social demographic
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 159-173
Anna Pigoń

The residents of Zakopane are the group of permanent inhabitants who were not born in the Podhale region, but it was their choice to connect themselves to it. The formation of this group is the result of the social-demographic changes in the Tatra mountains at the beginning of the 20th century and in the interwar period. It is a group that is diversified and therefore difficult to define. It figures as a link between the highlanders who are ingrained into the space of Podhale and those who treat it in a pragmatic and utilitarian way. The residents constitute the cultural phenomenon present in literary works as well as in the cultural life of Zakopane during the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The main subject of the article is a portrayal of the residents — historical figures and literary heroines — taking into account their functions in the society of Zakopane of those times: the groups which have been highlighted are schoolgirls, the women who provide accommodation to the tourists, and the organizers of literary saloons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 667-673
N.H Yunianti ◽  
Hijriah Hijriah ◽  
Prilly Pricilia

Transportasi sebagai komponen utama dalam mendukung kelangsungan kehidupan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari aktivitas keseharian manusia. Kedudukan transportasi sebagai penyokong kehidupan manusia mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda-beda sehingga sangat bersifat spesifik, beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut antara lain kondisi sosial demografis wilayah. Faktor-faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja transportasi di wilayah tersebut. Tingkat kepadatan penduduk akan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan transportasi melayani kebutuhan masyarakat.  Seiring dengan perkembangan transportasi, perkembangan teknologi dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia juga semakin berkembang, dan salah satu pengaruh perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam dunia transportasi adalah munculnya platform yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan sosial masyarakat terhadap transportasi umum, Hal ini tidak lepas dari ketersediaan internet yang luas memberi kita kemampuan untuk berdagang di mana saja dan telah membawa peluang besar di bidang transportasi dan perjalanan. Salah satu moda transportasi publik di Makassar yang saat ini mulai dikelola oleh pihak swasta yang dikenal dengan transportasi berbasis online (Ride Sourcing). Hal inilah yang menarik perhatian peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap penggunaan transportasi online tersebut dalam hal ini Grab Online dengan menganalisis kinerja transportasi online terhadap persepsi masyarakat dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan metode persentase dan secara statistik dengan regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data maka diperoleh masing-masing koefisien efektivitas sebesar 0.472 dan koefisien efisiensi sebesar 0.479 yang dianalisa dari beberapa indikator yang paling berpengaruh dalam aspek efektivitas adalah indikator nyaman sebesar 0,485 dan indikator tarif / biaya sebesar 0,562 pada aspek efisiensi. Dimana secara keseluruhan, aspek efektivitas dan efisiensi memberikan pengaruh cukup kuat sebesar 71,3% terhadap persepsi masyarakat dalam penggunaan transportasi online (Grab). The Online Transportation Performance Analysis Of User Perceptions With A Statistical Approach. Transportation as a major component in supporting life cannot be separated from human daily activities. The position of transportation as a supporter of human life has different characteristics so very specifically, several factors that influence this include in the region's social demographic conditions. These factors have an influence on transportation performance in the region. The level of population density will have significance for the ability of transportation to meet the needs of the community. Along with the development of transportation, technological developments in various aspects of human life are also increasingly developing, and one of the developments in information technology in the world of transportation is the improvement of a platform that is able to meet the needs of the public for public transportation. One of the modes of public transportation in Makassar which is currently starting to be managed by private parties is known as online-based transportation. Grab Online by analyzing the performance of online transportation on people's perceptions using descriptive qualitative methods. Data processing is done by the method of contribution and statistics with multiple linear regression. Based on the results of data processing, obtained each acquisition coefficient of 0.472 and efficiency coefficient of 0.479, which was analyzed from some of the most beneficial indicators in the aspect of competence in accordance with comfortable indicators of 0.485 and cost / cost indicators of 0.562 based on efficiency aspects. Where overall, the efficiency and efficiency aspects provide a quite strong amount of 71.3% to the public perception in the use of online transportation (GRAB)

