renal interstitium
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Ekaterina Flerova ◽  
Victoria V. Yurchenko ◽  
Yulia P. Sapozhnikova ◽  
Dmitry S. Sendek ◽  
Sergey F. Titov ◽  

The study focuses on the microanatomy and ultrastructural changes in the trunk kidney interstitium cells and nephrons in parr, smolt and spawning brown trout Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758 sampled in Luga River and Solka River, the tributaries of the Baltic Sea. Regardless of the type of cells or their structure, there were changes in their areas and the number and structure of organelles responsible for the transport, synthetic and energetic function of cells. Our data on the morphology of the nephron combined with data on its physiology suggest a fundamental change in kidney function during the parr-smolt transformation before migration; this could be a preadaptation for a successful life in saltwater where urine output is sharply reduced. Thus, detected structural features of the trunk kidney in brown trout S. trutta are cytological markers of the migration process. The numbers of lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils with segmented nuclei increased from parr to smolts and then to spawners; only monotypic specific granules in neutrophils were found in smolts and spawners. Cells with radially arranged vesicles were described for the first time in brown trout S. trutta renal interstitium. Their origin has not yet been established. The shape of these cells changed from spherical to trihedral during fish maturation. All the above ultrastructural changes of renal interstitium cells could be considered cytological markers of cell maturity.

Sadia Sundus ◽  
Ashok Kumar ◽  
Anjum Rehman ◽  
. Ata-Ur-Rehman ◽  
Sara Naqvi ◽  

Objective: To assess the histological alterations in basement membrane and fibrosis in renal interstitium of albino rats due to celebrex with enhancement by lycopene.  Study Design: Experimental study. Abode of Study: Animal House of Jinnah Postgraduate institute, Karachi, Materials and Methods: COX-2 inhibitor and antioxidant medicines were used in this research work. These medications were orally administered in 40 male albino rats weighing 200-220gm for experimentation. Rats were housed in separate pens at 23ºC. Rats were arranged into 4 groups including control horde and three experimental hordes. The medications were dose up orally by gastric tube daily for one month.  At completion of experiment, animals were dissected and tissues were well-preserved for staining. Results: In second horde PAS stained kidney segments showed disrupted basement membrane of distended proximal convoluted tubules & ill-defined brush border and fibrosis in renal interstitium, but 3rd horde had intact basement membrane & well-define brush border at the luminal surface of proximal tubular epithelium and there was mild fibrosis in renal interstitium. Conclusion: This study divulges that lycopene convalesce the disrupted basement membrane and fibrosis in second horde.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Xiaojuan Yu ◽  
Xu Zhang ◽  
Suxia Wang ◽  
Minghui Zhao

Abstract Background Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) is rare in Asians, and patients with CLL/SLL seldomly undergo kidney biopsy. The histopathological features and clinical relevance of tubulointerstitial injury in CLL/SLL have not been extensively characterized. Hence, we attempted to describe the clinical characteristics, renal pathology and clinical outcome of a well-characterized population of CLL/SLL patients with CLL cell infiltration in the renal interstitium from a large single center in China. Methods Between January 1st, 2010 and September 31st, 2020, 31946renal biopsies were performed at Peking University First Hospital, and 10 CLL/SLL patients with CLL cell infiltration in the renal interstitium were included. Complete clinical data were collected from these 10 patients, and renal specimens were examined by routine light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Results The extent of the infiltrating CLL cells in patients with CLL/SLL varied among different patients and ranged from 10 to 90% of kidney parenchyma. Six (60%) of 10 patients presented with an extent of infiltrating CLL cells ≥50%. Interestingly, we found that three patients (3/10, 30%) expressed monoclonal immunoglobulins in the infiltrating CLL cells, and special cytoplasmic crystalline structures were found in two of the three patients by electron microscopy for the first time. Severe renal insufficiency (Scr ≥200 μmol/L) was associated with ≥50% interstitial infiltration of CLL cells in the renal interstitium. Conclusions The current study confirmed that CLL cells infiltrating the renal interstitium can directly secrete monoclonal immunoglobulins, indicating that the interstitial infiltrating CLL cells possibly cause renal injury directly by secreting monoclonal immunoglobulins in situ. This finding may prove a new clue to elucidate the pathogenetic mechanism of renal injury involved with CLL/SLL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. e0009410
Tsukasa Maruoka ◽  
Yasuhiko Nikaido ◽  
Satoshi Miyahara ◽  
Eisuke Katafuchi ◽  
Yoshinori Inamasu ◽  

