poa annua
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HortScience ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Matthew T. Elmore ◽  
Aaron J. Patton ◽  
Adam W. Thoms ◽  
Daniel P. Tuck

Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) control with postemergence herbicides in cool-season turfgrass is often inconsistent. Amicarbazone and mesotrione have complementary modes of action but have not been evaluated in tank-mixtures for control of mature annual bluegrass in cool-season turfgrass. Field experiments were conducted during 2018 in New Jersey, and in Indiana, Iowa, and New Jersey during 2019 to evaluate springtime applications of amicarbazone and mesotrione for POST annual bluegrass control in cool-season turfgrass. On separate tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) sites in 2018, three sequential applications of amicarbazone (53 g⋅ha−1) + mesotrione at 110 to 175 g⋅ha−1 provided >70% annual bluegrass control, whereas three sequential applications of amicarbazone alone at 53 and 70 as well as two sequential applications at 110 g⋅ha−1 provided <15% control at 14 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT). In 2019, results in New Jersey were similar to 2018 where amicarbazone alone provided less control than mesotrione + amicarbazone tank-mixtures. In Indiana, where the annual bluegrass infestation was severe and most mature, tank-mixtures were more effective than amicarbazone alone at 6 WAIT, but at 12 WAIT all treatments provided poor control. In Iowa, where the annual bluegrass infestation was <1 year old, all treatments provided similar control throughout the experiment and by >80% at the conclusion of the experiment. This research demonstrates that sequential applications of mesotrione + amicarbazone can provide more annual bluegrass control than either herbicide alone, but efficacy is inconsistent across locations, possibly due to annual bluegrass maturity and infestation severity.

2021 ◽  
Rajesh Barua ◽  
Jenna Malone ◽  
Peter Boutsalis ◽  
Gurjeet Gill ◽  
Christopher Preston

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (23) ◽  
pp. 13086
Jana Stallmann ◽  
Rabea Schweiger

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), i.e., the interaction of plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), often influences plant growth, physiology, and metabolism. Effects of AM on the metabolic composition of plant phloem sap may affect aphids. We investigated the impacts of AM on primary metabolites in phloem exudates of the plant species Plantago major and Poa annua and on the aphid Myzus persicae. Plants were grown without or with a generalist AMF species, leaf phloem exudates were collected, and primary metabolites were measured. Additionally, the performance of M. persicae on control and mycorrhizal plants of both species was assessed. While the plant species differed largely in the relative proportions of primary metabolites in their phloem exudates, metabolic effects of AM were less pronounced. Slightly higher proportions of sucrose and shifts in proportions of some amino acids in mycorrhizal plants indicated changes in phloem upload and resource allocation patterns within the plants. Aphids showed a higher performance on P. annua than on P. major. AM negatively affected the survival of aphids on P. major, whereas positive effects of AM were found on P. annua in a subsequent generation. Next to other factors, the metabolic composition of the phloem exudates may partly explain these findings.

Polar Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Halina Galera ◽  
Anna Znój ◽  
Katarzyna J. Chwedorzewska ◽  
Maciej Wódkiewicz

AbstractFrom 2014 to 2018, we performed three on-site eradication actions of Poa annua occurring on King George Island. We aimed at (1) assessing the population response to eradication efforts, (2) evaluating the campaign success, and (3) identifying the most important factors likely to influence eradication success. The first partial eradication action reduced the initial population of around 1500 tussocks to around 1100 tussocks with less than 4 m2 canopy area. In treated locations, we observed high re-establishment where no soil removal was performed, while only a marginal recruitment where plants were removed with associated soil. In the 2017/2018 season, we recorded over 1800 tussocks, which all were subsequently removed. Performing eradication according to the prescribed scheme (plant and soil removal) should result in eradication success. We evaluate that the probability of successful eradication of the population is high because of small size and number of separate infestation sites, complete spatial and ecological isolation of infestation, high accessibility of target population, and well-known current location of infestation sites. The factors which reduce the likelihood of eradication success are long reaction time, high adaptation of the species to new environmental conditions, and high propagule longevity. Reinvasion possibility and frequent personnel changes in the eradication team resulting in varying levels of personnel awareness and experience may also negatively influence eradication success. An invasion, not managed for many years, may still be targeted, but its successful eradication depends on the “human factor”, which may drive the success of the action in opposing directions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Dallas R. Taylor ◽  
Michael Prorock ◽  
Brandon J. Horvath ◽  
James T. Brosnan

