graphical system
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Liu Yue ◽  
Zhao Chun ◽  
Zhang Lin

In the process of complex product design, modeling in different fields and different disciplines is often involved. Designers often face many different development kits, platforms, and theories, among which significant differences exist. Especially in the process of algorithm-hardware implementation, it is necessary to have mastery of the knowledge including algorithm, hardware, circuit, and system engineering. In this paper, a modeling method of algorithm-hardware based on SysML is proposed to reduce the difficulty of algorithm-hardware modeling. By using the method, the designers who do not know the knowledge of hardware can also easily build the algorithm-hardware model. In this method, a method of graphical system modeling based on SysML is used, where the elements of the algorithm-hardware model are described by SysML graphical models. Then, the SysML graphical models are converted to Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language. At last, a detecting algorithm of random number is complemented by the modeling method in this paper and the simulation results are presented at the conclusion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-41
Vladimir Kuznetsov ◽  
Irina Chizhova

The article discusses the conceptual, methodological and practical aspects of building information and analytical systems, including forecasting and evaluation systems based on artificial intelligence and the use of knowledge bases, as well as the implementation of these principles in the research version of the developed intellectual and graphical system based on parametric models of deposits and ore fields of the Rudno-Altai mineragenic zone, used to assess the prospects of ore fields of the Zmeinogorsky ore district.

Jasmin P. Bhootwala ◽  
Dr Subhash G. Desai

Security important now a days. Users of primary preference to security. Authentication process provide security to the user. Authentication process of identifying the person’s identity or conforming the identity of person. There are various authentication method, but most commonly used method is textual password. Combination of alphabet and number create a secure password. But some drawbacks i.e. it easily guess by also called attacker. If it make complex then it hard to memorize. Also various attacks brute force attack, dictionary attack, social engineering attack, evesdropping, etc. of textual password graphical password system introduced. Graphical system is easy to memorize but it undergo shoulder surfing attack which big problem. any entity or person can observe users password directly or by using any device. So as an alternative Graphical Passwords are introduced to resist the Shoulder surfing attack. the above mentioned attacks the new scheme highlights cued click point (CCP), Using graphical password as input and grid lines for image point verification. This paper survey shoulder surfing attacks in graphical password approach.

Jing Zhou

This chapter presents the motivation, background, and implementation of “Living Mandala: The Cosmic of Being 1,” an interactive graphics installation that combines real-time data, multi-cultural mandalas, scientific imagery, and cosmological symbols. Built with an open source programming language and environment, this living contemporary symbol is an exploration into uncharted territories of the human soul sculpted by our present time. Its interactive revolving graphical system visualizes our perceptions of life (microcosm) and the universe (macrocosm); our connections to ancient mythology, cosmology, and cultural heritage; and the relationships among humankind, science, technology, and nature in a globalized society. Merging rich historical, cultural, scientific imagery and symbols with real-time data and relaxing sound, this living organism alters every moment responding to the movement, color, light, sound, and temperature of its surroundings.

Егор Владимирович Кашкин

В статье рассматриваются особенности графики одного из письменных памятников хантыйского языка — русско-хантыйского словаря, составленного священником Вологодским (1842 г.). Ранее языковые особенности этого памятника не были детально описаны; имеется лишь краткая информация об истории его создания. Приводится инвентарь использованных в словаре графических символов, для каждого из них в сопоставлении с данными современных западных хантыйских диалектов делаются предположения о возможных фонологических соответствиях. Обсуждаются возможные фонетические особенности тех идиомов, которые были задокументированы составителем словаря. Показано, что в словаре Вологодского сочетаются черты обдорского и березовского диалектов; при этом в разных элементах системы могут проявляться признаки, свойственные разным диалектам (так, в памятнике наблюдается во многих примерах смешение букв о и а, что может отражать дистрибуцию фонем /ɔ/ и /a/ в обдорском диалекте, но за единичными исключениями не происходит ожидаемого для этого диалекта смешения букв ш и с и соответственно фонем /š/ и /s/). В некоторых случаях можно вместе с тем предполагать, что графическая система памятника не отражает со всей возможной дробностью некоторые из существующих в хантыйском языке фонологических противопоставлений (ср. отсутствие разных символов для фонем /a/ и /ă/, устойчиво противопоставленных в западных хантыйских диалектах). Отдельно обсуждаются некоторые закономерности постановки словесного ударения, в частности случаи его постановки не на первом слоге (что реализовывало бы наиболее ожидаемую модель) и наличие в памятнике двух разных знаков ударения: основного, наиболее частотного, и некоторого второстепенного, встречающегося во многих служебных словах, но также и в ряде знаменательных слов. The article deals with the graphical system of a Western Khanty manuscript — the Russian-Khanty dictionary created by the priest Vologodsky (1842). The language of this manuscript has not been described in detail so far; there is only some information about its history. I describe the inventory of graphical symbols used in the dictionary and discuss possible phonological correspondences for each of them in comparison with the data from the contemporary dialects of Western Khanty. The dictionary by Vologodsky has some features from Obdorsk and Berezovo dialects; different elements of the graphical (and phonological) system can show the characteristics of various dialects (thus, in many examples the letters о and а are mixed, which may correlate with the distribution of the phonemes /ɔ/ and /a/ in the Obdorsk dialect, but with few exceptions there is no mixing of the letters ш and с / the phonemes /š/ and /s/, which would be expected in the Obdorsk dialect). For some cases we may, however, suggest that the graphical system of the manuscript does not show some of the existing phonological oppositions (cf. no graphical differentiation for the phonemes /a/ and /ă/ consistently distinguished in Western Khanty). Another issue is the marking of word stress, in particular when it falls on the non-first syllables, and the use of two different symbols for word stress: the primary and the most frequent one, and the secondary one occurring on function words, and also on some content words.

