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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-209
Khairun Nisa ◽  
Habi Septiawan ◽  
Rafista Deviyanti

This research aims at finding out types of code switching occurred in students’speaking test of EFL learner, the percentage of each type, and finding out the students’reasons in switching their language.Threetypes of code switching proposed by Poplack (1980); intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, and tag switching were analyzed in this descriptive qualitative study. There was one class as the sample of this research. After gaining the data, the researcher categorized the data based on three types of code switching mentioned above. The result revealed that all three types of code switching appears in the students’ speaking. The first type, intra - sentential switching, it tends to be the main type of switching (69.49%), followed by intra-sentential switching (27.12%). Different from those two types, tag switching seems to occur the least frequent type of switching that appeared in the comments (3.39%). Then, the researcher also classified the data into seven reasons in doing code switching according to Hoffman (1991). There are still some other reasons found by the researcher in conducting the research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 7-30
Agnė Bielinskienė ◽  
Jolanta Kovalevskaitė ◽  
Erika Rimkutė

This paper describes the grammatical patterning of two parts of speech – nouns and adjectives – included in the corpus-driven “Lexical Database of Lithuanian” as a foreign language. The lexical database is a lexicographic application of the Lithuanian Pedagogic Corpus (approx. 620.000 tokens) which was used to develop headword lists and to collect word usage information in the form of corpus patterns. In this project, we adopted a partially automated inductive procedure of Corpus Pattern Analysis for 207 verbs, 386 nouns, 87 adjectives, and 41 adverbs. The detected corpus patterns reflect different meanings of the headword. Each pattern presents information on grammatical, semantic, and lexical levels. Manually selected examples illustrate all pattern components. In this paper, 673 patterns with nouns and 99 patterns with adjectives will be analysed discussing their syntactic behaviour in detail and providing some comments on lexis-grammar interface. The majority of patterns with nouns and adjectives are minimal patterns which include only the closest syntactical partners. This result is influenced by different procedures used to describe patterns with nouns, adjectives, and adverbs and patterns with verbs. Due to rich grammatical information, there are several similar patterns with one main (usually the most frequent) type and its variants. Pattern variants show that the grammatical characteristics of a specific word usage are rather individual.

Afra Samad ◽  
Safia Sartaj ◽  
Rafia Sartaj ◽  
Namra Naeem

Background: Oesophageal cancer (OC) is a cancer that develops in the gastrointestinal tract and is caused by a variety of circumstances. It has quite an uneven geographic distribution with male predominance and squamous cell carcinoma being most frequent type of oesophageal carcinoma in developing countries. As Pakistan lacks any proper cancer registry this study was needed to have an idea of the OC statistics in South Punjab region. Objective was to determine the prevalence of OC in the general population and in young people of South Punjab, PakistanMethods: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Two hundred and twenty-three patients who presented to Multitest lab from 2014 to 2018 were included in the study.Results: The 186 patients were positive for OC. Sixty patients were below 40 years of age. Male to female ratio was 1.24:1. Most frequent symptom was dysphagia and squamous cell carcinoma was histological subtype.Conclusions: In our study based on South Punjab region, oesophageal carcinoma has become a common condition and is more prevalent in males. It commonly involves upper oesophagus and squamous cell carcinoma is the most frequent type. It can also be concluded that it is in increasing in young population of South Punjab.

2021 ◽  
Pardis Tabaee Damavandi

White collar crime is a novel form of organised crime, together with green crime and other older manifestations. White collar crime is currently the most frequent type of organised crime and is a problem that has impacted economies and businesses, worldwide.

Entika Fani Prastikawati ◽  
Febi Gilang Pratama ◽  
Wiyaka Wiyaka

This study aimed to find out the word-formations in English slang utilized on Instagram captions posted by Justin Bieber. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method to capture the process of word-formation in Justin Bieber’s English slang. In this study, the writers used the theory of Yule about the word-formation process for analyzing the data of English slang. The writers obtained the data through reading, capturing, and understanding the captions posted during a year (June 2020 – June 2021). Based on the data analysis, seven out of ten types of word-formation processes in English slang were used by Justin Bieber in his Instagram caption. They are (1) Clipping, (2) Blending, (3) Acronym, (4) Borrowing, (5) Derivation, (6) Coinage, and (7) Multi Processes. The most frequent type of word formation process used by Justin Bieber on Instagram is clipping with the 47 data’s frequency (54%). This study implies that Justin Bieber frequently used clipping to make short the words on every posted video or photo so his followers can easily understand his feeling.

Niek Van Wettere

Abstract This paper examines the productivity of the subject complement slot in a set of French and Dutch (semi-)copular micro-constructions. The presumed counterpart of productivity, conventionalization in the form of high token frequency, will also be taken into account in the analysis of the productivity complex. On the one hand, it will be shown that prototypical copulas generally have a higher productivity than semi-copulas, although there are some semi-copulas that can rival the productivity of prototypical copulas. On the other hand, it will be demonstrated that high token frequency is in general detrimental to productivity, on the level of the entire subject complement slot and on the level of the different semantic classes. However, the shape of the frequency distribution also seems to play a role: multiple highly frequent types are in my data more detrimental to productivity than one extremely frequent type, although the semantic connectedness of the types in the distribution might also be an explanatory factor.

