potential customer
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Varad R Thalkar

Customer Segmentation is the process of division of customer base into several groups called as customer segments such that each customer segment consists of customers who have similar characteristics. Segmentation is based on the similarity in different ways that are relevant to marketing such as gender, age, interests, and miscellaneous spending habits.The customer segmentation has the importance as it includes, the ability to modify the programs of market so that it is suitable to each of the customer segment, support in business decisions; identification of products associated with each customer segment and to mange the demand and supply of that product; identifying and targeting the potential customer base, and predicting customer defection, providing directions in finding the solutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012073
R Untari

Abstract Batik Indonesia was awarded as an intangible heritage by Unesco. Unfortunately, synthetic color batik has many advantages over natural dyes batik. The difficulty of selling natural color batik makes natural color batik crafters carry out educational activities to potential consumers to generate demand and purchases. The method for the research is observation for the long term, an in-depth interview to confirm the observation finding then do qualitative analysis. The research found that natural color batik crafters or ecopreneurs must have a solid green value to survive in their business. There are various ways, methods, and means to educate potential batik consumers and others. Natural color Batik artisans will choose the way he or she is most likely to do. The education is carried out continuously. This activity is aimed at prospective consumers knowing natural color batik and its advantages. This knowledge can defeat the attractiveness of low prices that synthetic color batik has. So that in the end, consumers will make a purchase. Especially for this research, its also found that the batik crafter also educates another party than potential customer therefore, the other party will support the education for the potential customer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Sri Wijiastuti ◽  
Kurniawati Darmaningrum ◽  
Zandra Dwanita Widodo

Pertumbuhan untuk industri e-Commerce di Indonesia diprediksi dapat mencapai sebesar US$ 130 miliar pada tahun 2020. Pertumbuhan industri e-commerce per tahun yang dapat mencapai 50 persen dan ditambah dengan pengguna smartphone yang terus bertumbuh merupakan peluang yang sangat besar untuk pelaku UMKM dalam meningkatkan penjualan produk mereka. Digital marketing memungkinkan pembeli memperoleh seluruh informasi mengenai produk dan bertransaksi melalui internet, dan memungkinkan penjual untuk memantau dan menyediakan kebutuhan serta keinginan calon pembeli tanpa batasan waktu dan geografis. Media promosi digital diharapkan menjadi pilihan yang efektif untuk pelaku UMKM dalam mengembangkan bisnis dan menjangkau pasar nasional maupun internasional. Media promosi konvensional yang membutuhkan banyak biaya dan jauh lebih rumit dengan sendirinya tidak lagi menjadi perhatian utama bagi pelaku UMKM karena adanya digital marketing. Pelaku UMKM dengan menggunakan e-commerce atau marketplace dapat menjangkau calon costumer yang lebih luas dan lebih banyak, tidak hanya terbatas pada suatu wilayah promosi saja. Digital marketing dan e-commerce atau marketplace dapat menjangkau wilayah yang lebih luas dibanding pemasaran secara konvensional, sehingga hal ini menjadi pilihan yang solutif untuk ekspansi bisnis.Kata Kunci: UMKM, Digital Marketing, E-CommerceGrowth for the e-commerce industry in Indonesia is predicted to reach US$ 130 billion by 2020. The annual growth of the e-commerce industry which can reach 50 percent and coupled with smartphone users who continue to grow is a huge opportunity for MSME players to increase sales of their products. Digital marketing allows buyers to obtain all information about products and transact via the internet, and allows sellers to monitor and provide for the needs and desires of potential buyers without time and geographical restrictions. Digital promotion media is expected to be an effective choice for MSME players in developing business and reaching national and international markets. Conventional promotional media that require a lot of money and are much more complicated by themselves are no longer a major concern for MSME actors because of digital marketing. MSME actors by using e-commerce or marketplaces can reach a wider and more potential customer, not only limited to a promotional area. Digital marketing and e-commerce or marketplaces can reach a wider area than conventional marketing, so this is a solution choice for business expansion.Keywords: MSME, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce

Sven Baehre ◽  
Michele O’Dwyer ◽  
Lisa O’Malley ◽  
Nick Lee

AbstractNet Promoter Score (NPS) has been widely adopted by managers as a measure of customer mindset and predictor of sales growth. Over time, practitioners have evolved the use of NPS from its original purpose as a transaction-based customer loyalty metric, towards a metric for tracking overall brand health which includes responses from non-customers. Despite enduring managerial popularity, academics remain skeptical of NPS, citing methodological issues and ongoing concerns with NPS measurement. This study re-visits the use of NPS as a predictor of sales growth by analyzing data from seven brands operating in the U.S. sportswear industry, measured over five years. Our results confirm—within the context of our study—that while the original premise of NPS is reasonable, the methodological concerns raised by academics are valid, and only the more recently developed brand health measure of NPS (using an all potential customer sample) is effective at predicting future sales growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-102
Suyash S. Tambe ◽  
Vivek Ambetkar ◽  
Prathamesh Ambovkar

Major industries today are dealing with large amount of data even small shops are no oblivion for the huge pile of customer data. To gain profit in competitive marketing is imperative that the useful information shall be extracted out of this data. The processing of this huge pile of data becomes monotonous task and the different types of software and algorithms are developed to process and acquire result out of this data. This project deals with same kind of problem of dealing with data. Taking customer purchase history as an input our system using "Apriori Algoritm" classifies these customers as potential and non-potential customers. Customers who are potential are more likely to buy more from the store and help enhance business.

K ta Kita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Felix Octavius Saverino

PT. Banmadju Mandiriperkasa is located at Jl. Pattimura 104b, Kediri. As a tyre retreading company, the main product of PT. Banmadju Mandiriperkasa are both hot and cold retreading systems. Meanwhile, the company also offers a complete tyre sizing for each category of a vehicle from sedan, minibus, bus, truck, forklift, and also OTR (Off the Road). The company’s main problem is the intense competition between the competitors in the global retread tyre market, which causes PT. Banmadju Mandiriperkasa should increase brand awareness to the customers. Therefore, it is better to make a company profile video as a solution to overcome the company’s problem. To gain awareness from the potential customer, the company profile video will be distributed by using social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. By having a company profile video, PT. Banmadju Mandiriperkasa can increase the brand awareness to the potential customers from all over Indonesia. Keywords: retreading company, tyre, awareness, company profile video, potential customers.

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