bottled drinking water
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
A. T. Herath ◽  
C. L. Abayasekara

Mohamed Amine Kerdoun ◽  
Hocine Bouaziz ◽  
Oum El Kheir Adjaine ◽  
Sabah Mekhloufi ◽  
Zineb Bechki ◽  

Ghorban Asgari ◽  
Ensieh Komijani ◽  
Abdolmotaleb Seid-Mohammadi ◽  
Mohammad Khazaei

2021 ◽  
Vol 885 (1) ◽  
pp. 012044
S E Zhelaeva ◽  
T K Khamaganova ◽  
B B Sharaldaev ◽  
E Ts Garmaeva ◽  
Yu Hunkai ◽  

Abstract This article briefly presents the results of a market research study of the bottled drinking water market in China. The purpose of this study is to describe the overall situation in the Chinese bottled drinking water market, identify sustainable growth and expansion trends, as well as potential opportunities for export of Baikal drinking water through the introduction of domestic (regional) business to the Chinese market. The results of the study can be used to guide foreign business activities in the bottled drinking market and to make effective management decisions.

Nurfadhilah Nurfadhilah ◽  
Iis Komalasari ◽  
Agung Prabawa

Mendaki gunung merupakan kegiatan olahraga sekaligus rekreasi yang dalam situasi tertentu mengakibatkan tumpukan sampah tertinggal di berbagai lokasi (puncak, sekitar kemah, dan sepanjang lintasan). Kegiatan bernama Operasi Bersih Sampah Gunung Cikuray bertujuan membersihkan lokasi terjangkau dari sampah, khususnya yang berbahan plastik. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada Sabtu-Ahad, 29-30 Agustus 2020 melalui Kiara Janggot, Kota Garut, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan diikuti 52 orang dengan peserta termuda berusia 9 tahun dan tertua 45 tahun, 38 lelaki dan 14 perempuan. Sampah yang berhasil dikumpulkan dan dibawa ke kaki gunung berjumlah sekitar 60 kantong ukuran 3kg dan 15 karung ukuran 20 kg, total sekitar 400 kg. Jenis sampah umumnya botol  (botol plastik berisi urin, botol AMDK, botol minuman keras, tutup botol), pembalut, tisu, bungkus permen, bungkus mi instan, dan puntung rokok. Kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat, selain bagi kebersihan, kesehatan, dan kelestarian lingkungan, juga bagi individu yang mengikuti kegiatan, baik secara fisik maupun mental.---Mountain climbing is a sport as well as recreational activity which in certain situations results in piles of garbage left in various locations (at the top, around the camp, and along the trails). The activity called Operation Mount Cikuray Garbage Cleanup aims to clean up affordable locations from rubbish, especially those made of plastic. The activity was carried out on Saturday-Sunday, 29-30 August 2020 through Kiara Janggot, Garut City, West Java. The activity was attended by 52 people with the youngest participants aged 9 years and the oldest 45 years, 38 men and 14 women. The garbage collected and brought to the foot of the mountain is around 60 and 15 20 kg sacks, a total of about 400 kg. Types of waste are generally bottles (plastic bottles containing urine, bottled drinking water bottles, liquor bottles, bottle caps), sanitary napkins, tissue wrappers, instant noodle wrappers, and cigarette butts. This activity is very beneficial, in addition to cleanliness, health and environmental sustainability, as well as for individuals who participate in the activity, both physically and mentally.

Food Control ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 108623
Ziwei Zhao ◽  
Md Iqbal Hossain ◽  
Soontag Jung ◽  
Zhaoqi Wang ◽  
Daseul Yeo ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-43
Jai Prakash