Background Leptospirosis has been described as a biphasic disease consisting of hematogenous dissemination to major organs in the acute phase and asymptomatic renal colonization in the chronic phase. Several observational studies have suggested an association between leptospirosis and chronic kidney disease (CKD). We investigated the dynamics of leptospires and histopathological changes in the kidney to understand the relationship between them, and also investigated the extent of renal dysfunction in the acute and chronic phases of leptospirosis using a hamster model. Findings Hamsters (n = 68) were subcutaneously infected with 1 × 104 cells of the Leptospira interrogans serovar Manilae strain UP-MMC-SM. A total of 53 infected hamsters developed fatal acute leptospirosis, and the remaining 15 hamsters recovered from the acute phase, 13 of which showed Leptospira colonization in the kidneys in the chronic phase. Five asymptomatic hamsters also had renal colonization in the chronic phase. Immunofluorescence staining showed that leptospires were locally distributed in the renal interstitium in the early acute phase and then spread continuously into the surrounding interstitium. The kidneys of the surviving hamsters in the chronic phase showed patchy lesions of atrophic tubules, a finding of chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, which were substantially consistent with the distribution of leptospires in the renal interstitium. The degree of atrophic tubules in kidney sections correlated statistically with the serum creatinine level in the chronic phase (rs = 0.78, p = 0.01). Conclusion Subcutaneous infection with pathogenic leptospires could cause acute death or chronic leptospirosis in hamsters after surviving the acute phase. We suggest that the renal distribution of leptospires during the acute phase probably affected the extent of tubular atrophy, leading to CKD.

2021 ◽  
pp. 030098582110206
Kazuya Takehana ◽  
Anneke Moresco ◽  
James G. Johnson ◽  
Masaaki Kasahara ◽  
Norio Kasahara ◽  

In a collection of 6 young binturongs ( Arctictis binturong), 3 presented with anorexia, lethargy, and footpad swelling diagnosed by surgical biopsy as calcinosis circumscripta. Despite supportive care over the next 4 years, affected binturongs had progressive weight loss, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperkalemia and developed large radiodense deposits in tissues adjacent to appendicular joints, thoracolumbar vertebrae, and the sternum. Two binturongs died and necropsies showed severe periarticular mineral deposition with fibrosis and granulomatous inflammation. Additionally, binturongs had mineralization of distal renal tubules, mineralization of the renal interstitium, and marked mineralization of the pulmonary interstitium and peribronchiolar smooth muscle. Foot biopsies from the surviving binturong were evaluated by spectroscopic microanalysis and were positive for hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. Periarticular and footpad mineralization in these binturongs is consistent with hydroxyapatite deposition disease, which is rarely described in humans and animals as a primary familial condition or a secondary condition often associated with renal injury.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Wahyu Anita Khoirin ◽  
Rodhi Hartono

Type 2 diabetes mellitus with chronic hyperglycemia can cause a hypoxic environment in the renal interstitium and can cause kidney disorders (diabetic nephropathy), this can lead to decreased kidney function and the production of erythropoietin produced by peritubular fibroblasts is disrupted, and hemoglobin is not formed optimally and occurs anemia. Thei purposei ofi thisi studyi wasi toi determinei hemoglobini levelsi in patients withi typei 2i diabetesi mellitusi in RSUD. K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Semarang. This is a descriptive quantitative study, the data comes from the medical records of patients with typei 2i diabetesi mellitusi withi complicationsi ofi diabetici nephropathyi at RSUD K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Semarang as many as 40 samples with non-probability samplingi itechnique. The results showed that there were 20 men who had decreased hemoglobin levels and 1 person who had normal hemoglobin levels. Meanwhile, in women, 17 people had decreased hemoglobin levels and 2 people had normal hemoglobin levels. Based on the age category, the most were the early elderly as many as 15 people and the least in the late teens and early adults each as many as 2 people. Meanwhile, based on the average level of anemia, more experienced moderate levels of anemia. Hemoglobin levels in patients with type. 2i. diabetesi. mellitusi. withi. complicationsi. ofi. diabetici. nephropathyi. at RSUD K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Semarang were 40 samples, on average they had low hemoglobin levels.

2021 ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Xiaojuan Yu ◽  
Xu Zhang ◽  
Suxia Wang ◽  
Minghui Zhao

Abstract Background Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) is rare in Asians, and patients with CLL/SLL seldomly undergo kidney biopsy. The histopathological features and clinical relevance of tubulointerstitial injury in CLL/SLL have not been extensively charaterized. Hence, we attempted to describe the clinical characteristics, renal pathology and clinical outcome of a well-characterized population of CLL/SLL patients with CLL cell infiltration in the renal interstitium from a large single center in China. Methods Between January 1st, 2010 and September 31st, 2020, 31946 renal biopsy pathologies were performed at Peking University First Hospital, and 10 CLL/SLL patients with CLL cell infiltration in the renal interstitium were included. Complete clinical data were collected from these 10 patients, and renal specimens were examined by routine light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Results The extent of the infiltrating CLL cells in patients with CLL/SLL varied among different patients and ranged from 10–90% of kidney parenchyma. Six (60%) of 10 patients presented with an extent of infiltrating CLL cells ≥ 50%. Interestingly, we found that three patients (3/10, 30%) expressed monoclonal immunoglobulins in the infiltrating CLL cells, and special cytoplasmic crystalline structures were found in two of the three patients by electron micriscopy for the first time. Severe renal insufficiency (Scr ≥ 200 µmol/L ) was associated with ≥ 50% interstitial infiltration of CLL cells in the renal interstitium. Conclusions The findings confirmed that CLL cells infiltrating the renal interstitium can directly secrete monoclonal immunoglobulins, indicating that the interstitial infiltrating CLL cells probably cause renal injuriy directly by secreting monoclonal immunoglobulins in situ. This finding may prove a new clue to elucidate the pathogenetic mechanism of renal injury involved with CLL/SLL .

