quadrant method
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Muhammad Shoaib Sharif ◽  
Aqsa Jabeen ◽  
Maliha Tariq ◽  
Khurram Shahzad ◽  
Sidra Latif ◽  

Abundance is defined as the relative representation of species in a particular area. It is usually measured as the number of individuals found per sample. The abundance of insects was recorded from the selected fields of mustard, potato and tomato fields. Samples were collected by applying quadrant method, simple tools were used i.e. sweep nets and direct handpicking. Hemiptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera were the main orders of the insects that were most abundant and effecting the selected fields. Total collected specimens were numbered as 117, out of which 65 specimens were recorded from mustard 36 from tomato and 16 from potato field. The results indicate that insects have subsequent association with their host vegetables at leafy stage. A maximum abundance of insects was found in mustard fields and least in Potato field. A common insect found among all fields was the budworm. Abundance was recorded less because of some factors i.e. low temperature and pesticides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-290
Rini Pramesti ◽  
Subagiyo Subagiyo ◽  
Wilis Ari Setyati ◽  
Titis Buana

Padang lamun merupakan ekosistem pesisir yang mampu menyimpan dan menyerap karbon melalui proses fotosintesis yang disimpan dalam bentuk biomassa dan disimpan di akar, rhizome dan daun sehingga dapat mengurangi gas CO2 di udara. Ekosistem ini belum banyak diperhatikan fungsinya dibandingkan dengan ekosistem darat. Penelitian ini bertujuan  mengetahui  kerapatan, tutupan  lamun dan serapan karbon dalam biomassa berupa jaringan atas substrat dan bawah substrat. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2018 di Pantai Krakal - Yogyakarta. Identifikasi  jenis  lamun  dengan buku panduan  seagrasswatch,  kerapatan  dan  tutupan dengan metode line transect quadrant. Analisis kandungan karbon menggunakan metode pengabuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lokasi ini memiliki biomassa di bagian atas 7,36 – 9,92 gbk/m2 dan bagian bawah 39,36 – 95,68 gbk/m2. Kedua bagian ini mampu menyimpan dan menyerap karbon rata-rata sebesar 30,42 ± 13,85 gC/m2 dan 0,2 ± 0,06 gC/d/m2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan padang lamun di lokasi ini mampu menyimpan dan menyerap karbon meskipun dalam jumlah yang kecil. Seagrass beds are coastal ecosystems capable of absorbing and storing carbon through photosynthesis and stored of roots, rhizomes and leaves that it can reduce CO2 gas in the air. The function of this ecosystem has not been given much attention compared to the terrestrial ecosystem. The research was studied to determine density, cover of seagrass  and carbon uptake in biomass of the upper and lower substrate. The research was carried in November 2018 at Krakal Beach - Yogyakarta. Identification of the type seagrass was carried by seagrasswatch manual, the density and cover was carried by the line transect quadrant method. The carbon content was analysis by the ashing method. The results was showed that this location has a biomass at the top of 7.36 - 9.92 gbk/m2 and the bottom of 39.36 - 95.68 gbk/m2. Both of these parts are able to store and absorb carbon are average of 30.42 ± 13.85 gC/m2 and 0.2 ± 0.06 gC/d/m2. The results showed that the seagrass beds on this beach were able to store and absorb of carbon with small amounts.

Dr. Gauri Mukhiya ◽  
Dr. Haibao Wang ◽  
Dr. Zhili Pan ◽  
Dr. Longsheng Wang ◽  
Dr. Xinwei Han ◽  

Shania Nur Chasanah ◽  
Jihad Lukis Panjawa

This study aims to analyze the performance and financial capability of Magelang City in the period 2014 - 2018. This study uses a quantitative approach with secondary data. The analytical tool used to measure the financial performance of the City of Magelang is a ratio and to calculate the financial capacity of the region measured by the index Share, Growth, Elasticity. The results showed the city of Magelang entered the category of low. The level of regional financial dependency shows a very high level of dependency. The degree of fiscal decentralization is in the moderate category. The level of effectiveness of regional income is very effective. The results of the calculation of the regional financial performance index (IKK) show that financial capacity is relatively high. Other findings from the mapping of regional financial capacity based on the quadrant method, the position of the city of Magelang is in quadrant III. This condition is also not ideal. The big role of PAD in Total Spending has a small chance because the growth of PAD is small. The contribution of PAD to total expenditure is high, but the growth of PAD is low. Efforts to further increase PAD by optimizing resource management and expanding the potential of the economic sector.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-79
F. Habaora ◽  
A. M. Fuah ◽  
L. Abdullah ◽  
A. Yani ◽  
B. P. Purwanto

