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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Mutia Kahanna

<div><em><em>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of women's leadership in the digital era where there is still controversy in society. The method used in this research is a systematic literature review based on theoretical studies from a search of journals, books and papers both on a national and international scale. The data collection technique was carried out by collecting several previous studies to answer problems related to the effectiveness of women's leadership in the digital era. Furthermore, previous research was compiled, analyzed, and concluded to obtain conclusions regarding the effectiveness of women's leadership in the digital era. This study shows that women are effective in becoming leaders because they have a responsible, caring attitude and are ready to face any challenges that exist, including in the digital era, without putting aside their domestic role.</em></em></div><div><em><br /></em></div><div><p class="abstrak">Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh berbagai kondisi di lapangan bahwa perempuan kurang efektif menjadi seorang pimpinan di era digital. Perempuan dinilai kurang mampu mengendalikan roda kepemimpinan dalam hal tanggung jawab, kepedulian dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi tantangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kepemimpinan perempuan di era digital yang mana masih ada kontroversi dimasyarakat. Novelti dari penelitian ini mampu meningkatkan keefektifan perempuan dalam memimpin sebuah organisasi di era digital ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur berdasarkan kajian teoritis dari penelusuran jurnal, buku dan makalah baik skala nasional maupun internasional. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan beberapa penelitian terdahulu untuk menjawab permasalahan terkait efektivitas kepemimpinan perempuan di era digital. Selanjutnya penelitian terdahulu dikompilasi, dianalisis dan disimpulkan sehingga didapatkan kesimpulan mengenai efektivitas kepemimpinan perempuan di era digital. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perempuan efektif menjadi pemimpin karena memiliki sikap bertanggungjawab, peduli dan siap menghadapi setiap tantangan-tantangan yang ada termasuk di era digital tanpa mengenyampingkan peran domestiknya.</p></div><p class="abstrak" align="center"> </p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 175069802110543
Irena Řehořová

The article discusses a conflict surrounding the removal of the Soviet Marshal Ivan Stepanovich Konev monument in Prague in 2020. The text begins by presenting different narratives associated with the statue and proceeds to demonstrate how the monument became entangled in a battle between opposing political factions, both in the Czech Republic and on an international scale. The aim of the article is to examine this example in the context of memory studies and to indicate that the situation in the Czech Republic arises from different cultural, social and historical contexts, especially the legacy of communism and the complex Czech Russian relations, but is in many ways similar to the situation in the United States and other places around the world lately experiencing monument struggles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Petra Surya Mega Wijaya ◽  
Maklon Haiti

The development of dojang in Yogyakarta shows a pleasant increase because of the increasing number of taekwondo matches on a regional, national and even international scale followed by a large number of dojangs in Yogyakarta. This makes the members of the dojang to compete with each other and even move from one dojang to another because they see that the other dojang is superior to the dojang he is currently attending. This study aims to examine a number of variables that affect the loyalty of dojang members, including (1) brand image, (2) brand then, (3) satisfaction, (4) servqual, and (5) brand credibility. To answer the research objectives, 100 questionnaires were distributed randomly to a number of large dojang in Yogyakarta. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that there were 2 variables that significantly or strongly influenced the loyalty of dojang members, namely (1) brand image, and (2) servqual. While there are 3 variables that do not significantly affect the loyalty of dojang members, namely (1) brand trust, satisfaction, and (3) brand credibility.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-73
N.M. Zhabina

The article summarizes the results of the study of paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Jurassic of the Piennine Zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians by domestic and foreign researchers. For the first time, a summary paleontological description of these sediments is presented, taking into account numerous published data on identified macro- and mictofossils. A correlation biozonal scale has been created, as well as complex biostratigraphic schemes for each Jurassic series of its region in accordance with the International Stratigraphic Scale (2020). Because the stratigraphic sequence was disturbed by disjunctive dislocations, these schemes were developed by analysis of fragmentary sections. At present, three series of the Jurassic are determined by ammonites, belemnites, pelecypods, brachiopods, the Lower and Upper series are also dated by dinocysts, the Upper also by foraminifera and tintinnids. The stages and standard zones of the modern international scale are determined by ammonites: Liasicus of the Gettangian; Bucklandi, Obtusum, Raricostatum of the Sinemurian; Jamesoni, Emaciatum of the Pliensbachian; Tenuicostatum, Serpentinum, Bifrons, Thouarcense of the Toarcien; Opalinum, Murchisonae, Bradfordensis, Concavum of the Aalenian; Propinquans, Humpriesianum, Parkinsoni of the Bajocian; Zigzag, Aurigerus, Subcontractus, Bremeri, Retrocostatum of the Bathonian; Athletа of the Callovian; Plicatilis і Bifurcates of the Oxfordian; Divisum, Acanticum і Cavouri of the Kimmeridgian. Continuous dinocyst zonation is traced in the Upper Jurassic – Fibrata Аcme (Upper Oxfordian), Parvula Acme, Moluccana і Borzai (Kimmerigian), Pulla, Tithonica, Malmica, Semiradiata (Lower Tithonian) and all standard tintinnide zones of Tithonian — Chitinoidella (підзони Dobeni і Boneti), Praetintinnopsella, Crassicollaria. The boundaries of the stages from the Gettangiean to the Oxfordian are not determined. The boundaries between the Lower and Upper Oxfordian as well as between the Kimmeridgian substages are determined by ammonites as well as the boundary between the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian is determined by dinocysts, and the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous is determined by tintinnids (corresponds to the boundary between the zones Crassicollaria of Tithonian and Calpionella of Berriassian). Stratigraphic unconformities were revealed by the macro- and mictofossils: the regional erosion on the boundary between the Aalenian and Bajocian as well as in Early Callovian, and short gap on the boundary between the Lower and Upper Bajocian. 