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (G) ◽  
pp. 321-327
Enny Fitriahadi ◽  
Yesi Priskila ◽  
Endang Koni Suryaningsih ◽  
Yekti Satriyandari ◽  
Wiwit Desi Intarti

BACKGROUND: The golden period is a phase of 0–2 years. The parents must get a thorough stimulation of health, nutrition, parenting, and education. During a pandemic like now, the growth and development of toddlers must still be considered, especially by parents. AIM: Exploring the sociodemographic analysis in term of growth and development of toddler during Covid-19 pandemic. METHODS: Pregnant women and their parents visited at a primary health center in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with inclusion criteria: (1) Toddlers aged 18–40 months, (2) mothers of all age ranges, (3) not having current disease complications, (4) mothers at all levels of education, and (5) parents at all income types. The sampling technique is total sampling using a questionnaire instrument and the KPSP format. Data processing using Chi-square statistical test. RESULTS: The results of the bivariate analysis found that sociodemographics related to the growth and development of children under 5 were maternal education with p = 0.001 and family income with p = 0.000. The unrelated is the age of the toddler p = 0.156, the mother’s age with p = 0.888, and the mother’s occupation with p = 0.113. CONCLUSION: This study provides essential information as a new approach to improving and determining toddlers’ growth and development during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaishali Deoraoji Taksande ◽  
Shraddha Satish Ambade ◽  
Roshan Deoraoji Bajait ◽  
Prajwal Vinayakrao Bhonde ◽  
Tejaswini Shrirang Borkar ◽  

Introduction: One of the prevalent clinical conditions in daily gynecological treatment is pelvic organ prolapses (POP), particularly in parous women. The entity comprises vaginal wall descent and/or uterine descent. Pelvic organ prolapse is a common pelvic disorder among women. Objective: To determine the social demographic characteristics and types of pelvic organ prolapse and to find out the association between social demographical characteristics with pelvic organ prolapse. Methods: The descriptive survey was used and the sampling technique was non probability convenient sampling technique and the sample size was 60. Results: Twenty six (43.3%) women were belongs to in the age group of 33-40 years. 54 (90%) of  women were married.29 (48.3% ) of women never had abortion. 26 (43.3%) of women had normal delivery whereas 17(28.3) had instrumental delivery .19 (31.3%) of women had perineal tear, 20 (33.30%) of women had cervical tear in previous pregnancy . 21(35% ) of women had cystocele whereas 20(33.3) has rectocele . There is significance association between the of age of women, marital status, occupation, Place of previous delivery, type of previous delivery, complications during previous labour except the parity with pelvic organ prolapse. Conclusion: Pelvic organ prolapse is common gynecological condition .The patients are relatively middle age group. Parity, Occupation, Injuries to birth canal was may be contributory to severity of pelvic organ prolapse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 338-353
Lorena Rodriguez Calzada

Currently, online or hybrid teaching are increasingly in demand and have been driven by social, demographic and health factors such as that experienced during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The traditional classroom as originally was conceived has expanded both its temporal and physical limitations. This text shows how new innovative methodologies have been developed through different applications such as Wooclap or Gamification works, with the main objective of checking the perception, motivation and satisfaction of students. These are useful tools for teachers to get an easy and fast feedback from students. Two hypotheses are also presented, which will be contrasted with the analysis of the grades of the final tests of the 2019/2020 academic year and several questionnaires, with a high response ratio (88.33%), but with a small sample (60 subjects), where it has been found that the students adapt to the methods previously exposed. The main conclusion is the following: students adapt to remote teaching, they get involved in the subject and spend time learning, they are motivated to use innovative techniques, they show interest and participation in them. Resumen En la actualidad la docencia online o híbrida están cada vez más solicitadas y se han visto impulsadas por factores sociales, demográficos y sanitarios como el vivido durante la pandemia mundial por el COVID-19. El aula tradicional como se concebía en origen ha expandido sus limitaciones tanto temporales como físicas. En este texto se expone cómo se han desarrollado nuevas metodologías innovadoras a través de diferentes aplicaciones como Wooclap o trabajos con Gamificación, con el objetivo fundamental de comprobar la percepción, motivación y satisfacción del alumnado. Herramientas útiles para los docentes por conseguir en el alumnado una retroalimentación fácil y rápida. Se exponen, además, dos hipótesis que serán contrastadas con el análisis de las calificaciones de las pruebas finales del curso académico 2019/2020 y varios cuestionarios, con una ratio de respuesta alto (88,33%), pero con una muestra pequeña (60 sujetos), donde se ha comprobado que el alumnado se adapta a los métodos expuestos previamente. La conclusión principal es la siguiente: los alumnos se adaptan a la docencia en remoto, se involucran en la asignatura y emplean tiempo en el aprendizaje, les motiva emplear técnicas innovadoras, muestran interés y participación en las mismas.

