action event
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Lyudmyla Tanska

The purpose of the article. The research is connected with the definition of culturological bases of synthetic image formation in the system of modern communication and opening of stage space as a communicative phenomenon in the context of the transformation of spectacular cultural practices of the XX century. The research methodology consists of theoretical and interpretive models of comparative and systematic approaches to the definition of stage space as cultural integrity. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the peculiarities of cultural creation of stage space in the twentieth century, when artists turned to previous systems of artistic reflection, figurative distinctions of the stage in culture. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of the study of the communicative properties of the stage in cultural construction. The stage can be remote, virtual, chamber, monumental. However, the scene from the category of subject-spatial dimension passes into another dimension - time. On the stage you can not break the unity of time and space, the stage is the unity of action and event, and also presents a certain space-time - chronotope, human image, an image of the day. Conclusions. The revival of the pre-cultural, pre-civilization in the broad progressive sense of the word world of the stage becomes the basis for a polymorphic definition of the communicative dimension of the stage as such. Stage space in the modern dimension requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary study, which focuses on discursive analysis, phenomenological and aesthetic studies of the categories "stage", "act", "action", "event", "creativity", etc. The article only raises the issue of interdisciplinary research tools. Further elaboration of the problem field requires separate investigations. Keywords: culture, universe, scene, action, event, chronotope, scenics.

Pragmatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Tohru Seraku

Abstract A speaker/writer uses a placeholder (PH) to fill in the syntactic slot of a target word when she has no immediate access to the word or prefers to avoid explicitly mentioning it for contextual reasons. In the present article, I point out a hitherto understudied usage of PHs: a speaker/writer who does not have in mind a specific target form may use a PH to refer to an arbitrary entity (e.g. person, object, action, event, proposition). I substantiate this claim by analysing a variety of original data on Japanese wh-derived PHs. Further evidence for this claim comes from a cross-linguistic survey of wh-derived PHs in Korean and demonstrative-derived PHs in Romanian and Bulgarian. I show that the arbitrary-referential function is observed in PHs in all these languages, regardless of their origins (i.e. wh word, demonstrative) and their categories (i.e. nominal, verbal).

2021 ◽  
Anna Izmalkova ◽  
Anastasia Rzheshevskaya

The study explores the effects of graphological and semantic foregrounding on speech and gaze behavior in textual information construal of subjects with higher and lower impulsivity. Eye movements of sixteen participants were recorded as they read drama texts with interdiscourse switching (semantic foregrounding), with features of typeface distinct from the surrounding text (graphological foregrounding). Discourse modification patterns were analyzed and processed in several steps: specification of participant/object/action/event/perspective modification, parametric annotation of participants’ discourse responses, contrastive analysis of modification parameter activity and parameter synchronized activity. Significant distinctions were found in eye movement parameters (gaze count and initial fixation duration) in subjects with higher and lower impulsivity when reading parts of text with graphical foregrounding. Impulsive subjects tended to visit the areas more often with longer initial fixations than reflective subjects, which is explained in terms of stimulus-driven attention, associated with bottom-up processes. However, these differences in gaze behavior did not result in pronounced distinctions in discourse responses, which were only slightly mediated by impulsivity/reflectivity.

A P Simester

This chapter considers the action-event distinction. In particular, it pursues another way of thinking about the relationship between volitional action and non-volitional ‘action’. Rather than analysing what divides them, it looks at what they have in common: what separates the both of them from mere events. Doing so has the virtue of focusing attention more directly on what—besides non-involuntariness—underpins moral responsibility for a piece of behaviour and its consequences. Plausibly, one shared feature is that the agent’s behaviour involves the exercise of certain capacities that sub-serve intentional action: capacities that are normally exercised when one acts intentionally. It is the exercise of those capacities that changes behaviour from event to action, even when the behaviour is not volitional. The chapter also discusses causal accounts of agency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-205
Siti Nur Janah ◽  
Drs. Yaya, M.Ag Yaya