Phthalate easters are known endocrine disrupter and possible carcinogen. Studies have carried out in different countries to investigate possible migration of phthalate easters into packaged drinking water and beverages and resultant toxic effect on human health. This study aimed to determine the level of phthalate migration into bottled drinking water, manufactured commercially in India and to identify a possible relationship between the amount and type of phthalate migration. Eight phthalate easters were investigated. The analysis included 375 samples (75 sets of 5 bottles each from 5 manufacturers, having same batch numbers and manufacturing dates) of drinking water packed in 1-Litre bottles made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The samples were incubated and analyzed at the Centre of Mass Spectrometry (Analytics Department) of the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad on Agilent 6420 QQQ MS/MS system coupled to Agilent 1290 UPLC pump and 0 Thermo TSQ Altis coupled to Thermo RSLC 3000 system at room temperature (27 C) and two temperatures of extreme conditions representing 0 0 refrigeration temperature (4 C) and summer outdoor temperature (45 C) at the interval of 0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 days, 180 days (6 months) being the projected self-life for bottled drinking water in India. Of eight investigated phthalate esters, Di-butyl Phthalate (DBP) was detected in 94% and Di-isobutyl phthalate (DiBP) in 80% of samples analyzed. The highest migration of 0.0027 mg/l was recorded from PET bottles to drinking water for DBP, followed by 0.0024 mg/l for DiBP. DEHP (Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) was detected in 40% of sample sets with maximum concentration of 0.0006 mg/l. DPP (Di-pentyl phthalate) was detected in the least number of samples (21.3%) and its maximum concentration observed was 0.0004 mg/l. Migration of all eight investigated esters were detected in drinking water samples stored for 180 days at the three temperature conditions. In other temperature and storage conditions, frequency of detection varied between 0-66%. This study did not account for the factors like source of raw water, manufacturing process, PET types (virgin or recycled), and composition, etcetera. This is probably reected in widely varied standard deviation. The phthalate levels measured in these samples pose no risk for human health considering reference dose determined by USEPA, EU and FSSAI, for daily oral exposure to the human population. Nevertheless, the accumulation of small individual quantity taken with time may increase the lifelong phthalate exposure and eventually threaten the exposed person's life. Further studies with larger sample size and variants may be desirable. Also, drinking water quality standards needs to be revisited to include all signicant phthalate esters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-71
Misbachul Munir

Abstract PT. XYZ is a company engaged in producing bottled drinking water. To compete in the market, it is demanded to maintain the quality of the goods produced because of the quality products so that it has the aim of knowing the causes of significant product defects in the 240 ml cup packaging at PT. XYZ and knowing what factors cause defects in 240 ml cup packaging products at PT. XYZ Abstract is written in Indonesian as well as using the seven tools method. The results show that the cause of product defects is based on the cause and effect diagram of lid defects including: 1) leaking lid: Heater is not hot enough, heater is too hot, bucket with trimming is not center, seal disk is dirty and operators are less careful. 2) Broken lid: The lid is brittle and the handling is not good 3) Tilted lid: The position of the roll lid shakes and the operator is not careful.    Keywords: Quality, product defects, Seven Tools   Abstrak XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang memproduksi air minum dalam kemasan. Untuk bersaing di pasaran maka di tuntut untuk menjaga kualitas dari barang yang di hasilkan karena produk yang berkualitas sehingga memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab kecacat produk yang signifikan pada kemasan cup 240 ml di PT. XYZ dan mengetahui Faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi penyebab ke cacat produk kemasan cup 240 ml di PT. XYZ Abstrak ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia segingga dengan menggunakan metode seven tools di dapatkan hasil bahwa Penyebab terjadinya kecacatan produk berdasarkan diagram sebab akibat cacat lid diantaranya:  1) bocor lid : Heater kurang Panas, heater terlalu panas, bucket dengan trimming tidak center, seal disk kotor dan operator kurang cermat. 2) Pecah lid : Lid getas dan handling kurang baik 3) Lid Miring : Kedudukan roll lid goyang dan operator kurang teliti.   Kata Kunci: Kualitas, cacat produk, Seven Tools

2021 ◽  
pp. 127404
Yihe Huang ◽  
Ka Ki Wong ◽  
Wei Li ◽  
Haoran Zhao ◽  
Tianming Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 179
Didit Darmawan ◽  
Samsul Arifin

Penelitian ini menyajikan studi empiris tentang perilaku konsumen mengenai keputusan pembelian air minum dalam kemasan. Seiring dengan kebutuhan terhadap air sehat untuk dikonsumsi yang semakin meningkat maka konsumen di industri ini juga semakin berkembang dan menjanjikan saat ini dan di masa depan. Studi ini memiliki tujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh dari dua variabel yang berperan penting terhadap keputusan pembelian air minum dalam kemasan, yaitu kesadaran merek dan harga. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Setelah penyebaran kuesioner diperoleh total responden sebanyak 97 orang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda yang dibantu dengan SPSS 25. Studi ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa kesadaran merek terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Selain itu, harga terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Secara simultan, kedua variabel bebas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel terikat. Kesadaran merek merupakan variabel yang berpengaruh dominan.   This study presents an empirical study of consumer behavior regarding the decision to purchase bottled water. Along with the increasing need for healthy water for consumption, consumers in this industry are also growing and promising now and in the future. This study aims to study the effect of two variables that play an important role in the decision to purchase bottled drinking water, namely brand awareness and price. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. After distributing the questionnaires, a total of 97 respondents were obtained. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis assisted by SPSS 25. This study resulted in the finding that brand awareness proved to have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. In addition, the price proved to have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Simultaneously, the two independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable. Brand awareness is a variable that has a dominant influence.

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