Tamara Grubi ◽  

Introduction. The attention to the study of perfectionism in universities in Ukraine can be explained with modernization and development of Ukrainian higher education, as an access to the European educational research environment. The interest to the perfectionism in teaching staff of university can be explained by new requirements for professional activity and these factors demand from a teacher of higher school can be an achievement of new standards, obtaining successfully by focusing on avoiding failures. The study is conducted within the pedagogy field. Aim. In this article, the author identifies and analyzes the impact of social-demographic factors (such as age, gender, place of residence), organizational and professional factors (such as job experience, academic degree, post, direction of teaching activity, number of students, university status, level of social-psychological climate etc.) on the manifestations of perfectionism. Results. The four manifestations of perfectionism, which are: Absence of perfectionism (where normal and pathological perfectionism are represented at a low level); Perfectionism with negative orientation (consists of the respondents with pathological type of perfectionism); Ambivalent perfectionism (included the respondents in which the pathological and normal types of perfectionism are equally highly represented); Perfectionism with positive orientation (consists of the respondents with manifestations of normal type of perfectionism). Conclusions. The findings of this investigation show the impact of social-demographic, organizational and professional factors on the manifestations of perfectionism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 868-883
Anastasia Vladimirovna Lukina ◽  
Roman Roaldovich Sidorchuk ◽  
Sergey Vladimirovich Mkhitaryan ◽  
Anastasia Alexeevna Stukalova ◽  
Irina Ivanovna Skorobogatykh

The growth of metropolises and the number of vehicles cruising within their boundaries creates a permanent problem of dissatisfaction with transport accessibility. This study aims to identify the difference between perceived (PA) and objective (OA) transport accessibility. For its implementation, it was necessary: to explore PA between different residential areas and travel modes, reveal the influence of the travel regime on the PA, compare the impact of social-demographic factors on the individuals' PA. The research methodology is based on a large cross-sectional study with 2,275 respondents. A quota sample was used for 12 administrative districts of the Moscow metropolis. The data was processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical program to obtain descriptive statistics indicators. Correlation analysis of the respondent's answers to the four items for PA assessment was performed to assess the relationship between the results of the solutions. Next, a synthetic index of PA was calculated and analyzed differences using the integral index PA. The relationship significance was assessed using F-criterion-based one-way ANOVA. The novelty of our study is as follows: it contributes to previous research on the possibility of measuring perceived affordability in metropolitan areas and benchmarking OA and RA. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01316 Full Text: PDF

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  

The phenomenon of slums of the most negative phenomena which most cities suffer in developing countries and many of the major cities in the world to what caused this phenomenon of the burden of economic problems, social, demographic, environmental and security and others, as well as a distortion of the visual landscape of the cities due to lack of aesthetic values in design and engineering buildings, roads and services and its neighborhood, and different reasons and implications of the emergence of these gatherings and forms and results of its processors and from one country to another according to the reality and the level of each of them . This study addressed the statement and analysis of the phenomenon of slums in the province of Dhe Qar levels and find out the reasons and motives that led to the spread of this phenomenon and aggravated taken from data and statistics issued by the official authorities room for them in the light of the human geography curriculum that deals with the analysis and distribution of population phenomena and find out the reasons and the factors behind them. It was found through the study, said the size of the slum dwellers is closely linked with population size to eliminate Valemratb first numbers slums in the province are the same as the first rank in terms of population size and this applies specifically to spend Nasiriyah Center, which accounted ranked first, accounting for more than half of the slums occupied (56.3 %) were from the share, either the districts of al-Rifai and market the Senate has came second ranks third by (13, 11.5%), respectively, while it did not apply to the districts of Chabaish Shatrah where he finished Chabaish spend ranked fourth in the preparation of squatter registered ratio (10.2%) and numbers approximate what the case in the district of Suq despite a decline in its size and population Mqarndta with the rest of the districts, on the contrary spend Shatra, which held the last place in spite of its size and population high registered ratio (9%).