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gestur Ilyasa dan Alyasa pada saat berceramah di ajang Aksi Asia Indosiar, bagaimana struktur materi ceramah yang disampaikan, dan gaya bahasa apa saja yang digunakan pada saat berceramah di ajang Aksi Asia Indosiar. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori model komunikasi Aristoteles. Asumsi dasarnya yaitu speaker - message – listener. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan jenis data kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa gestur Ilyasa dan Alyasa yaitu meliputi badan yang berdiri tegak saat berceramah, nsmun terkadang sedikit membungkuk, sambil menghadap kepada audiens, dan bergantian tempat sesuai apa yang disampaikanya. Gerakan tangan saat berceramah mengikuti sesuai apa yang disampaikan, seringkali mereka menggerakan telunjuk ke atas, kanan, kiri, dan ke depan secara kompak. Adapun ekspresi yang terkandung meliputi mimik wajah dan pandangan mata. ILAL tidak hanya fokus kepada audience ataupun dewan juri saja, sesekali mereka melihat kepada kamera. Struktur materi yang disampaikan terdapat judul, pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup. Gaya bahasa yang digunakan mengandung beberapa majas dari gaya bahasa perbandingan, perulangan, sindiran, pertentangan, dan penegasan. This study aims to determine how the gesture of Ilyasa and Alyasa during the lecture at the Asia Indosiar Action event, how the structure of the material delivered, and what style of language is used when speaking at the Indosiar Asia Action event. The choice of the theory used in this study is Aristotle's communication model theory. The basic assumption is that the speaker - message - listener. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative data types. The results of this study can be seen that the gesture of Ilyasa and Alyasa which includes posture that stands upright, sometimes slightly bent, facing the audience, and move according to what he said. The movements of the hands when lecturing follow what is said, often they move their indexes upward, right, left, and forward in a compact manner. The expressions contained include facial expressions and eyesight. Ilyasa and Alyasa does not only focus on the audience or the jury, they occasionally look at the camera. The structure of the material presented is title, introduction, content, and closing. The style of language used contains several styles of comparative language styles, repetitive, satirical, contradictory, and affirmative.

2020 ◽  
Vol 123 (4) ◽  
pp. 1566-1577 ◽  
Koeun Lim ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  
Daniel M. Merfeld

We report novel neural correlates of predecisional choice confidence in frontal scalp potential in humans. In conjunction with the centroparietal choice-action event-related potential component, this new frontal choice confidence component further elucidates the dynamics of the frontoparietal decision-making neural circuitry.

2019 ◽  
Anil Kumar Bheemaiah

A formal system of mathematics the dog-ears, is introduced to describe javascript or object notation, sensor event and action event with state modelling in the framework of DPA for a smart home and work robotics . It is assumed that a multi modal interface can be developed similar to AWS APL for this purpose.The RAVA natural programming language is introduced, which simplifies coding by eliminating the need for syntax.

2019 ◽  
pp. 38-44
Inga Kirkovs’ka

The aim of the investigation under consideration is to study the nature of the category of futurality within the system of modus categories in the French language. The object of the work is the category of futurality in contemporary French, the subject is the study of the category of futurality in contemporary French within the system of modus categories of evidentiality, modality and persuasiveness. In the course of the study, the distinctions between modality and modus have been outlined, the place of the category of futurality within the modus categories has been identified, the peculiarity of the category of futurality as a modus category has been analysed. Conclusions: the peculiarity of futurality as a modus category is that it belongs to the modus categories denoting action/event, real in the future “in the speaker’s view”. In this sense the category of futurality is closer to the categories of modality (real information stated by the speaker) and predicativity (confidence in the information stated by the speaker) in meaning, whereas differing from them by the semantics of the stated temporality denoting the relation of consequence in reference to the moment of speaking. The category of futurality is connected with other modus categories: category of assertion with semantics of neutral prospection, category of persuasiveness with the seme of assurance in reference to the future and category of modality with the seme of reality in reference to the future. The major types of modal meanings forming the modus category of futurality are: 1) speaker’s estimation of the subject matter of the utterance from the perspective of reality/irreality in the future; 2) estimation of the environment of the utterance from the perspective of probability/necessity/desirability in the future; 3) speaker’s estimation of the level of assurance (persuasiveness) of the subject matter of the utterance from the perspective of the future; 4) communicative function of the utterance defined by the purpose of the speaker from the perspective of the future (wish, intention, preference); 5) confirmation/negation of objective relations between objects, phenomena, events of the future. 

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