template analysis
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2022 ◽  
Shannon Bennetts

Companion animals (pets), especially cats and dogs, have featured regularly in the media and public discourse during the global COVID-19 pandemic, including increased demand for pet adoption and more time spent with existing pets. This qualitative study aimed to describe the experiences of Australian parents with a child under 18 years and a cat or dog. Within a broader survey, parents were asked open-ended questions about the benefits and challenges for their family of living with a cat or dog during COVID-19, and where relevant, about reasons for adopting a new pet. Data were collected between July and October 2020, during Australia’s ‘second wave’ of COVID-19, when some Australians were subject to strict physical distancing or ‘stay at home’ orders. A total of 611 parents provided at least one free-text response. Inductive template analysis was conducted on all responses; 33 unique codes were identified and mapped onto a biopsychosocial model under three themes: (i) “Trying to Stay Healthy and Well” (biological), (ii) “Comfort, Coping and Worries” (psychological), and “Spending More Time Together” (social). Findings highlight the therapeutic role of pets for families during times of change and uncertainty, as well as the significant social impact of pandemic-related restrictions on family units. Benefits included support for the family’s physical and mental health, maintenance of family routines, distraction, comfort, and pets as an opportunity to connect with others. Challenges were numerous and diverse, such as cost and access to pet care, behavioural concerns, worries about pet and child wellbeing, and reflections about the pet’s mortality. These findings demonstrate the complex and varied impacts of the pandemic on families with children and pets; some families are likely to require ongoing psychological, financial, and veterinary supports.

Dawn Leeming ◽  
Mike Lucock ◽  
Kagari Shibazaki ◽  
Nicki Pilkington ◽  
Becky Scott

AbstractResearch suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on those already living with mental health problems, though there is also evidence of resilience. However, to date there has been limited in-depth qualitative investigation. We interviewed 15 people living with long-term mental health problems who, before the pandemic, were being supported by third sector organisations, to explore how they experienced lockdowns and accessing services remotely. Template analysis was informed by the Power Threat Meaning Framework and suggested that participants experienced significant threats to their mental wellbeing and recovery which were exacerbated by current or previous powerlessness and inequality. Although participants described positive coping strategies, several described a return of unhelpful behaviours that had contributed to the original difficulties. The findings illustrate the wider contributions of social and economic context to mental health problems and the importance of ensuring that people do not feel abandoned and are proactively supported.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Larissa IA Ruczynski ◽  
Marjolein HJ van de Pol ◽  
Bas JJW Schouwenberg ◽  
Roland FJM Laan ◽  
Cornelia RMG Fluit

Abstract Introduction Clinical reasoning is a core competency for every physician, as well as one of the most complex skills to learn. This study aims to provide insight into the perspective of learners by asking students about their own experiences with learning clinical reasoning throughout the medical Master’s curriculum. Methods We adopted a constructivist approach to organise three semi-structured focus groups within the Master’s curriculum at the medical school of the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen (Netherlands) between August and December 2019. Analysis was performed through template analysis. Results The study included 18 participants who (1) defined and interpreted clinical reasoning, (2) assessed the teaching methods and (3) discussed how they used their context in order to learn and perform clinical reasoning during their clinical rotations. They referred to a variety of contexts, including the clinical environment and various actors within it (e.g. supervisors, peers and patients). Conclusion With regard to the process by which medical students learn clinical reasoning in practice, this study stresses the importance of integrating context into the clinical reasoning process and the manner in which it is learnt. The full incorporation of the benefits of dialogue with the practice of clinical reasoning will require additional attention to educational interventions that empower students to (1) start conversations with their supervisors; (2) increase their engagement in peer and patient learning; (3) recognise bias and copy patterns in their learning process; and (4) embrace and propagate their role as boundary crossers.

Dimitri Estevez ◽  
Nicolas Andres ◽  
Maria Assiduo ◽  
Florian Aubin ◽  
Roberto Chierici ◽  

Abstract We describe the method used by the Multi-Band Template Analysis (MBTA) pipeline to compute the probability of astrophysical origin, pastro, of compact binary coalescence candidates in LIGO-Virgo data from the third observing run (O3). The calculation is performed as part of the offline analysis and is used to characterize candidate events, along with their source classification. The technical details and the implementation are described, as well as the results from the first half of the third observing run (O3a) published in GWTC-2.1. The performance of the method is assessed on injections of simulated gravitational-wave signals in O3a data using a parameterization of pastro as a function of the MBTA combined ranking statistic. Possible sources of statistical and systematic uncertainties are discussed, and their effect on pastro quantified.

2022 ◽  
pp. 23-50
Anna Tarabasz

Gaining competitive advantage requires a detailed benchmark of performance against other market players, and profound gap analysis in comparison to the best practice applies to the audit of the digital presence (online footprint analysis), which, based on scripting codes, is done easily on its premises. SEO software and social medial listening tools allow for a comprehensive understanding of the digital performance of the company. Unfortunately, some businesses underestimate the potential dormant in different types of live analytics and performance trackers and being unaware of the analysis capacity to be performed on competitors and market leaders completely off cost. The case presents a study of a digital footprint template analysis performed for Amazon in the United Arab Emirates and shows the comparison with local and global market players like Noon.com, eBay, or Alibaba using software like SEMrush, SimilarWeb, and Brand24 to showcase how to leverage on gathered insights and gain competitive advantage.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174239532110690
Elizabeth Coates ◽  
Nicolò Zarotti ◽  
Isobel Williams ◽  
Sean White ◽  
Vanessa Halliday ◽  

