complete degradation
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262492
Khawlah Athamneh ◽  
Aysha Alneyadi ◽  
Aya Alsadik ◽  
Tuck Seng Wong ◽  
Syed Salman Ashraf

The accumulation of emerging pollutants in the environment remains a major concern as evidenced by the increasing number of reports citing their potential risk on environment and health. Hence, removal strategies of such pollutants remain an active area of investigation. One way through which emerging pollutants can be eliminated from the environment is by enzyme-mediated bioremediation. Enzyme-based degradation can be further enhanced via advanced protein engineering approaches. In the present study a sensitive and robust bioanalytical liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMSMS)-based approach was used to investigate the ability of a fungal dye decolorizing peroxidase 4 (DyP4) and two of its evolved variants—that were previously shown to be H2O2 tolerant—to degrade a panel of 15 different emerging pollutants. Additionally, the role of a redox mediator was examined in these enzymatic degradation reactions. Our results show that three emerging pollutants (2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT), paracetamol, and furosemide) were efficiently degraded by DyP4. Addition of the redox mediator had a synergistic effect as it enabled complete degradation of three more emerging pollutants (methyl paraben, sulfamethoxazole and salicylic acid) and dramatically reduced the time needed for the complete degradation of MBT, paracetamol, and furosemide. Further investigation was carried out using pure MBT to study its degradation by DyP4. Five potential transformation products were generated during the enzymatic degradation of MBT, which were previously reported to be produced during different bioremediation approaches. The current study provides the first instance of the application of fungal DyP4 peroxidases in bioremediation of emerging pollutants.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0734242X2110637
Federica Ruggero ◽  
Sara Belardi ◽  
Emiliano Caretti ◽  
Tommaso Lotti ◽  
Claudio Lubello ◽  

The present research investigates the degradation rate of bioplastics under various composting conditions, including suboptimal ones. Lab-scale tests were carried out setting three variables: temperature (37°C–58°C), humidity (30%–60%) and duration of the thermophilic and the maturation phases (15–60 days). The composting tests were carried out following modified guideline ISO 20200:2015 and lasted for 60 days. Bioplastics in the synthetic waste matrix consisted of Mater-Bi® film biobags and PLA rigid teaspoons. A kinetic study was performed, resulting in faster degradation rates for film bioplastics (first-order kinetics with k = 0.0850–0.1663 d−1) than for rigid (0.0018–0.0136 d−1). Moreover, film bioplastics reached a complete degradation within the 60 days of the test. Concerning the rigid products, 90% degradation would be achieved in 2–3 years for mesophilic conditions. Finally, in the undersieve of 0.5 mm some microplastics were identified with the ImageJ software, mainly relatable to rigid (PLA) bioplastics. Overall, the results disclosed that the combination of mesophilic temperatures and absence of moistening slowed down both the degradation and the disintegration process of bioplastics.

Climate ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 162
Anna Agatova ◽  
Roman Nepop ◽  
Andrey Nazarov ◽  
Ivan Ovchinnikov ◽  
Piotr Moska

Analysis of new chronological data, including 55 radiocarbon, 1 OSL, and 8 dendrochronological dates, obtained in the upper reaches of trough valleys within the Katun, North Chuya, South Chuya, and Chikhachev ranges, together with the 55 previously published ones, specifies climatically driven glacier dynamic in the Russian Altai. Available data refute the traditional concept of the Russian Altai Holocene glaciations as a consecutive retreat of the Late Pleistocene glaciation. Considerable and prolonged warming in the Early Holocene started no later than 11.3–11.4 cal kBP. It caused significant shrinking or even complete degradation of alpine glaciers and regeneration of forest vegetation 300–400 m above the modern upper timber limit. Stadial advances occurred in the middle of the Holocene (4.9–4.2 cal kBP), during the Historical (2.3–1.7 cal kBP), and the Aktru (LIA thirteenth–nineteenth century) stages. New radiocarbon ages of fossil soils limited glaciers expansion in the Middle Holocene by the size of the Historical moraine. Lesser glacial activity between 5 and 4 cal kBP is also supported by rapid reforestation in the heads of trough valleys. Glaciers advance within the Russian Altai, accompanied by accumulation of the Akkem moraine, could have occurred at the end of the Late Pleistocene.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1125
Bukola Ojobe ◽  
Radek Zouzelka ◽  
Barbora Satkova ◽  
Magdalena Vagnerova ◽  
Alzbeta Nemeskalova ◽  

High concentrations of pharmaceuticals have been detected in greywater effluents treated using up-to-date technologies. Finding a suitable additional treatment before this effluent is reused is urgently needed to ensure the reused water meets quality standards. This paper reports the use of heterogeneous photocatalysis on anatase and rutile nanopowders to remove naproxen, metformin and sulfamethoxazole, at practically relevant concentrations found in membrane bioreactor (MBR)-treated greywater. A low anatase concentration of 400 mg L−1 was sufficient to efficiently degrade the pharmaceuticals listed above, with complete degradation observed in 5 h. The effect of background species presented in greywater was, to some extent, comparable to that of the OH-radical scavenger. These results prove that photocatalysis using anatase TiO2 is a feasible additional treatment for greywater recycling.

Sidan Tian ◽  
Qiang Yue ◽  
Chenchen Liu ◽  
Mengyang Li ◽  
Mingming Yin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 128 ◽  
pp. 105725
Fatemeh Sadat Arghavan ◽  
Tariq J. Al-Musawi ◽  
Elaheh Allahyari ◽  
Mohammad Hadi Moslehi ◽  
Negin Nasseh ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 766 ◽  
pp. 144109
Wenhu Wang ◽  
Mallikarjuna N. Nadagouda ◽  
Sharmila M. Mukhopadhyay

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