B Kaurov

A new approach to the construction of a diagram of human aging is presented, based on the shift of emphasis from the visual display of a graph to its computer analysis. The disadvantages of the old approach and the advantages of the new one are shown. On the basis of the new approach, the graphical system “AgeMap” was created and the statistical analysis of the graph of human aging, consisting of 2200 nodes, was carried out. The prospect of further application of this system is shown.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (37) ◽  
pp. 79-94
Irving Anellis

Both Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) and Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) held that Euclid’s proofs in geometry were fundamentally flawed, and based largely on mathematical intuition rather than on sound deductive reasoning. They differed, however, as to the role which diagramming played in Euclid’s emonstrations. Specifically, whereas Russell attributed the failures on Euclid’s proofs to his reasoning from diagrams, Peirce held that diagrammatic reasoning could be rendered as logically rigorous and formal. In 1906, in his manuscript “Phaneroscopy” of 1906, he described his existential graphs, his highly iconic, graphical system of logic, as a moving picture of thought, “rendering literally visible before one’s very eyes the operation of thinking in actu”, and as a “generalized diagram of the Mind” (Peirce 1906; 1933, 4.582). More generally, Peirce personally found it more natural for him to reason diagrammatically, rather than algebraically. Rather, his concern with Euclid’s demonstrations was with its absence of explicit explanations, based upon the laws of logic, of how to proceed from one line of the “proof” to the next. This is the aspect of his criticism of Euclid that he shared with Russell; that Euclid’s demonstrations drew from mathematical intuition, rather than from strict formal deduction.

Jacek Soszyński

The article deals with the development of graphical systems of presenting history in universal chronicles on the instances of Eusebius of Caesarea and Jerome in late antiquity, Martinus Polonus in the thirteenth century, and Werner Rolevinck at the break of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. With the translation of the Eusebius’ Chronikoi Canones performed by Jerome, the synchronistic table was introduced into the Western historiographical tradition. This form of presenting history became firmly rooted in Latin chronicles, in particular within the genre of universal chronicles, which endeavoured to recount the history of mankind from Adam to the Final Judgement, and were very popular well into the early modern period. The author argues that the chronicles of Eusebius/Jerome and Martinus Polonus simply utilized synchronicity, in their pursuit to produce encyclopaedic works, aimed at the scholarly reader. In their intention, the synchronistic table was a technical means for a more effective presentation of past events. With Werner Rolevinck the case was different. The layout introduced by him was no longer asynchronistic table, but an attempt at visualizing history, with very little attention paid to precise dating of various events and persons. He constructed his complicated graphical system for religious purposes, to contemplate the magnificence of God’s creation, in accordance with the ideas of the devotio moderna, and destined his work for a much wider audience than scholars.

Svitlana Kucherenko ◽  
Oleh Kucherenko

The purpose of the study is to analyze the methods of assessing the creditworthiness of the natural person borrower in terms of feasibility of its applying in various types of lending, as well as to provide the recommendations on the most effective method of implementing such an assessment in banking institutions practice.  Both general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge have become the methodological basis of the article. In the process of writing the article the following methods were used: dialectical, economic comparisons and generalizations, grouping, graphical, system-structural analysis and synthesis. Results of work. In the article the modern methods of assessing the creditworthiness of the natural person borrower used by banking institutions in their practice are thoroughly investigated. The advantages and disadvantages of using each of them and the feasibility of applying different methods in providing various types of loans are substantiated. It is determined that the most promising method of assessing the creditworthiness of the natural person borrower is credit scoring.  The implementation of these recommendations will lead to the improvement and acceleration in providing the quality banking services for the client, as well as to the successful operation of the banking institution. Conclusions. The financial condition of the bank as a whole depends on the quality of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers. Most often, the examination of the creditworthiness of individual borrowers is carried out on a point system for assessing the clients’ reliability. Based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the bank makes a conclusion about the reliability of a potential borrower and gives the assessment to the creditworthiness of the borrower. In considering the financial situation and economic condition of a potential borrower all the details are important, otherwise the bank may be at risk and suffer great losses. At the same time, the complexity of assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower makes financial institutions to apply the different approaches to evaluation methods. Careful clients’ selection based on the assessment of the borrower's creditworthiness allows the bank to minimize its credit resources loss.

2020 ◽  
pp. 531-560
P. H. M. Li ◽  
J. O. Gray

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