg ⋅ yr−1). Moreover, it is expected that the ocean will eventually become a source of CFC-11, increasing its total lifetime thereafter. Ocean outgassing should produce detectable increases in global atmospheric CFC-11 abundances by the mid-2100s, with emission of around 0.5 Gg ⋅ yr−1; this should not be confused with illicit production at that time. An illustrative model projection suggests that climate change is expected to make the ocean a weaker reservoir for CFC-11, advancing the detectable change in the global atmospheric mixing ratio by about 5 yr.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Xingyao Xiao ◽  
Yihong Cheng ◽  
Jong-Min Kim

Unprecedented opportunities have been brought by advancements in machine learning in the prediction of the economic success of movies. The analysis of movie title keywords is one promising but rarely investigated direction of study. To address this gap, we performed a text mining and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the relationships between movie titles and their corresponding movies’ levels of success. Specifically, intragroup and intergroup analyses of 217 top hit movies in the United States and 245 top hit movies in China showed that successful movies in these two major movie markets with outstanding total lifetime grosses featured titles with similar and different patterns of most frequently used words, revealing useful information about viewers’ preferences in these countries. The findings of this study will serve to better inform the movie industry in giving more economically promising names to their products from a machine-learning perspective and inspire further studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (8) ◽  
Th. Mannel ◽  
D. Moreno ◽  
A. A. Pivovarov

Abstract We complete the calculation of the contributions from the dimension six operators in the heavy quark expansion for the total lifetime of heavy hadrons. We give the leading order expressions for the Wilson coefficients of the Darwin term ρD and the spin-orbit term ρLS.

Beverages ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 28 ◽  
Claudia Gonzalez Viejo ◽  
Christopher H. Caboche ◽  
Edward D. Kerr ◽  
Cassandra L. Pegg ◽  
Benjamin L. Schulz ◽  

Foam-related parameters are associated with beer quality and dependent, among others, on the protein content. This study aimed to develop a machine learning (ML) model to predict the pattern and presence of 54 proteins. Triplicates of 24 beer samples were analyzed through proteomics. Furthermore, samples were analyzed using the RoboBEER to evaluate 15 physical parameters (color, foam, and bubbles), and a portable near-infrared (NIR) device. Proteins were grouped according to their molecular weight (MW), and a matrix was developed to assess only the significant correlations (p < 0.05) with the physical parameters. Two ML models were developed using the NIR (Model 1), and RoboBEER (Model 2) data as inputs to predict the relative quantification of 54 proteins. Proteins in the 0–20 kDa group were negatively correlated with the maximum volume of foam (MaxVol; r = −0.57) and total lifetime of foam (TLTF; r = −0.58), while those within 20–40 kDa had a positive correlation with MaxVol (r = 0.47) and TLTF (r = 0.47). Model 1 was not as accurate (testing r = 0.68; overall r = 0.89) as Model 2 (testing r = 0.90; overall r = 0.93), which may serve as a reliable and affordable method to incorporate the relative quantification of important proteins to explain beer quality.

Cephalalgia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-287 ◽  
Mi Ji Lee ◽  
Soo-Jin Cho ◽  
Jeong Wook Park ◽  
Min Kyung Chu ◽  
Heui-Soo Moon ◽  

Objective To investigate the temporal changes of circadian rhythmicity in relation to the disease course in patients with cluster headache. Methods In this multicenter study, patients with cluster headache were recruited between September 2016 and July 2018. We evaluated the patients for circadian rhythmicity and time of cluster headache attacks in the current bout and any experience of bout-to-bout change in circadian rhythmicity. We analyzed the patterns of circadian rhythmicity in relation to the disease progression (the number of total lifetime bouts, grouped into deciles). Results Of the 175 patients in their active, within-bout period, 86 (49.1%) had circadian rhythmicity in the current bout. The prevalence of circadian rhythmicity in the active period was overall similar regardless of disease progression. Sixty-three (46.3%) out of 136 patients with ≥2 bouts reported bout-to-bout changes in circadian rhythmicity. The most frequent time of cluster headache attacks was distributed evenly throughout the day earlier in the disease course and dichotomized into hypnic and midday as the number of lifetime bouts increased ( p = 0.037 for the homogeneity of variance). When grouped into nighttime and daytime, nighttime attacks were predominant early in the disease course, while daytime attacks increased with disease progression (up to 7th deciles of total lifetime bouts, p = 0.001) and decreased in patients with the most advanced disease course ( p = 0.013 for the non-linear association). Conclusions Circadian rhythmicity is not a fixed factor, and changes according to the disease course. Our findings will be valuable in providing a new insight into the stability of functional involvement of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the pathophysiology of cluster headache.

