30 doradus
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2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Le Ngoc Tram ◽  
Thiem Hoang ◽  
Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez ◽  
Simon Coudé ◽  
Archana Soam ◽  

Abstract Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud and mostly irradiated by the massive star cluster R136, 30 Doradus is an ideal target to test the leading theory of grain alignment and rotational disruption by RAdiative Torques (RATs). Here, we use publicly available polarized thermal dust emission observations of 30 Doradus at 89, 154, and 214 μm using SOFIA/HAWC+. We analyze the variation of the dust polarization degree (p) with the total emission intensity (I), the dust temperature (T d), and the gas column density (N H) constructed from Herschel data. The 30 Doradus complex is divided into two main regions relative to R136, namely North and South. In the North, we find that the polarization degree first decreases and then increases before decreasing again when the dust temperature increases toward the irradiating cluster R136. The first depolarization likely arises from the decrease in grain alignment efficiency toward the dense medium due to the attenuation of the interstellar radiation field and the increase in the gas density. The second trend (the increase of p with T d) is consistent with the RAT alignment theory. The final trend (the decrease of p with T d) is consistent with the RAT alignment theory only when the grain rotational disruption by RATs is taken into account. In the South, we find that the polarization degree is nearly independent of the dust temperature, while the grain alignment efficiency is higher around the peak of the gas column density and decreases toward the radiation source. The latter feature is also consistent with the prediction of rotational disruption by RATs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 918 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Y. Yamane ◽  
H. Sano ◽  
M. D. Filipović ◽  
K. Tokuda ◽  
K. Fujii ◽  
X Ray ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 504 (2) ◽  
pp. 1627-1643
Yingjie Cheng ◽  
Q Daniel Wang ◽  
Seunghwan Lim

ABSTRACT X-ray observations provide a potentially powerful tool to study starburst feedback. The analysis and interpretation of such observations remain challenging, however, due to various complications, including the non-isothermality of the diffuse hot plasma and the inhomogeneity of the foreground absorption. We here illustrate such complications and a way to mitigate their effects by presenting an X-ray spectroscopy of the 30 Doradus nebula in the Large Magellanic Clouds, based on a 100 ks Suzaku observation. We measure the thermal and chemical properties of the hot plasma and quantitatively confront them with the feedback expected from embedded massive stars. We find that our spatially resolved measurements can be well reproduced by a global modelling of the nebula with a lognormal temperature distribution of the plasma emission measure and a lognormal foreground absorption distribution. The metal abundances and total mass of the plasma are consistent with the chemically enriched mass ejection expected from the central OB association and a $\sim 55{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ mass-loading from the ambient medium. The total thermal energy of the plasma is smaller than what is expected from a simple superbubble model, demonstrating that important channels of energy loss are not accounted for. Our analysis indeed shows tentative evidence for a diffuse non-thermal X-ray component, indicating that cosmic ray acceleration needs to be considered in such a young starburst region. Finally, we suggest that the lognormal modelling may be suitable for the X-ray spectral analysis of other giant H ii regions, especially when spatially resolved spectroscopy is not practical.

J. Melnick ◽  
R.. Terlevich ◽  
G. Tenorio-Tagle ◽  
E. Telles ◽  
E. Terlevich

2021 ◽  
Vol 503 (1) ◽  
pp. 292-311
Zeinab Khorrami ◽  
Maud Langlois ◽  
Paul C Clark ◽  
Farrokh Vakili ◽  
Anne S M Buckner ◽  

ABSTRACT We present the sharpest and deepest near-infrared photometric analysis of the core of R136, a newly formed massive star cluster at the centre of the 30 Doradus star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We used the extreme adaptive optics of the SPHERE focal instrument implemented on the ESO Very Large Telescope and operated in its IRDIS imaging mode for the second time with longer exposure time in the H and K filters. Our aim was to (i) increase the number of resolved sources in the core of R136, and (ii) to compare with the first epoch to classify the properties of the detected common sources between the two epochs. Within the field of view (FOV) of 10.8″ × 12.1″ ($2.7\,\text {pc}\times 3.0\, \text {pc}$), we detected 1499 sources in both H and K filters, for which 76 per cent of these sources have visual companions closer than 0.2″. The larger number of detected sources enabled us to better sample the mass function (MF). The MF slopes are estimated at ages of 1, 1.5, and 2 Myr, at different radii, and for different mass ranges. The MF slopes for the mass range of 10–300 M⊙ are about 0.3 dex steeper than the mass range of 3–300 M⊙, for the whole FOV and different radii. Comparing the JHK colours of 790 sources common in between the two epochs, 67 per cent of detected sources in the outer region (r > 3″) are not consistent with evolutionary models at 1–2 Myr and with extinctions similar to the average cluster value, suggesting an origin from ongoing star formation within 30 Doradus, unrelated to R136.

New Astronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
pp. 101455
Yikdem Mengesha Gebrehiwot ◽  
Berhe Tewelde Teklehaimanot
Gaia Dr2 ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 893 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Laura A. Lopez ◽  
Brian W. Grefenstette ◽  
Katie Auchettl ◽  
Kristin K. Madsen ◽  
Daniel Castro

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (4) ◽  
pp. 5279-5292 ◽  
Mélanie Chevance ◽  
Suzanne C Madden ◽  
Christian Fischer ◽  
William D Vacca ◽  
Vianney Lebouteiller ◽  

ABSTRACT Determining the efficiency with which gas is converted into stars in galaxies requires an accurate determination of the total reservoir of molecular gas mass. However, despite being the most abundant molecule in the Universe, H2 is challenging to detect through direct observations and indirect methods have to be used to estimate the total molecular gas reservoir. These are often based on scaling relations from tracers such as CO or dust, and are generally calibrated in the Milky Way. Yet, evidence that these scaling relations are environmentally dependent is growing. In particular, the commonly used CO-to-H2 conversion factor (XCO) is expected to be higher in metal-poor and/or strongly UV-irradiated environments. We use new SOFIA/FIFI-LS observations of far-infrared fine-structure lines from the ionized and neutral gas and the Meudon photodissociation region model to constrain the physical properties and the structure of the gas in the massive star-forming region of 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and determine the spatially resolved distribution of the total reservoir of molecular gas in the proximity of the young massive cluster R136. We compare this value with the molecular gas mass inferred from ground-based CO observations and dust-based estimates to quantify the impact of this extreme environment on commonly used tracers of the molecular gas. We find that the strong radiation field combined with the half-solar metallicity of the surrounding gas is responsible for a large reservoir of ‘CO-dark’ molecular gas, leaving a large fraction of the total H2 gas (≳75 per cent) undetected when adopting a standard XCO factor in this massive star-forming region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 636 ◽  
pp. A54 ◽  
M. L. van Gelder ◽  
L. Kaper ◽  
J. Japelj ◽  
M. C. Ramírez-Tannus ◽  
L. E. Ellerbroek ◽  

The process of massive star (M ≥ 8 M⊙) formation is still poorly understood. Observations of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) are challenging due to their rarity, short formation timescale, large distances, and high circumstellar extinction. Here, we present the results of a spectroscopic analysis of a population of MYSOs in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We took advantage of the spectral resolution and wavelength coverage of X-shooter (300−2500 nm), which is mounted on the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, to detect characteristic spectral features in a dozen MYSO candidates near 30 Doradus, the largest starburst region in the Local Group hosting the most massive stars known. The X-shooter spectra are strongly contaminated by nebular emission. We used a scaling method to subtract the nebular contamination from our objects. We detect Hα, β, [O I] 630.0 nm, Ca II, infrared triplet [Fe II] 1643.5 nm, fluorescent Fe II 1687.8 nm, H2 2121.8 nm, Brγ, and CO bandhead emission in the spectra of multiple candidates. This leads to the spectroscopic confirmation of ten candidates as bona fide MYSOs. We compared our observations with photometric observations from the literature and find all MYSOs to have a strong near-infrared excess. We computed lower limits to the brightness and luminosity of the MYSO candidates, confirming the near-infrared excess and the massive nature of the objects. No clear correlation is seen between the Brγ luminosity and metallicity. Combining our sample with other LMC samples results in a combined detection rate of disk features, such as fluorescent Fe II and CO bandheads, which is consistent with the Galactic rate (40%). Most of our MYSOs show outflow features.

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