viscoplastic solid
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Metals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 390 ◽  
Vitaliy Kindrachuk ◽  
Bernard Fedelich ◽  
Birgit Rehmer ◽  
Frauke Peter

The issue of service life prediction of hot metallic components subjected to cyclic loadings is addressed. Two classes of lifetime models are considered, namely, the incremental lifetime rules and the parametric models governed by the fracture mechanics concept. Examples of application to an austenitic cast iron are presented. In addition, computational techniques to accelerate the time integration of the incremental models throughout the fatigue loading history are discussed. They efficiently solve problems where a stabilized response of a component is not observed, for example due to the plastic strain which is no longer completely reversed and accumulates throughout the fatigue history. The performance of such an accelerated integration technique is demonstrated for a finite element simulation of a viscoplastic solid under repeating loading–unloading cycles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 05001 ◽  
Piotr Bartkowski ◽  
Robert Zalewski

The conceptual design of smart crash energy absorber made of Vacuum Packed Particles (VPP) is presented in this work. This structure is composed of granular material inside a plastomer sleeve. The absorber can change the flexural stiffness and as a result the amount of dissipated energy depending on the impact conditions. The special properties of the granular structure create the possibility of various applications as different working modes can be used. When the pressure inside is equal or higher than atmospheric pressure the system behaves similarly to a liquid, otherwise it has properties similar to viscoplastic solid. The physical properties of the structure may be rapidly changed by adjusting the pressure inside the system. Due to these properties Vacuum Packed Particles is considered to be a smart material.

2015 ◽  
Vol 779 ◽  
pp. 483-513 ◽  
Sachith Dunatunga ◽  
Ken Kamrin

We propose and numerically implement a constitutive framework for granular media that allows the material to traverse through its many common phases during the flow process. When dense, the material is treated as a pressure-sensitive elasto-viscoplastic solid obeying a yield criterion and a plastic flow rule given by the ${\it\mu}(I)$ inertial rheology of granular materials. When the free volume exceeds a critical level, the material is deemed to separate and is treated as disconnected, stress-free media. A material point method (MPM) procedure is written for the simulation of this model and many demonstrations are provided in different geometries, which highlight the ability of the numerical model to handle transitions through dense and disconnected states. By using the MPM framework, extremely large strains and nonlinear deformations, which are common in granular flows, are representable. The method is verified numerically and its physical predictions are validated against many known experimental phenomena, such as Beverloo’s scaling in silo flows, jointed power-law scaling of the run-out distance in granular-column-collapse problems, and various known behaviours in inclined chute flows.

2015 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
Alan Needleman

Localization of deformation and failure, a complete loss of stress carrying capacity, is studied for two rate dependent constitutive relations: (i) a Kelvin–Voigt solid and (ii) a viscoplastic solid. A planar block infinite in one direction is subjected to monotonically increasing shear displacements at a fixed rate. Geometry changes are neglected and attention is confined to quasi-static loading conditions. For the Kelvin–Voigt solid, localization precedes failure if there is hardening outside the band and softening inside the band while failure precedes localization if there is softening both inside and outside the band. For the viscoplastic solid, localization precedes failure when there is softening inside the band regardless of the sign of the hardening parameter outside band. For the Kelvin–Voigt solid, it is found that the localization time (or strain) varies logarithmically with the band thickness for small values of band thickness while the time (or strain) to a complete loss of stress carrying capacity has, in general, a different scaling with band thickness. For the viscoplastic solid, with plastic dissipation outside the band as well as inside the band, the strain and the total plastic dissipation to failure are nearly independent of band thickness for sufficiently small thickness values, with what is sufficiently small decreasing with decreasing rate sensitivity. Possible implications for grid based modeling of localization and failure are discussed.

2012 ◽  
Vol 175 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51 ◽  
Jing Ning ◽  
Chung Yuen Hui

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