This research aims to know the type of vegetation, nutrient components of feed and carrying capacity based on agroecosystems on Timor Island conducted from January-March 2018 (transition from the rainy season to the dry season). The research location was chosen purposively so that those it represented the pasture were in the District of Belu, Malaka, and TTU; agriculture in the District of Kupang and Kota Kupang; plantation in Kupang District; and forests in TTS District. Forage samples were taken using the 1x1m2 quadrant method. The quadrant is thrown at random. All vegetation in the quadrant is cut and analyzed in the laboratory. Descriptive data analysis. The result is that the main vegetation types of Bali cattle consumption in pasture agroecosystems is natural grass with a nutrient composition of ash (9.9%), CP (5.7%), CF (38.5%), EE (2.2%), NFE (36.4%) and TDN (42.1%). Agriculture agroecosystem is ricestraw with a nutrient composition of ash (9.6%), CP (5.8%), CF (27.6%), EE (2.1%), NFE (48.8% ) and TDN (52.8%). Plantation agroecosystems is lamtoro with a nutrient composition of ash (13.6%), CP (12.0%), CF (20.4%), EE (3.3%), NFE (42.8%) and TDN (54.9%). Forest agroecosystems is kabesak with a nutrient composition of ash (8.6%), CP (11.5%), CF (26.9%), EE (1.2%), NFE (44.2%) and TDN (53.1%). The carrying capacity of pasture, agriculture, plantation and forest in sequence are very high, namely 4.8 UT and CCI 0.4 with an average body weight of 229.3 kg; 5.6 UT and CCI 0.6 with an average BB of 188 kg; 6.8 UT and CCI 0.7 with an average BB of 227.5 kg; and 5.8 UT and CCI 0.7 with an average BB of 194.9 kg. The entire agroecosystem area on Timor Island is classified as a very critical area.

Kento Morita ◽  
Manabu Nii ◽  
Min-Sung Koh ◽  
Kaori Kashiwa ◽  
Hiroshi Nakayama ◽  

Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury causes knee instability which affects sports activity involving cutting and twisting motions. The ACL reconstruction surgery replaces the damaged ACL with artificial one which is fixed to the bone tunnels opened by the surgeon. The outcome of the ACL reconstruction is strongly related to the placement of the bone tunnels, therefore, the optimization of tunnel drilling technique is an important factor to obtain satisfactory surgical results. Aims: The quadrant method is used for the post-operative evaluation of the ACL reconstruction surgery, which evaluates the bone tunnel opening sites on the lateral 2D X-ray radiograph. Methods: For the purpose of applying the quadrant method to the pre-operative knee MRI, we have synthesized the pseudo lateral 2D X-ray radiograph from the patients' knee MRI. This paper proposes a computer-aided surgical planning system for the ACL reconstruction. The proposed system estimates appropriate bone tunnel opening sites on the pseudo lateral 2D X-ray radiograph synthesized from the pre-operative knee MRI. Results: In the experiment, the proposed method was applied to 98 subjects including subjects with osteoarthritis. The experimental results showed that the proposed method can estimate the bone tunnel opening sites accurately. The other experiment using 36 healthy patients showed that the proposed method is robust to the knee shape deformation caused by disease. Conclusion: It is verified that the proposed method can be applied to subjects with osteoarthritis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 205
Muhammad Basorudin ◽  
Aniisa Rizqi ◽  
Sri Murdaningrum ◽  
Windi Maharani

Tea is one of the main commodities that is a mainstay of Indonesian exports and has been exported to 78 countries on five continents. However, the development of the volume of Indonesian tea exports tends to decline from 2011 to 2015. Therefore, this study aims to find out which districts are potential areas and non-potential areas in West Java Province as the largest tea-producing region in Indonesia. Then, to find out the growth rate of tea production in each district in West Java Province and how the area is spread based on its potential. The method used is Location Quotient, Shift Share, and Quadrant Method. Based on the research, it was found that the area that has potential and became the basis so that its construction can contribute significantly to tea plantations in West Java Province are Bandung, Cianjur, Purwakarta, Bandung Barat, Garut, Tasikmalaya, and Sukabumi. Then, the calculation results with this quadrant indicate that the mainstay tea plantation area is in the Sukabumi, Cianjur, Bandung, Garut, and West Bandung regions.

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