experimental search
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Dylan A. Orth ◽  
Michael Buchanan ◽  
Ashish Amresh ◽  
Cassady Smith ◽  
Glenn Lematta ◽  

Exploration and exploitation are commonly cited in search and rescue scenarios to explain the process by which individuals work in a team and gather information about their environment (exploration) and identify potential solutions and adaptations (exploitation) to pursue successful outcomes. In this paper, we discuss exploration and exploitation as critical design features and highlight the importance of balancing them when designing team-based search and rescue missions. To test the proposed design decisions, we developed a usability study that includes two missions wherein teams consisting of three participants are tasked to rescue victims within a Minecraft-based 3D testbed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144-151
Renata A. Nasybullina ◽  
Vitaly A. Samogorov ◽  
Nikolay I. Shchepetkov

The perception of an interior building’s space is possible only if it is illuminated with daylight or artificial light. Despite this important fact, many architects pay much more attention to working with traditional building materials, without using the expressive possibilities of daylight as an independent primary material. This paper reveals the role of daylight in the design process, outlines the methodological foundations for designing the luminous space environment of buildings. There are two stages that reveal the method of teaching architectural design, considering light as the main means and material of the architect: developmental exercises (propaedeutics) and designing architectural objects. Each of the stages is illustrated with examples of experimental search work of students.

A.I. Pakhomov ◽  

The disinfecting effect of the higher harmonics of the magnetic field has been substantiated, and their relationship with the equipment parameters has been shown. Using the analysis of spectrograms and a laboratory experiment, the inhibitory 23rd, 25th, and 30th harmonics were established, the presence of which in the spectrum of a two-pole electromagnet provides a high disinfection effect. The necessity of concentrating the spectrum of magnetic disinfecting equipment at the frequencies of the indicated harmonics in order to increase the efficiency of the method has been proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
Halil Mutuk

AbstractThe goal of the present work is to obtain a reliable estimate of the masses of the ground and radially excited states of fully-heavy tetraquark systems. In order to do this, we use a nonrelativistic model of tetraquarks which are assumed to be compact and consist of diquark-antidiquark pairs. This nonrelativistic model is composed of Hulthen potential, a linear confining potential and spin-spin interaction. We computed ground, first, and second radially excited $$cc{\bar{c}}{\bar{c}}$$ c c c ¯ c ¯ and $$bb{\bar{b}}{\bar{b}}$$ b b b ¯ b ¯ tetraquark masses. It was found that predicted masses of ground states of $$cc{\bar{c}}{\bar{c}}$$ c c c ¯ c ¯ and $$bb{\bar{b}}{\bar{b}}$$ b b b ¯ b ¯ tetraquarks are significantly higher than the thresholds of the fall-apart decays to the lowest allowed two-meson states. These states should be broad and are thus difficult to observe experimentally. First radially excited states are considerably lower than their corresponding (2S-2S) two-meson thresholds. We hope that our study may be helpful to the experimental search for ground and excited $$cc{\bar{c}}{\bar{c}}$$ c c c ¯ c ¯ and $$bb{\bar{b}}{\bar{b}}$$ b b b ¯ b ¯ tetraquark states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 107073
M. Kratochvílová ◽  
M. Klicpera ◽  
F. Malý ◽  
J. Valenta ◽  
M. Veis ◽  

Т.И. Банникова

В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы развития самообразовательной деятельности с целью формирования транспрофессионализма магистрантов-дизайнеров. Актуальность исследуемой проблемы обусловлена возрастающими требованиями со стороны работодателей к выпускникам магистратуры, которые, помимо овладения профессиональными компетенциями должны быть способны к комплексному видению и решению возникающих перед ними проблем, способны находить уникальные решения на основе междисциплинарного синтеза знаний и межпрофессиональной коммуникации. В основе исследования лежат теории профессионального развития, транспрофессионализма, самообразовательной деятельности. Опытно-поисковая часть исследования выполнена на примере самообразовательной деятельности магистрантов направления «Дизайн». В процессе исследования уточнены понятия транспрофессионализма и самообразовательной деятельности, предложен подход к формированию транспрофессиональных компетенций путем развития у обучающихся готовности к самообразовательной деятельности. Материалы статьи могут быть полезными специалистам, реализующим образовательные программы магистратуры, направленные на подготовку магистров-транспрофессионалов. This article discusses the problems of the development of self-educational activities in order to form the trans-professionalism of master students-designers. The relevance of the problem under examination is due to the increasing requirements from employers to graduates of the magistracy, who, in addition to mastering professional competencies, should be capable of a comprehensive vision and solution of the problems they face, and are able to find unique solutions based on an inter-disciplinary synthesis of knowledge and inter-professional communication. The research is based on the theories of professional development, trans-professionalism, and self-educational activity. The experimental search part of the research was carried out based on the example of self-educational activities of master's students in the "Design" direction. In the course of the study, the concepts of trans-professionalism and self-educational activity were clarified, an approach to the formation of trans-professional competencies by developing students' readiness for self-educational activity was proposed. The materials of the article can be useful for specialists who implement educational master's programs aimed at training trans-professional masters.

Chenglong She ◽  
Qicheng Huang ◽  
Cong Chen ◽  
Yue Jiang ◽  
Zhen Fan ◽  

Experimental search for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is an extremely challenging task due to the vast search space comprising the materials, device structures, and preparation methods. Herein, by using...

2021 ◽  
Y. Kamiya ◽  
R. Cubitt ◽  
L. Porcar ◽  
O. Zimmer ◽  
G. N. Kim ◽  

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