2021 ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Xiaojuan Yu ◽  
Xu Zhang ◽  
Suxia Wang ◽  
Minghui Zhao

Abstract Background Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (CLL/SLL) was rare in Asians and patients with CLL/SLL rarely undergo kidney biopsy. Little information is available on the histopathological features and clinical relevance of CLL/SLL tubulointerstitial injury. Hence, we attempted to describe the clinical characteristics, renal pathology and clinical outcome of a well characterized population of CLL/SLL patients with CLL infiltration in renal interstitium from a large single center in China.Methods Between January 1st, 2010 to September 31st, 2020, 31946 reanl biopsy pathology were performed at Peking University First Hospital and 10 patients with CLL infiltration in renal interstitium were included. Complete clinical data were collected from these 10 patients and the renal specimens were examined by routine light microscopy, immunonuorescence and electron microscopy examination.Results The extent of infiltrating CLL cells was diverse between different patients, from 10% to 90%. Five patients presented interstitial infiltration with the percent of infiltrate CLL cells≥50%. Proliferation centers were formed in the renal interstitium of 6 patients (6/10, 60%). Intrestingly, we found three patients (3/10, 30%) expressed monoclonal immunoglobulin in infiltrating CLL cells and special crystal structures were found in these cells in two of the three patients for the first time. Conclusions The finding confirmed CLL cells infiltrating in renal interstitium can secret monoclonal immunoglobulins directly, indicating that CLL cells in renal interstitium probably directly involved in local lesion injurys by secrecting monoclonal immunoglobulin. This finding will help understanding the mechanism of renal injury with CLL infiltration, thereby improving our current therapeutic efforts.

2021 ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Xiaojuan Yu ◽  
Xu Zhang ◽  
Suxia Wang ◽  
Minghui Zhao

Abstract Background Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (CLL/SLL) was rare in Asians and patients with CLL/SLL rarely undergo kidney biopsy. Little information is available on the histopathological features and clinical relevance of CLL/SLL tubulointerstitial injury. Hence, we attempted to describe the clinical characteristics, renal pathology and clinical outcome of a well characterized population of CLL/SLL patients with CLL infiltration in renal interstitium from a large single center in China.Methods Between January 1st, 2010 to September 31st, 2020, 31946 reanl biopsy pathology were performed at Peking University First Hospital and 10 patients with CLL infiltration in renal interstitium were included. Complete clinical data were collected from these 10 patients and the renal specimens were examined by routine light microscopy, immunonuorescence and electron microscopy examination.Results The extent of infiltrating CLL cells was diverse between different patients, from 10% to 90%. Five patients presented interstitial infiltration with the percent of infiltrate CLL cells≥50%. Proliferation centers were formed in the renal interstitium of 6 patients (6/10, 60%). Intrestingly, we found three patients (3/10, 30%) expressed monoclonal immunoglobulin in infiltrating CLL cells and special crystal structures were found in these cells in two of the three patients for the first time. Conclusions The finding confirmed CLL cells infiltrating in renal interstitium can secret monoclonal immunoglobulins directly, indicating that CLL cells in renal interstitium probably directly involved in local lesion injurys by secrecting monoclonal immunoglobulin. This finding will help understanding the mechanism of renal injury with CLL infiltration, thereby improving our current therapeutic efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 ◽  
pp. 205873842110565
Karin R Kolbe ◽  
Talita R Sanches ◽  
Camilla Fanelli ◽  
Margoth R Garnica ◽  
Letícia Urbano de Castro ◽  

Introduction Meningococcal disease is associated with high mortality. When acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs in patients with severe meningococcal disease, it is typically attributable to sepsis, although meningococcal disease and lipopolysaccharide release are rarely investigated. Therefore, we evaluated renal tissue in a mouse model of meningococcal disease. Methods Female BALB/c mice were induced to AKI by meningococcal challenge. Markers of renal function were evaluated in infected and control mice. Results In the infected mice, serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interferon gamma, interleukins (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-12), and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor were elevated, as was renal interstitial infiltration with lymphocytes and neutrophils ( p < 0.01 for the latter). Histological analysis showed meningococcal microcolonies in the renal interstitium, without acute tubular necrosis. Infected mice also showed elevated renal expression of toll-like receptor 2, toll-like receptor 4, and Tamm–Horsfall protein. The expression of factors in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis was equal to or lower than that observed in the control mice. Urinary sodium and potassium were also lower in infected mice, probably due to a tubular defect. Conclusion Our findings corroborate those of other studies of AKI in sepsis. To our knowledge, this is the first time that meningococci have been identified in renal interstitium and that the resulting apoptosis and inflammation have been evaluated. However, additional studies are needed in order to elucidate the mechanisms involved.

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