stream cipher
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Dana Khwailleh ◽  
Firas Al-balas

The rapid growth of internet of things (IoT) in multiple areas brings research challenges closely linked to the nature of IoT technology. Therefore, there has been a need to secure the collected data from IoT sensors in an efficient and dynamic way taking into consideration the nature of collected data due to its importance. So, in this paper, a dynamic algorithm has been developed to distinguish the importance of data collected and apply the suitable security approach for each type of data collected. This was done by using hybrid system that combines block cipher and stream cipher systems. After data classification using machine learning classifiers the less important data are encrypted using stream cipher (SC) that use rivest cipher 4 algorithm, and more important data encrypted using block cipher (BC) that use advanced encryption standard algorithm. By applying a performance evaluation using simulation, the proposed method guarantees that it encrypts the data with less central processing unit (CPU) time with improvement in the security over the data by using the proposed hybrid system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Lekso Budi Handoko ◽  
Andi Danang Krismawan

The increase in significant advances in information technology greatly provides comfort and convenience in managing data. This convenience is what makes people who are not responsible for using it as a crime such as hacking, cracking, phishing, and so on. In Telkom Region 4 Semarang, there is a container where there are important company data such as customer data. Customer data is very important and the contents of the data must be kept confidential. The company has experienced significant losses due to information leakage due to negligence in the last 5 years. For this reason, data security is necessary so that data is safe and is not misused. This study applies the Advance Encryption Standard algorithm - Cipher Block Chaining (AES-CBC) and Stream cipher in order to secure data so as to reduce the risk of data theft by telecom subscribers. Based on the average avalanche effect value of AES-CBC and a stream cipher of 49.34%, this shows that the AES-CBC and Stream Cipher encrypted files are difficult to crack so that data confidentiality is well maintained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-102
Muslih Muslih ◽  
Abdussalam Abdussalam ◽  
Elkaf Rahmawan Pramudya

The main purpose of using cryptography is to provide the following four basic information security services. One of the purposes of cryptography is secrecy. Confidentiality is the fundamental security service provided by cryptography. This is a security service that stores information from unauthorized persons. Confidentiality can be achieved through a variety of ways ranging from physical security to the use of mathematical algorithms for data encryption. Vernam cipher is a stream cipher where the original data or plain with 8x8 block operation. Experimental results prove that RC4 can perform encryption and decryption with a fast execution process. In this study used a processor with 8GB of RAM. The encryption result of the text used yields the average encryption time and decryption average of 2 second.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 103015
Lin Ding ◽  
Dawu Gu ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Chenhui Jin ◽  
Jie Guan

2021 ◽  
Gani Kumisbek ◽  
N. Nalla Anandakumar ◽  
Mohammad Hashmi

2021 ◽  
Nitin Jain ◽  
Surendra Singh Chauhan

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 1431
Zirui Zhang ◽  
Ping Chen ◽  
Weijun Li ◽  
Xiaoming Xiong ◽  
Qianxue Wang ◽  

In actual application scenarios of the real-time video confidential communication, encrypted videos must meet three performance indicators: security, real-time, and format compatibility. To satisfy these requirements, an improved bitstream-oriented encryption (BOE) method based chaotic encryption for H.264/AVC video is proposed. Meanwhile, an ARM-embedded remote real-time video confidential communication system is built for experimental verification in this paper. Firstly, a 4-D self-synchronous chaotic stream cipher algorithm with cosine anti-controllers (4-D SCSCA-CAC) is designed to enhance the security. The algorithm solves the security loopholes of existing self-synchronous chaotic stream cipher algorithms applied to the actual video confidential communication, which can effectively resist the combinational effect of the chosen-ciphertext attack and the divide-and-conquer attack. Secondly, syntax elements of the H.264 bitstream are analyzed in real-time. Motion vector difference (MVD) coefficients and direct-current (DC) components in Residual syntax element are extracted through the Exponential-Golomb decoding operation and entropy decoding operation based on the context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) mode, respectively. Thirdly, the DC components and MVD coefficients are encrypted by the 4-D SCSCA-CAC, and the encrypted syntax elements are re-encoded to replace the syntax elements of the original H.264 bitstream, keeping the format compatibility. Besides, hardware codecs and multi-core multi-threading technology are employed to improve the real-time performance of the hardware system. Finally, experimental results show that the proposed scheme, with the advantage of high efficiency and flexibility, can fulfill the requirement of security, real-time, and format compatibility simultaneously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 46-53
Bobi Akbar

In data communication, against a data security method known as cryptography (Cryptography). Cryptography is a data security method that can be used to maintain data confidentiality, data authenticity or integrity, and the authenticity of the sender. This method is intended so that important information of a limited or confidential nature sent through public telecommunications facilities cannot be known or utilized by unauthorized parties. In this case, data security is also needed at the internet cafe (internet cafe). Warnet which is a place that provides Interconnection Networking that connects computers to form a network system that covers the whole world (global). Each cafe requires a billing system that is used to determine the state of the user in using the facilities at the cafe, starting from how long it takes to use and how much it costs each user. For this reason, so that the data on the billing system cannot be manipulated or modified by unauthorized persons, it is necessary to secure data. The data security method that will be used is cryptography, especially by using the RC4 stream cipher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Liangshun Wu ◽  
Hengjin Cai

Big data is a term used for very large data sets. Digital equipment produces vast amounts of images every day; the need for image encryption is increasingly pronounced, for example, to safeguard the privacy of the patients’ medical imaging data in cloud disk. There is an obvious contradiction between the security and privacy and the widespread use of big data. Nowadays, the most important engine to provide confidentiality is encryption. However, block ciphering is not suitable for the huge data in a real-time environment because of the strong correlation among pixels and high redundancy; stream ciphering is considered a lightweight solution for ciphering high-definition images (i.e., high data volume). For a stream cipher, since the encryption algorithm is deterministic, the only thing you can do is to make the key “look random.” This article proves that the probability that the digit 1 appears in the midsection of a Zeckendorf representation is constant, which can be utilized to generate the pseudorandom numbers. Then, a novel stream cipher key generator (ZPKG) is proposed to encrypt high-definition images that need transferring. The experimental results show that the proposed stream ciphering method, with the keystream of which satisfies Golomb’s randomness postulates, is faster than RC4 and LSFR with indistinguishable performance on hardware depletion, and the method is highly key sensitive and shows good resistance against noise attacks and statistical attacks.

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