alcoholic drink
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Fabiola Bravo-Hualpa ◽  
Jorge Nelson Trevejo-Pinedo ◽  
Karinna Visurraga ◽  
Angela Pinedo ◽  
Kevin Acuna-Condori ◽  

Abstract There is great interest in the development of a simple system that could identify adulteration or counterfeiting of Peruvian Pisco (a grape-based alcoholic drink). In this study, sensors based on SnO2-TiO2 and SnO2-MoO3 composites with different weight composition ratios were synthesized and characterized. These sensors were tested with aqueous solutions of EtOH/MetOH and Pisco samples of Italia and Quebranta varieties in order to explore their capacity to identify variations in these beverages. The response profile of the most sensitive sensors showed an enhanced response to alcoholic samples with greater content of ethanol up to a concentration of 45%v/v, while the increased content of methanol in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 % v/v diminished the intensity of the sensor response. Differences in the composition of methanol and ethanol in the Pisco varieties studied (Italia and Quebranta) were correlated to the capacity of the composite-based sensors to differentiate them with greater performance. Sensors based on SnO2-TiO2-1/2 composites showed greater reproducibility of their response profile over time in comparison to SnO2-TiO2-1/1 and SnO2-MoO3 composites. The PCA showed that composite sensors were able to differentiate Pisco samples according to their variety.

YMER Digital ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (01) ◽  
pp. 77-97
Dr. Pintu Kumar ◽  

Bronkhorst rightly argued that the Brāhmaṇical religion and rituals were not rooted deeply in the society of Greater Magadha and maintained its tradition of local Dravidian gods due to its situation beyond the eastern limit of purely Āryan Culture. Besides famous Brāhmaṇical Gods, each village of Greater Magadha has its own local non-Brāhmaṇical Dravidian gods, situated in small rude temples or shrines. These locally originated minor village gods are almost always appeased with blood or animal sacrifices followed by offering of śarāb i.e. alcoholic drink whenever a wish (mañnat) is fulfilled. The offered small indigenous animals like chicken or bird are cooked at the shrine and served as prāsād to all. It is believed that the deity will be satisfied after drinking blood and wine and bless you anything in an intoxicated mood. The present paper will locate these village gods through the ‘polythetic approach’ and understand the traditional sacrifices offered. It further intends to explore the relationship between the modern theory and the contemporary indigenous practice in dynamic collaboration with seven components of sacrificial deeds.

2021 ◽  
Eric Robinson

Objective: Both excessive alcohol consumption and obesity produce a considerable public health burden. Alcohol is calorie dense, but unlike food products, alcoholic drinks tend to be exempt from nutritional labelling laws that require energy content information to be displayed on packaging or at point of purchase. Design: Here we provide an integrative review on the potential of alcoholic drink energy labelling as a public health policy to reduce obesity. Results: We first outline the contribution that alcohol makes to population level daily energy intake and the role that alcohol consumption may have in promoting obesity. We next discuss the extent to which there is a consumer need for alcoholic drink energy labelling and the potential impact that energy labelling of alcoholic drinks would have on both consumer and industry behaviour. The direct and indirect pathways and mechanisms by which energy labelling of alcoholic drinks could theoretically influence public health are discussed, as well as possible unintended consequences of alcoholic drink energy labelling. Conclusion: We conclude by discussing key questions that will need to be answered by future research in order to determine how effective energy labelling of alcoholic drink policies will be in reducing obesity and improving public health.

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 61-69
Cosmin Ciotloș

The present study unfolds on several layers.In the first place, it propounds a history of the relationship between the alcoholic drink that is popularly known as „spritz” and Romanian literature, illustrated with examples from the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. Secondly, it restores a terminology area, determining the first usage of the word (with all its synonyms) and what prominent or less-known authors have frequently utilized it. Thirdly, it inspects documentation data which thus reinstates two potential forerunners of this interstitial phenomenon: Anton Pann and Daniil Scavinschi. In the fourth place, it exposes a series of thresholds in the evolution of the Romanian mentality, based on the level of tolerance or disapproval that writers have expressed, when confronted with this liquor.