2021 ◽  
Mikhail A. Moldovan ◽  
Zoe Chervontseva ◽  
Daria Nogina ◽  
Mikhail Gelfand

RNA editing in the form of substituting adenine to inosine (A-to-I editing) is the most frequent type of RNA editing, observed in many metazoan species. A-to-I editing sites form clusters in most studied species, and editing at clustered sites depends on editing of the adjacent sites. Although functionally important in some specific cases, A-to-I editing in most considered species is rare, the exception being soft-bodied cephalopods (coleoids), where tens of thousands of potentially important A-to-I editing sites have been identified, making coleoids an ideal object for studying of general properties and evolution of A-to-I editing sites. Here, we apply several diverse techniques to demonstrate a strong tendency of coleoid RNA editing sites to cluster along the transcript. We identify three distinct types of editing site clusters, varying in size, and describe RNA structural features and mechanisms likely underlying formation of these clusters. In particular, these observations may resolve the paradox of sequence conservation at large distances around editing sites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
Božana Tomić

The focus of this paper is on usage of communicative verbs show, speak, talk and argue within adverbial clauses. Since adverbial clauses are used to realize time, place, manner and contingency semantic categories, the main goal of this paper is to illustrate the use of adverbial clauses that have communicative verbs show, speak, talk, and argue as verbals. The aim is to analyze the frequency and distribution of the verbs show, speak, talk and argue in all types of adverbial clauses. We will also present similarities and dissimilarities of their use in the specific adverbial clauses, and show the specific features of their use within each type of adverbial clause. We will also determine the most frequent type of adverbial clause in each register. The goal is also to present certain features of the selected verbs along with their practical use in spoken and written language. Except that, we will also determine the most frequently used subordinators that introduce all types of adverbial clauses, their use and distribution across analyzed corpus.

BDJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 230 (10) ◽  
pp. 663-670
Luke J. Dawson ◽  
Kathryn Fox ◽  
Mark Jellicoe ◽  
Elliot Adderton ◽  
Vince Bissell ◽  

AbstractIntroduction Concerns regarding the preparedness of dental graduates often focus on the number of procedures undertaken before qualification.Aims To assess the validity of numerical requirements in determining whether a student has sufficient competency to graduate.Materials and methods In total, 50,821 observations of student activity while on the restorative clinic, for two integrated student cohorts (n = 139), were continuously recorded using the LiftUpp system from their third year to graduation. Analysis of data determined the most frequent type, location and difficulty of the direct restorations provided.Results Four groups of students, categorised by the total number of restorations they provided, were identified. Those with the most restorations (70+) had a statistically significantly greater experience in restoring different tooth surfaces, in different quadrants, on different patients than those with the least (40-49). However, increased numbers did not correlate with increasing difficulty, suggesting that students simply became more adept at easier procedures.Discussion Using a derived measure of 'consistency', it was observed that increased performance consistency was not correlated with greater overall experience. Furthermore, only 4% of students were 100% consistent in their performance in their final year.Conclusions These data suggest that a 'numerical requirements' approach cannot be used, in isolation, as a valid measure of the competency of an individual. Further work is needed to validate consistency as a holistic measurement to characterise the performance of graduates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (5) ◽  
Juan D. Carvajal-Agudelo ◽  
Laura Giraldo-Chalarca ◽  
Diana M. Cortes-Mera ◽  
Paula A. Ossa-López ◽  
Edwin D. Morales-Álvarez ◽  

Worldwide, canine mammary cancer (CMC) is the most frequent type of neoplasia in female dogs, and it is three times more frequent in dogs than in humans. In Colombia, CMC is the second most frequent type of cancer, after skin neoplasia. Genetics is one of the most important factors in- volved in any type of cancer, and the genetic ba- sis of this disease is reflected through line breed- ing due to changes in allelic frequencies that are traceable using molecular markers. This study aimed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with CMC in blood samples collected from collected from healthy and CMC female dogs at Diego Villegas Toro Veterinary Hospital of Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia). We designed primers using Primer- BLAST and Primer3, and gene fragments from HER2, MUC1, ESR1, and BRCA1 were amplified to identify SNPs through genome mapping using the UCSC Genome Institute genome browser. We used the genome of Canis lupus familaris Boxer breed [GCF_000002285.3, (CanFam 3.1)] as a refer- ence to compare the gene fragments and SNPs. We associated SNPs with the CMC and control groups by testing odds ratios (OR) through Fish- er’s exact tests to determine an association or risk for CMC. We detected two SNPs for ESR1, three for MUC1, six for HER2, and one for BRCA1. MUC1 was the only gene to display an SNP in an exonic region that resulted in an amino acid substitution (Pro>Thr). No significant differences based on the OR were found, though the majority of SNPs, with the exception of four, were found in females with CMC. We report a novel molecu- lar marker for HER2 that amplifies exons 25–26 and introns 24–25, and highlight the importance of conducting further studies on MUC1 and elu- cidating the role of introns and splicing in candi- date genes associated with CMC.

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