sexual division
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 O presente trabalho tem como proposta identificar e categorizar as notícias relativas ao Campeonato Brasileiro Feminino 2021 no site Aborda o conceito de gênero como um elemento diretamente ligado as relações sociais. Reflete sobre a divisão sexual do trabalho e os papéis sociais de gênero. Comenta sobre a presença da mulher no futebol. É uma pesquisa bibliográfica e quali-quantitativa. Apresenta a estrutura do Campeonato Brasileiro Feminino 2021. Aponta a desigualdade de gênero como a causa das discrepâncias entre o futebol masculino e feminino. Conclui que o site em questão realizou ampla cobertura do campeonato, pois noticiou todas as fases do campeonato.Palavras-chave: Futebol feminino. Campeonato Brasileiro Feminino. Globo Esporte. Women and football: the coverage of the Brazilian Female Championship at globoesporte.comABSTRACTThis paper aims to identify and categorize the news related to the Brazilian Female Championship 2021 on the website. It approaches the concept of gender as an element directly linked to social relations. It reflects on the sexual division of labor and social gender roles. It comments on the presence of women in soccer. It is a bibliographic and qualitative-quantitative research. Presents the structure of the 2021 Brazilian Women's Championship. Points to gender inequality as the cause of the differences between male and female soccer. It concludes that the site in question carried out extensive coverage of the championship, seeing that it reported all phases of the championship.Keywords: Women’s footbal. Brazilian Female Championship. Globo Esporte.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 337-360
Dini Arfiani

Abstract: Documentary films are one of the most suitable media to be used as a reference in seeing reality. Like the reality of subordination and women's point of view in The Mahuzes. In general, this film tells the story of the conflict that occurred between the Malind clan Mahuze in Merauke and corporations that entered their territory through the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) program, besides that there were horizontal conflicts between tribal members. This study aims to analyze the form of subordination and women's point of view seeing the problems of indigenous peoples dealing with corporations which are shown by the documentary film The Mahuzes in the perspective of Feminist Standpoint Theory. This study uses a qualitative approach and a critical paradigm by collecting data from various relevant sources. Events involving or relating to women were analyzed using three basic concepts of Feminist Standpoint Theory, namely standpoint, situated knowledge, and sexual division of labour. The results of the study indicate that women in The Mahuzes are a marginalized group, forced to take responsibility for the domestic space, and are limited to take part in the public sphere. Even so, they have a broad and comprehensive perspective in viewing horizontal conflicts between clan members and vertically between clans and corporations.   Keywords: Subordinate; Feminist Standpoint; MIFEE; The Mahuze Abstrak: Film dokumenter menjadi salah satu media yang paling sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai rujukan dalam melihat realitas. Seperti realitas subordinasi dan sudut pandang perempuan dalam The Mahuzes. Film ini, secara garis besar berkisah tentang konflik yang terjadi antara suku Malind marga Mahuze di Merauke dengan korporasi yang masuk ke wilayah mereka melalui program Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE), selain itu terdapat konflik horizontal antar anggota suku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk subordinasi dan sudut pandang perempuan melihat permasalahan masyarakat adat berhadapan dengan korporasi yang ditampilkan oleh film dokumenter The Mahuzes dalam perspektif Feminist Standpoint Theory. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan paradigma kritis dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber yang relevan. Agedan-agedan yang melibatkan atau berkaitan dengan perempuan dianalisis dengan menggunakan tiga konsep dasar Feminist Standpoint Theory, yaitu standpoint, situated knowledge, dan sexual division of labour. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, perempuan dalam The Mahuzes merupakan kelompok yang terpinggirkan, dipaksa untuk bertanggung jawab pada ruang domestik, dan terbatas untuk berkiprah di ruang publik. Meskipun begitu, mereka memiliki sudut pandang yang luas dan menyeluruh dalam melihat konflik horizontal antar anggota marga maupun vertikal antara marga dan korporasi. Kata kunci: Subordinasi; Feminist Standpoint; MIFEE; The Mahuze

2021 ◽  
Sheina Lew-Levy ◽  
Rachel Reckin ◽  
Stephen M. Kissler ◽  
Ilaria Pretelli ◽  
Adam H. Boyette ◽  

Understanding how socioecology affects contemporary children’s learning and work opportunities can help researchers better model the selection pressures which have shaped the evolution of human life history and social organization. Here, we compiled a global time allocation dataset for children and adolescents from hunter-gatherer and mixed-subsistence societies. We investigated how society-level variables including adult sexual division of labour, ecological risk, and climate related to variation in childcare, food production, domestic work, and play. We found that adult sexual division of labour predicted increased sex differences in time allocation, especially childcare. Children in safer ecologies allocated more time to childcare and domestic work, but ecological risk did not strongly predict participation in food production. Climate did not predict child and adolescent time allocation. We argue that by coordinating labour across age and sex, children may simultaneously learn to navigate challenges in their environment while safely participating in productive activities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110380
José María García-de-Diego ◽  
Livia García-Faroldi

Recent decades have seen an increase in women’s employment rates and an expansion of egalitarian values. Previous studies document the so-called “motherhood penalty,” which makes women’s employment more difficult. Demands for greater shared child-rearing between parents are hindered by a normative climate that supports differentiated gender roles in the family. Using data from the Center for Sociological Research [Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas] (2018), this study shows that the Spanish population perceives that differentiated social images of motherhood and fatherhood still persist. The “sexual division in parenting” index is proposed and the profile of the individuals who most perceive this sexual division is analyzed. The results show that women and younger people are the most aware of this social normativity that unequally distributes child care, making co-responsibility difficult. The political implications of these results are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Ludmila Mota de Figueiredo Porto

This paper aims to discuss feminist collective candidacies as a powerful new means of political representation in Brazil, one historically connected with previous feminist struggles in the country. Considering the key role that language plays in understanding labor, I will explain how this new way of making politics can challenge the sexual division of labor through the idea of horizontality. Moreover, I will examine feminist collective candidacies as an effective tactic to reinforce Brazilian participatory democracy.  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0249130
Alba Masclans ◽  
Caroline Hamon ◽  
Christian Jeunesse ◽  
Penny Bickle

This work demonstrates the importance of integrating sexual division of labour into the research of the transition to the Neolithic and its social implications. During the spread of the Neolithic in Europe, when migration led to the dispersal of domesticated plants and animals, novel tasks and tools, appear in the archaeological record. By examining the use-wear traces from over 400 stone tools from funerary contexts of the earliest Neolithic in central Europe we provide insights into what tasks could have been carried out by women and men. The results of this analysis are then examined for statistically significant correlations with the osteological, isotopic and other grave good data, informing on sexed-based differences in diet, mobility and symbolism. Our data demonstrate males were buried with stone tools used for woodwork, and butchery, hunting or interpersonal violence, while women with those for the working of animal skins, expanding the range of tasks known to have been carried out. The results also show variation along an east-west cline from Slovakia to eastern France, suggesting that the sexual division of labour (or at least its representation in death) changed as farming spread westwards.

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