2019 ◽  
Max Michael Owens ◽  
James MacKillop ◽  
Lawrence Sweet

There is mixed evidence that individuals who use cannabis have reduced hippocampal and amygdalar gray matter volume, potentially because of small sample sizes and imprecise morphological characterization. New automated segmentation procedures have improved the measurement of these structures and allow better examination of their subfields, which have been linked to distinct aspects of memory and emotion. The current study applies this new segmentation procedure to the Human Connectome Project Young Adult dataset (N = 1081) to investigate associations of cannabis use with gray matter volume in the hippocampus and amygdala. Results revealed significant bilateral inverse associations of hippocampal volume with recent cannabis use (positive THC urine drug screen) and total lifetime consumption (ps&lt;.001), as well as association of the left amygdala total lifetime consumption (p&lt;.001). Hippocampal subfield analyses indicated these associations were primarily driven by the head of the hippocampus, the first section of the cornu amonis (CA1), and the subicular complex, which have been linked to verbal working memory, episodic memory, and spatial memory respectively. In the amygdala, the association was driven by subfields in the basolateral complex, which links the amygdala to the cortex and is critical in emotion regulation. No associations were detected for age of cannabis initiation or lifetime presence of cannabis use disorder. In one of the largest studies to date, these results support the hypothesis that cannabis use is linked with hippocampal and amygdalar volume and clarify both the specific subfields and the specific aspects of cannabis use that are responsible for these links.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 411-420 ◽  
Andrew J Palmer ◽  
Ingrid van der Mei ◽  
Bruce V Taylor ◽  
Philip M Clarke ◽  
Steve Simpson ◽  

Objectives: To quantify life expectancy (LE), quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and total lifetime societal costs for a hypothetical cohort of Australians with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: A 4-state Markov model simulated progression from no/mild to moderate and severe disability and death for a cohort of 35-year-old women over a lifetime horizon. Death risks were calculated from Australian life tables, adjusted by disability severity. State-dependent relapse probabilities and associated disutilities were considered. Probabilities of MS progression and relapse were estimated from AusLong and TasMSL MS epidemiological databases. Annual societal (direct and indirect) costs (2017 Australian dollars) and health-state utilities for each state were derived from the Australian MS Longitudinal Study. Costs were discounted at 5% annually. Results: Mean (95% confidence interval (CI)) LE from age 35 years was 42.7 (41.6–43.8) years. This was 7.5 years less than the general Australian population. Undiscounted QALYs were 28.2 (26.3–30.0), a loss of 13.1 QALYs versus the Australian population. Discounted lifetime costs were $942,754 ($347,856–$2,820,219). Conclusion: We have developed a health economics model of the progression of MS, calculating the impact of MS on LE, QALYs and lifetime costs in Australia. It will form the basis for future cost-effectiveness analyses of interventions for MS.

Thejaswini Karanth ◽  
Someswar Deb ◽  
Pranathi R ◽  
Kasthuri P

Alcohol consumption results in multiple end-organ damages. Predominantly the nervous system is affected in the form of Wernicke encephalopathy, Korsakoff psychosis, cerebellar ataxia and peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy due to alcohol consumption depends on the period and extent of total lifetime of alcohol consumption. Cultural and racial factors also play a role in the development of alcohol neuropathy. Alcohol consumption results in multiple end-organ damages. Alcoholic neuropathy is the most common harmful effects of excessive alcohol intake. The incidence of alcoholic neuropathy in the standard population is not accurate as the percentage varies extensively contingent on the description of chronic alcoholism and the criteria used to detect and classify neuropathy. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), studies involving clinical and electrodiagnostic tests prove that neuropathy is present in 25-66%. Alcoholic neuropathy depends on the extent and extent of total lifetime of alcohol consumption. Cultural and racial factors also play a role in resulting in alcohol neuropathy. Few studies suggest that the incidence of peripheral neuropathy is higher in alcoholic patients who have a family history of alcohol dependence syndrome. This is study finds the Common peroneal and sural nerves are the most common nerves to be involved in neuropathy. Predominantly axonal degeneration is the main pathology. Units of alcohol and CAGE criteria score has a 100% specificity in detecting patients prone to neuropathy.

S Gramblička ◽  
R Kohár ◽  
R Madaj ◽  
M Vrabec

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