Allie Fry ◽  
Jeanie Austin

Police and policing have tacitly, and at times explicitly, been normalized as aspects of library service in the U.S. As American forms of policing are exported at an international scale, this has international implications. Justification for embedded policing inside library walls has turned upon librarian and library staff conceptions of safety. This essay posits that a lack of critical engagement with the topics of policing and safety reflects the deficit of substantive discourse around antiracist pedagogy within library and information science (LIS) education and practice. The paper pairs critical research on safety and criminalization with patrons’ comments on policing and grassroots activism by LIS professionals to rethink safety as something shared between librarians, staff, patrons, and potential patrons (the community). Ongoing, organized campaigns around policing and security within libraries are documented so that their efforts, trials, and successes will engender further research and set a marked precedent of how LIS education and professions can reevaluate the role of policing and police in library settings everywhere.

Ai Ohsato ◽  
Naoko Seki ◽  
Tam Thi Thanh Nguyen ◽  
Janelle Moross ◽  
Masayo Sunaga ◽  

Lindsay Palmer

This chapter focuses on international journalism research, offering the following suggestions: First, scholarship on international journalism should be prepared to more directly and publicly critique the ethnocentrism that has long plagued international correspondence based in the English-speaking West, and that continues to be a problem in the digital age. Second, scholars of international news work need to be prepared to interrogate the structural inequalities that inform journalistic labor on an international scale, inequalities that have not disappeared with the rise of digital technologies. Third, scholars of international journalism need to more directly engage not only with big-brand correspondents, editors, and news executives, but also with the freelancers, stringers, and local fixers who hold these international news professions on their backs. The chapter ultimately argues that journalism scholars should be building more bridges between journalism research and journalism practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 01-03
Jakub Kubiczek

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the borders have slowed down progressive internationalization. Travel not only consists of tourist trips but also business trips. This comment emphasizes the necessity to implement The Digital Green Certificate (Covid passport) and presents the process of its implementation as a complex project on an international scale. The considerations summarize that the implementation of the Covid passport will be successful when the negative impact the pandemic has on travel is eliminated and the number of travelers returns to the level before the restrictions were introduced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 3353-3373
Antonio Adrián Arciénaga Morales ◽  
Bárbara Magdalena Villanueva ◽  
Héctor José Solá Alsina

The Hoshin Kanri is a strategic planning system that possesses the particular capability to solve the most typical problems of implementing such a plan, within organizations. Its Japanese origin has not been an obstacle for its adoption and implementation in firms and organizations of different origins, as this article shows. There still are many difficulties and few experiences for implementing it in SMEs, both in Argentina and at the international scale. The work's objective is to describe Hoshin's planning, providing evidence of its Argentine dissemination, and analyzing the feasibility of its implementation within domestic SMEs. Finally, some necessary conditions for implementing Hoshin are detailed, most of them of operative character, considering some of the specific features of this type of firm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-376
Thomas Bisiani

The study investigates the possibility of developing infrastructure in Trieste, as a larger system, on an international scale: The Belt and Road Initiative. The consequences of this development, in a city rich of research facilities and innovation centers, are innovative and propose new questions on the evolution of architecture and of landscapes linked to logistics and infrastructure and on the material and spatial consequences of digitalization. The research defines a set of specific possible project proposals, compatible or alternative to one another, but that once analyzed, they all underline how mankind seems progressively emarginated from these places. The architecture of the physical and immaterial infrastructures begins to light a new question, how its nature can appear both, anthropic and unrecognizably alien. It is about elements that are creating a real ecosystem at the global scale, essential to the maintenance of our way of life, but with respect to which we have become strangers.

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