laser interferometer
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Tony Yuan

The relative velocity between objects with finite velocity affects the reaction between them. This effect is known as general Doppler effect. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) discovered gravitational waves and found their speed to be equal to the speed of light c. Gravitational waves are generated following a disturbance in the gravitational field; they affect the gravitational force on an object. Just as light waves are subject to the Doppler effect, so are gravitational waves. This article explores the following research questions concerning gravitational waves: What is the spatial distribution of gravitational waves? Can the speed of a gravitational wave represent the speed of the gravitational field (the speed of the action of the gravitational field upon the object)? What is the speed of the gravitational field? Do gravitational waves caused by the revolution of the Sun affect planetary precession? Can we modify Newton’s gravitational equation through the influence of gravitational waves?

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 011203
Guanfang Wang ◽  
Zhu Li ◽  
Jialing Huang ◽  
Huizong Duan ◽  
Xiangqing Huang ◽  

Tony Yuan

The relative velocity between objects with finite velocity affects the reaction between them. This effect is known as general Doppler effect. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) discovered gravitational waves and found their speed to be equal to the speed of light c. Gravitational waves are generated following a disturbance in the gravitational field; they affect the gravitational force on an object. Just as light waves are subject to the Doppler effect, so are gravitational waves. This article explores the following research questions concerning gravitational waves: What is the spatial distribution of gravitational waves? Can the speed of a gravitational wave represent the speed of the gravitational field (the speed of the action of the gravitational field upon the object)? What is the speed of the gravitational field? Do gravitational waves caused by the revolution of the Sun affect planetary precession? Can we modify Newton’s gravitational equation through the influence of gravitational waves?

Tony Yuan

The relative velocity between objects with finite velocity affects the reaction between them. This effect is known as general Doppler effect. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) discovered gravitational waves and found their speed to be equal to the speed of light c. Gravitational waves are generated following a disturbance in the gravitational field; they affect the gravitational force on an object. Just as light waves are subject to the Doppler effect, so are gravitational waves. This article explores the following research questions concerning gravitational waves: What is the spatial distribution of gravitational waves? Can the speed of a gravitational wave represent the speed of the gravitational field (the speed of the action of the gravitational field upon the object)? What is the speed of the gravitational field? Do gravitational waves caused by the revolution of the Sun affect planetary precession? Can we modify Newton’s gravitational equation through the influence of gravitational waves?

Tony Yuan

The relative velocity between objects with finite velocity affects the reaction between them. This effect is known as general Doppler effect. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) discovered gravitational waves and found their speed to be equal to the speed of light c. Gravitational waves are generated following a disturbance in the gravitational field; they affect the gravitational force on an object. Just as light waves are subject to the Doppler effect, so are gravitational waves. This article explores the following research questions concerning gravitational waves: What is the spatial distribution of gravitational waves? Can the speed of a gravitational wave represent the speed of the gravitational field (the speed of the action of the gravitational field upon the object)? What is the speed of the gravitational field? Do gravitational waves caused by the revolution of the Sun affect planetary precession? Can we modify Newton’s gravitational equation through the influence of gravitational waves?

Tony Yuan

The relative velocity between objects with finite velocity affects the reaction between them. This effect is known as general Doppler effect. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) discovered gravitational waves and found their speed to be equal to the speed of light c. Gravitational waves are generated following a disturbance in the gravitational field; they affect the gravitational force on an object. Just as light waves are subject to the Doppler effect, so are gravitational waves. This article explores the following research questions concerning gravitational waves: What is the spatial distribution of gravitational waves? Can the speed of a gravitational wave represent the speed of the gravitational field (the speed of the action of the gravitational field upon the object)? What is the speed of the gravitational field? Do gravitational waves caused by the revolution of the Sun affect planetary precession? Can we modify Newton’s gravitational equation through the influence of gravitational waves?

Tony Yuan

The relative velocity between objects with finite velocity affects the reaction between them. This effect is known as general Doppler effect. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) discovered gravitational waves and found their speed to be equal to the speed of light c. Gravitational waves are generated following a disturbance in the gravitational field; they affect the gravitational force on an object. Just as light waves are subject to the Doppler effect, so are gravitational waves. This article explores the following research questions concerning gravitational waves: What is the spatial distribution of gravitational waves? Can the speed of a gravitational wave represent the speed of the gravitational field (the speed of the action of the gravitational field upon the object)? What is the speed of the gravitational field? Do gravitational waves caused by the revolution of the Sun affect planetary precession? Can we modify Newton’s gravitational equation through the influence of gravitational waves?

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100184
Hideaki Iizumi ◽  
Hiroaki Kajikawa

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 285
Ju Chen ◽  
Chang-Shuo Yan ◽  
You-Jun Lu ◽  
Yue-Tong Zhao ◽  
Jun-Qiang Ge

Abstract The detection of gravitational waves (GWs) by ground-based laser interferometer GW observatories (LIGO/Virgo) reveals a population of stellar binary black holes (sBBHs) with (total) masses up to ∼ 150M ⊙, which are potential sources for space-based GW detectors, such as LISA and Taiji. In this paper, we investigate in details on the possibility of detecting sBBHs by the LISA-Taiji network in future. We adopt the sBBH merger rate density constrained by LIGO/VIRGO observations to randomly generate mock sBBHs samples. Assuming an observation period of 4 years, we find that the LISA-Taiji network may detect several tens (or at least several) sBBHs with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) > 8 (or > 15), a factor 2 − 3 times larger than that by only using LISA or Taiji observations. Among these sBBHs, no more than a few that can merge during the 4-year observation period. If extending the observation period to 10 years, then the LISA-Taiji network may detect about one hundred (or twenty) sBBHs with SNR> 8 (or > 15), among them about twenty (or at least several) can merge within the observation period. Our results suggest that the LISA-Taiji network may be able to detect at least a handful to twenty or more sBBHs even if assuming a conservative SNR threshold (15) for “detection”, which enables multi-band GW observations by space and ground-based GW detectors. We also further estimate the uncertainties in the parameter estimations of the sBBH systems “detected” by the LISA-Taiji network. We find that the relative errors in the luminosity distance measurements and sky localization are mostly in the range of 0.05 − 0.2 and 1 − 100deg2, respectively, for these sBBHs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (12) ◽  
pp. 124501
Yu-Rong Liang ◽  
Yu-Jie Feng ◽  
Guo-Yao Xiao ◽  
Yuan-Ze Jiang ◽  
Lin Li ◽  

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