Objectives Research suggests that higher Body Mass Index is associated with improved survival in people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (pwALS). Yet, understanding of the barriers and enablers to increasing calorie intake is limited. This study sought to explore these issues from the perspective of pwALS, informal carers, and healthcare professionals. Methods Interviews with 18 pwALS and 16 informal carers, and focus groups with 51 healthcare professionals. Data were analysed using template analysis and mapped to the COM-B model and Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF). Results All three COM-B components (Capability, Opportunity and Motivation) are important to achieving high calorie diets in pwALS. Eleven TDF domains were identified: Physical skills (ALS symptoms); Knowledge (about high calorie diets and healthy eating); Memory, attention, and decision processes (reflecting cognitive difficulties); Environmental context/resources (availability of informal and formal carers); Social influences (social aspects of eating); Beliefs about consequences (healthy eating vs. high calorie diets); Identity (interest in health lifestyles); Goals (sense of control); Reinforcement (eating habits); and Optimism and Emotion (low mood, poor appetite). Discussion To promote high calorie diets for pwALS, greater clarity around the rationale and content of recommended diets is needed. Interventions should be tailored to patient symptoms, preferences, motivations, and opportunities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 084456212110667
Souad Belkebir ◽  
Beesan Maraqa ◽  
Zaher Nazzal ◽  
Abdullah Abdullah ◽  
Ferial Yasin ◽  

Background Uncertainty about vaccination among nurses are major barriers to managing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. Purpose To explore nurseś perceptions about receiving the SARS CoV-2 vaccine to inform the upcoming Palestinian Ministry of Health (MOH) vaccination efforts. Methods Four focus groups were conducted with nurses between January 18 and 30, 2021, before MOH launched vaccinations in Palestine. Participants working in government and private facilities were invited to participate and completed an online or paper form to provide demographics, review the study purpose, and give consent. Meetings were facilitated in Arabic either online via the Zoom platform or face-to-face using the same interview guide. Transcripts were translated into English and coded using a template analysis approach. Results Forty-six nurses, with a median age of 29.5y (range, 22–57) from across Palestine participated. Three major themes emerged: uncertainty, trust, and the knowledge needed to move forward. Uncertainty related to the evolving nature of COVID-19, the rapidity of vaccine development, the types and timing of available vaccines. The need for trusted experts to share scientific information about the vaccines to counteract the misinformation in social media. Moreover, reliable vaccine information may help vaccine-hesitant nurses move to vaccine-acceptors and to convince others, including their patients. Conclusion The negative perception of nurses towards vaccines is problematic in Palestine and uncertainty about which vaccine(s) will be available adds to the lack of education and mass-media misinformation. Other countries with vaccination efforts that are not wholly planned or implemented and may be struggling with similar concerns.

Susanna Virtanen

Mansi belongs to the Ob-Ugrian branch of the Uralic language family. Northern Mansi constituent order and its pragmatic variation have not been examined comprehensively until now. This lack is filled in this article, by syntactic-pragmatic template analysis, using a new model of 9+1 templatic slots, which are filled with syntactic or pragmatic functions. Thus, this study is also an attempt to combine both pragmatic and syntactic levels in the same template analysis. Moreover, Rombandeeva’s (1979; 1984) earlier observations on Northern Mansi word order, and those of other scholars, are compared to those drawn here from contemporary data.

2021 ◽  
Elisa Genovesi ◽  
Cecilia Jakobsson ◽  
Lena Nugent ◽  
Charlotte Hanlon ◽  
Rosa Hoekstra

Inclusive education (IE) is a key strategy in addressing the needs of children with autism and other developmental disabilities (DD) in sub-Saharan Africa, who rarely access specialist care or quality education. We aimed to systematically review qualitative research on stakeholder experiences, attitudes and perspectives on IE for pupils with DD in mainstream schools in sub-Saharan Africa. We searched five databases and selected relevant studies through a two-stage screening process. We synthesised the papers identified through template analysis of the Results and Discussion sections, guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Thirty-two publications met the inclusion criteria. The studies were conducted in seven countries and explored the experiences of pupils with DD, parents, peers without DD and teachers. Multiple barriers (e.g. unclear policies, insufficient training and support for teachers) and opportunities (e.g. teachers’ commitment to inclusion, collaboration between teachers, the work of NGOs) for implementing IE for pupils with DD in sub-Saharan Africa were identified, occurring across national and community contexts and school, classroom and individual teacher levels. To effectively implement IE for pupils with DD, teachers need access to appropriate training, resources and support. Governments can capitalise on motivated teachers and relevant work of NGOs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 514-522
Julien Devergie ◽  
Andrew O'Regan ◽  
Peter Hayes

Background: Internationally, the paramedic scope of practice is developing. Bypassing emergency departments in favour of direct access to primary percutaneous coronary intervention laboratories has been limited largely to cases of ST-elevation myocardial infarction and new-onset left bundle branch block, but updates to international guidelines suggest that enhancing paramedics' skills in interpreting electrocardiograms (ECGs) and widening the bypass criteria could be beneficial. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore paramedics' views on ways to improve their ECG interpretation abilities. Method: A two-arm design was used with an online questionnaire (quantitative) and one-to-one interviews (qualitative). The questionnaire results were used to inform the interview guide. Findings: One hundred and eighteen paramedics completed the survey, and 11 took part in interviews. The major themes identified from the template analysis of the interviews were ‘a profession in transition’, ‘lagging professional development’ and ‘supporting the frontline’. Self-directed learning resources before, during and after action were proposed. Conclusion: Paramedicine is evolving in Ireland and practitioners have reported undertaking self-directed learning activities. The resulting heterogeneity in skills such as ECG interpretation, and perceived barriers to education, can cause feelings of vulnerability within the profession. Supporting the frontline by introducing some Group-Orchestrated Self-Directed Learning resources could empower practitioners and contribute to the evolution of prehospital care in Ireland.

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