Ibnu Sutoko ◽  
Latipun Latipun

Background: The alcoholic drink level of consumption is still high, particularly among adolescents and adults. Continuous consumption of alcoholic drinks can lead to addiction, making it difficult to cope with; however, some individuals with such a situation are could cease the habit. This study aims to explore the process of individuals breaking away from alcohol dependence. Methods: The research approach used qualitative with a phenomenological design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain in-depth data from eight subjects selected according to purposive sampling criteria. The data was analyzed using a descriptive phenomenological method. Results: The study results found four main themes for quitting alcoholic beverages: the influence of the experience of becoming an addict, a strong internal desire to quit, being threatened by biological impacts, internal and external driving factors to quit. Conclusion: Based on the findings, individuals who want to quit addiction must have a strong desire, consider the biological impact on health and have internal and external driving factors.

Ibnu Sutoko ◽  
Latipun Latipun

Background: The alcoholic drink level of consumption is still high, particularly among adolescents and adults. Continuous consumption of alcoholic drinks can lead to addiction, making it difficult to cope with; however, some individuals with such a situation are could cease the habit. This study aims to explore the process of individuals breaking away from alcohol dependence. Methods: The research approach used qualitative with a phenomenological design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain in-depth data from eight subjects selected according to purposive sampling criteria. The data was analyzed using a descriptive phenomenological method. Results: The study results found four main themes for quitting alcoholic beverages: the influence of the experience of becoming an addict, a strong internal desire to quit, being threatened by biological impacts, internal and external driving factors to quit. Conclusion: Based on the findings, individuals who want to quit addiction must have a strong desire, consider the biological impact on health and have internal and external driving factors.

Shadow Sophia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 134-157
Celia E. Deane-Drummond

The vices of greed, envy, and gluttony are named as three of the ‘deadly sins’ in the Christian tradition. All are more specific instances of what ‘free riding’ looks like by individuals in a community. Evolutionary psychology introduced the concept of ‘free riding’ as a problem that arises in a cooperative community. This chapter will focus most attention on greed or avarice understood as taking more than is needed. The chapter will explore key theological and biblical issues related to greed and discuss how the perception of the vice has changed through time. Moreover, the chapter will briefly explore envy, the desire for the goods of another, before moving to gluttony, which is self-indulgence related to food. In the classic tradition, gluttony included alcoholic drink and negatively impacted the body, but it also has wider implications for the community. The chapter will end by discussing how evolutionary, psychological, and medical theories for the origins of these vices compare with theological interpretations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 501-507
S. L. A. Muthukarpan ◽  
M. N. Osman ◽  
M. Jusoh ◽  
T. Sabapathy ◽  
M. K. A. Rahim ◽  

Drink and drive issue have become solemnly that needs immediate attention. This is due to drivers’ ignorance towards road rules and regulations and their selfish attitude that caused loss of innocent lives. Although previously there is a drunk detecting mechanism using breathalyzer but it isn’t suitable for current fast-paced lifestyle. Therefore, to overcome these issues, this system is proposed. This system is fixed on vehicle’s steering to measure alcohol concentration reading using MQ-3 sensor from the driver’s exhaled breath. If the driver found to be drunk beyond the threshold level of 400 ppm, then ignition lock is activated and the car engine does not start till alcohol concentration falls to a safe level. Or, if the driver consumes an alcoholic drink while driving, upon exceeding permissible limit, the car slows down till it stops. Then, the location of the vehicle is tracked and sent as Google Map integrated link via text message to authorized unit. Simultaneously, the car buzzer goes off while the car slows down so that surrounding road users are aware of the driver’s condition and drives at a distance. The proposed detection system is highly potential to be implemented for reducing the drunk and drive accidents.

RSC Advances ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (63) ◽  
pp. 39985-39993
Yirong Xia ◽  
Xintong Wang ◽  
Hechen Sun ◽  
Ximing Huang

Tea wine is a Chinese traditional alcoholic drink made by cereal and tea leaves.

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