industrial market
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-31
W. Yuanlong ◽  
W. Xizhe

A large number of exports of cheap industrial products completed the initial accumulation of capital in China, but this manufacturing industry, which has not mastered the basic technologies, is very fragile. With the development of science and technology, the economy of various countries is gradually globalizing. China is currently the second largest economy in the world, and due to its large population, this also makes China a huge sales market, but due to the large amount of excess capacity, China’s excess industrial market cannot be digested by its own country. In addition to the modernization of China’s manufacturing industry, it is inevitable that Chinese industry will simultaneously enter the world market. China’s manufacturing industry will face difficulties, but at the same time it has its own unique advantages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1236-1240
Ika Nur Afni ◽  
Liliek Winarti ◽  
Riska Wirawan

Home industry and MSMEs in Sidowayah Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency are not fully developed. There are several productions of processed food and household crafts that are less than optimal, both in terms of production and marketing. Some of the problems related to marketing are that there is no digitalization yet. Some MSMEs have to go out of business during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though during the Covid-19 pandemic, there is great potential to increase sales and ensure the continuity of product marketing from community-owned businesses. The results of the socialization activities related to the management of the home industry and MSMEs made them understand the urgency of digitizing MSMEs as an effort to widen their industrial market and to improve welfare and economic recovery during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Erin H. Luke

Vertical integration is a powerful, and complex business strategy that when used under the rightconditions can positively impact an organization. A company’s strategists need to understand whatdimensions of integration to use, and the best time to use it. De Beers is a company with a controversialhistory of being an anti-competitive monopoly. By strategizing into a vertical integrated company Debeers has added value to its company by not only targeting the retail, and industrial market, but also theI.T. industry. Forward and backward integration has helped organizations like De Beers maintain controlover its inputs and outputs. Rather than just buying all diamond mines, and stock piling the material inorder to control the prices, De Beers has embraced change by focusing on new emerging industries.Through vertical strategy and new ownership De Beers is turning its company around in a verycompetitive luxury industry. Organizations should be aware of the costs of vertical integration whenexploring its potential. Bureaucratic costs, and companies becoming too large and inflexible under certainenvironments can become a problem. Vertical integration is a powerful strategy, but it must always beunder scrutiny, and redesigned when the external and internal environment deems change necessary.

Adolat Mamatxonovna Asqarova ◽  
Komila Ravshanovna Xonkeldiyeva ◽  
Rohila Abduraimovna Abdukarimova ◽  
Xilola Baxodirovna Xudoyberdiyeva ◽  

As the light industry market differs from the consumer goods, services and industrial market in a number of features, their marketing activities, scope, strategies and methods of operation also differ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 296 ◽  
pp. 06034
Natalya Izakova ◽  
Ivan Vozmilov ◽  
Tatiana Minina

Building partnerships with consumers in the industrial market, as well as responsible attitude to doing business contribute to companies’ sustainable development, increasing satisfaction not only of consumers, but also of the society as a whole. The article analyzes various approaches to the problem of enterprises’ sustainable development. A method is proposed for identifying criteria that affect the sustainability of industrial companies’ development, including correlation analysis and the contingency table method. The characteristic of the Russian market of pipe products is presented. The hypothesis about the dependence of the industrial enterprises’ sustainability development on the consumers’ satisfaction in the industrial market with the experience of interacting with a supplier has been tested using the method of mathematical statistics. General principles of partnership were formulated based on the results of the study. The implementation of those principles is aimed at increasing company’s stability in the pipe market.

T.V. Pogodina ◽  
O.E. Ustinova

Intense competition in industrial markets leads to a constant change in customer behavior. Tight price negotiations and abuse of power make it difficult for participants to interact in sales. Taking these facts into account, it should be noted that for a sales Manager, the success rate is the final result of negotiations and is determined by the price. Surveys of sales managers in the industrial sector show that another important element of negotiations is the length of the business relationship. Despite these trends, questions remain about other factors that can consciously or unconsciously influence the negotiation situation, both in a positive and negative way. This article examines the behavior of industrial market participants in purchasing activities, on the basis of which a model is proposed. The article was carried out as part of the second stage of fundamental research works on the state task in 2020 on the topic “Theory of consumer behavior in the modern economy”: Order of the financial University under the government of the Russian Federation dated 20.03.2020 No. 0564/o “On the organization Of the second stage of fundamental research works performed under the state task in 2020”.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mengmeng Dou ◽  
Lesley Anne Hemphill ◽  
Lay Cheng Lim

PurposeThe paper aims to quantitatively investigate vacant industrial land valuation accuracy in China, given the importance of the industrial market as an underlying pillar to promote urban growth especially in emerging economies.Design/methodology/approachIn China, the government formulates a Land Benchmark Price (LBP) to serve as a price reference point to sell land rights. To gain an in-depth understanding of the valuation practice by LBP, this paper uses correlation analysis to investigate the varying dynamics between the transaction-based prices and LBP appraisal-based estimates. Furthermore, a margin of error examination investigates the distortion in LBP land appraisals, with an amended LBP presented to improve the accuracy of the current LBP method.FindingsDifferent influencing factors are identified to impact the actual market transaction prices and the LBP construction, leading to a large discrepancy in industrial land appraisals. A systematic problem is recognised that the construction of the LBP follows urban bid curve theory, whereas the land transaction prices do not, demonstrating that an urgent LBP update is needed to capture the market dynamics for industrial market.Practical implicationsThe paper sets out discrepancies in valuation accuracy surrounding the application of the LBP valuation approach in China. This has practical implications for valuers in terms of raising their awareness of the deficiencies in the approach and the pitfalls they need to guard against in their appraisals. It also has implications for developers and investors who rely on valuer appraisals to assess the viability of land purchases; hence, they need to express caution in the appraisal advice sought. Finally, the results demonstrate to the standard setters how they need to modify the LBP equations to better capture market dynamics.Originality/valueThe paper examines valuation accuracy in transitional economies, through valuation differentials between appraised price and the transacted price. The value of the work lies in the analysis of the fundamental differentials between market price and appraised value, which is of importance to investors/developers, practicing valuers, as well as government officials responsible for setting the valuation standards.

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