2021 ◽  
Nur Asma Mohd Hafizi ◽  
Abdul Wahab Mohamad Rahijan ◽  
Fathilah Ismail ◽  
Wan Zainal Shukri Wan Hafiz ◽  

Nowadays, Malaysia has gained more popularity among sojourners either as a destination to continue their study or as a good place to work. However, there are few studies regarding food neophobia among sojourners and information on the subject is limited. The objectives of this study are to determine the level of food neophobia among sojourners in Terengganu, to compared between food neophobia score and social-demographic profile, to examine association of familiarity and willingness-to-try local foods among people with different levels of food neophobia and to examine the relationship between the food neophobia scores and the willingness-to-try new foods and same food neophobia score with familiar foods. A total of 152 questionnaires were distributed to international students from Middle east. The findings reported average food neophobia scale among sojourners in Terengganu was 40.15 ±12.21. There were no significant differences between food neophobia and gender but a significant difference between residential area (urban and rural), and the length of stay in Malaysia. Moreover, there were significant associations between food neophobia and familiarity towards Malaysia’s local cuisines. A significant association between food neophobia and willingness-to-try Malaysia local foods was also recorded. The impact of the findings on respondents was also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Ferry Hendrikx

<p>Since the earliest human communities, reputation has been used by people to decide whether they should trust and interact with someone else. Traditionally, reputation was established through a person’s standing, word of mouth and their associations. However, with the increasingly widespread use of the Internet, this situation has changed. In particular, all of the normal cues that help to build reputation are missing. Even the concept of identity is blurred by the common usage of pseudonyms.  In answer to this problem, many websites on the Internet have developed reputation systems that allow members to leave feedback about the performance of others in the execution of their duties. This accumulation of feedback about any individual can be used to characterise and predict their future behaviour in that context, allowing others to decide if they want to interact with that individual. Unfortunately, the information in each instance is limited to the narrow context of the website in which it was generated.  Not only is the reputation information constrained in context, it also limits the potential scope of what can be determined about an individual. The information that could be collected about entities includes social, demographic and reputation-based information. These are collectively called recommendation information in this thesis. Collecting this recommendation information from multiple sources and contexts should provide a wider view by which an entity can be evaluated than reputation alone could produce. The combination of these multiple sources of recommendation information can be naturally extended in the development of novel applications in areas such as access control and web service composition.  The GRAFT framework developed in this thesis encapsulates a paradigm shift in the way that reputation information is handled. It directly supports the collection and distribution goals by building a global distributed recommendation system that can be used to collect and make available recommendation information about both people and electronic services. This system can be used as both a drop-in replacement for existing systems, or it can be used to drive the consumption of recommendation information in novel new systems.  Recommendation information can be collected from both traditional reputation sources such as Amazon and eBay, and non-traditional reputation sources such as social networks, providing flexibility in what can be collected and subsequently utilised by consumers. The derivation of reputation information from non-reputation sources including demographic and social information, and the subsequent ability to use this recommendation information in the description and evaluation of policies is unique to GRAFT.  The major contributions of this thesis in the areas of reputation and reputation systems include the development of a reputation terminology, generalised models of reputation and reputation context, an extensive survey and taxonomy of reputation systems and a classification of existing reputation systems based on the taxonomy. This thesis also contributes an architecture for GRAFT, a prototype implementation of GRAFT showing its usefulness, and an evaluation that includes the results of a large number of simulation experiments showing how the architecture scales and handles both malicious peers and churn.</p>

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