convex spaces
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Arian Bërdëllima ◽  
Florian Lauster ◽  
D. Russell Luke

AbstractWe extend to p-uniformly convex spaces tools from the analysis of fixed point iterations in linear spaces. This study is restricted to an appropriate generalization of single-valued, pointwise averaged mappings. Our main contribution is establishing a calculus for these mappings in p-uniformly convex spaces, showing in particular how the property is preserved under compositions and convex combinations. This is of central importance to splitting algorithms that are built by such convex combinations and compositions, and reduces the convergence analysis to simply verifying that the individual components have the required regularity pointwise at fixed points of the splitting algorithms. Our convergence analysis differs from what can be found in the previous literature in that the regularity assumptions are only with respect to fixed points. Indeed we show that, if the fixed point mapping is pointwise nonexpansive at all cluster points, then these cluster points are in fact fixed points, and convergence of the sequence follows. Additionally, we provide a quantitative convergence analysis built on the notion of gauge metric subregularity, which we show is necessary for quantifiable convergence estimates. This allows one for the first time to prove convergence of a tremendous variety of splitting algorithms in spaces with curvature bounded from above.

Helge Glöckner ◽  
Alexander Schmeding

AbstractGiven smooth manifolds $$M_1,\ldots , M_n$$ M 1 , … , M n (which may have a boundary or corners), a smooth manifold N modeled on locally convex spaces and $$\alpha \in ({{\mathbb {N}}}_0\cup \{\infty \})^n$$ α ∈ ( N 0 ∪ { ∞ } ) n , we consider the set $$C^\alpha (M_1\times \cdots \times M_n,N)$$ C α ( M 1 × ⋯ × M n , N ) of all mappings $$f:M_1\times \cdots \times M_n\rightarrow N$$ f : M 1 × ⋯ × M n → N which are $$C^\alpha $$ C α in the sense of Alzaareer. Such mappings admit, simultaneously, continuous iterated directional derivatives of orders $$\le \alpha _j$$ ≤ α j in the jth variable for $$j\in \{1,\ldots , n\}$$ j ∈ { 1 , … , n } , in local charts. We show that $$C^\alpha (M_1\times \cdots \times M_n,N)$$ C α ( M 1 × ⋯ × M n , N ) admits a canonical smooth manifold structure whenever each $$M_j$$ M j is compact and N admits a local addition. The case of non-compact domains is also considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Maryam Salehnejad ◽  
Mahdi Azhini

Inthispaper,westudysomeexistencetheoremsofsolutionsforvectorvariational inequality by using the generalized KKM theorem. Also, we investigate the properties of so- lution set of the Minty vector variational inequality in G–convex spaces. Finally, we prove the equivalence between a Browder fixed point theorem type and the vector variational in- equality in G-convex spaces.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-136
James K. Peterson

Florian Lauster ◽  
D. Russell Luke

AbstractIn the setting of $\operatorname{CAT}(\kappa)$ CAT ( κ ) spaces, common fixed point iterations built from prox mappings (e.g. prox-prox, Krasnoselsky–Mann relaxations, nonlinear projected-gradients) converge locally linearly under the assumption of linear metric subregularity. Linear metric subregularity is in any case necessary for linearly convergent fixed point sequences, so the result is tight. To show this, we develop a theory of fixed point mappings that violate the usual assumptions of nonexpansiveness and firm nonexpansiveness in p-uniformly convex spaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
E. Soori ◽  
M.R. Omidi ◽  
A.P. Farajzadeh ◽  
Yuanheng Wang

In this paper, the notion of the q -duality mappings in locally convex spaces is introduced. An implicit method for finding a fixed point of a Q -nonexpansive mapping is provided. Finally, the convergence of the proposed implicit scheme is investigated. Some examples in order to illustrate of the main results are presented.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Xiu-Yun Wu ◽  
Chun-Yan Liao ◽  
Yan-Hui Zhao

In this paper, the notion of (L, M)- fuzzy convex derived hull spaces is introduced. It is proved that the category of (L, M)- fuzzy convex derived hull spaces is isomorphic to the category of (L, M)- fuzzy convex spaces and the category of (L, M)- fuzzy convex enclosed relation spaces. Based on this, the notion of (L, M)- fuzzy restricted convex derived hull spaces is introduced. It is further proved that the category of (L, M)- fuzzy restricted convex derived hull spaces is isomorphic to the category of (L, M)- fuzzy restricted convex hull spaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 625-644
Mohamed Ennassik ◽  
Lahcen Maniar ◽  
Mohamed Aziz Taoudi ◽  

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