AbstractTurfgrasses are perennial components of urban greenspaces found in parks, recreational areas, golf courses, sports fields, and lawns that confer many ecosystem services. A copious seed producer, Poa annua is the most troublesome weed of turfgrass and continually threatens the ecosystem services provided by urban greenspaces. Field research was conducted in Knoxville, TN to better understand environmental conditions triggering P. annua seedling emergence patterns to assist managers with optimally timing interventions—both chemical and non-chemical—for control. Fluctuations in cooling degree day (CDD21C) accumulation accounted for 82% of the variance in yearly cumulative P. annua emergence data collected in a single irrigated sward of hybrid bermudagrass [C. dactylon (L.) Pers. x. C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy]. However, non-linear models using CDD21C data developed ex post were not able to accurately predict P. annua emergence patterns ex ante. In both years, P. annua emergence changed most rapidly between the 40th and 43rd week of the year when seven-day mean soil temperature and rainfall were 18.9 °C and 12.7 mm, respectively. Future research should explore the efficacy of herbicide mixtures applied when P. annua emergence is most rapidly changing in lieu of developing models to predict when specific emergence thresholds occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Tanja Bohinc ◽  
Barbara Zanelli ◽  
Matej Vidrih ◽  
Stanislav Trdan

Abstract In 2020, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the suppression of annual bluegrass (Poa annua), which is a difficult weed to manage in cool-season in turfgrass mixtures on football pitches. The efficacy of prohexadione calcium (Pc), ethephon (Eth) and Pseudomonas fluorescens against P. annua, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis was tested, as the latter two most commonly occur in turfgrass mixtures on football pitches. Mesotrione (Mes) was used as a positive control, and nontreated grass was used as a negative control. Only a single grass species was sown in each pot. Treatments were randomly distributed for two experiments conducted separately: first – unmown grass before the beginning of spraying and second – grass mowed before the beginning of spraying. In both experiments, plant height and the number of tillers were measured/counted several times during the growing season. In both experiments, grasses were sprayed six times with Pc, Eth and P. fluorescens, while Mes was applied twice. Based on the performed study, the efficacy of the tested products is connected to grass species and whether the grass was mowed/cut before spraying. It has been detected in the present study that spraying with Pc could reduce the height of annual bluegrass, while spraying with P. fluorescens has reduced the number of tillers. Spraying was more effective on grasses that were mowed/cut before the beginning of spraying. Mes should cause severe damage to annual bluegrass but without confirmation in this study. Results of this study have indicated that the application of Pc and P. fluorescens can inhibit the spread of annual bluegrass in football pitches; however, testing their effectiveness against P. annua under field conditions should be performed as well.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1783
Louis John Irving ◽  
Sayuki Mori

Plants allocate biomass to above- and below-ground organs in response to environmental conditions. While the broad patterns are well-understood, the mechanisms by which plants allocate new growth remain unclear. Modeling approaches to biomass allocation broadly split into functional equilibrium type models and more mechanistically based transport resistance type models. We grew Poa annua plants in split root boxes under high and low light levels, high and low N supplies, with N supplied equally or unequally. Our data suggest that light level had the strongest effect on root mass, with N level being more important in controlling shoot mass. Allocation of growth within the root system was compatible with phloem partitioning models. The root mass fraction was affected by both light and N levels, although within light levels the changes were primarily due to changes in shoot growth, with root mass remaining relatively invariant. Under low light conditions, plants exhibited increased specific leaf area, presumably to compensate for low light levels. In a follow-up experiment, we showed that differential root growth could be suppressed by defoliation under low light conditions. Our data were more compatible with transport resistance type models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8124
Devon E. Carroll ◽  
James T. Brosnan ◽  
J. Bryan Unruh ◽  
Carrie A. Stephens ◽  
Chase McKeithen ◽  

Fraise mowing is a maintenance practice that may serve as a non-chemical means of controlling the problematic weed annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) in bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) given reports of efficacy on other turfgrass species. However, an understanding of practitioner decision-making in implementing fraise mowing as a weed-control measure remains unknown. A field study was conducted in Knoxville, TN and repeated in space in Jay, FL during summer 2019 to assess bermudagrass regrowth and subsequent annual bluegrass control, following fraise mowing at depths of 1.5 and 3.0 cm compared to a non-treated check (0 cm). Bermudagrass recovered more quickly at the 1.5 cm depth than the 3.0 cm depth and was the swiftest in Florida. Fraise mowing at either depth resulted in a 41–97% reduction in annual bluegrass populations. A qualitative study was conducted in spring 2021, which engaged eight turfgrass managers from Tennessee and Florida via individual interviews in order to understand barriers and challenges to fraise mowing application. Turfgrass managers had positive views of fraise mowing but described challenges in implementation for weed control including cost, labor, area closure, and debris removal.

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