integral dose
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2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-199
Sumanta Manna ◽  
Sri Harsha Kombathula ◽  
Sanjib Gayen ◽  
Sonal Varshney ◽  
Puneet Pareek

Abstract Background: This study was conducted to assess the dosimetric impact of FFF beam plans on high-grade brain neoplasms using the VMAT technique when compared with FF beam plans. Material and Methods: Thirty patients with high-grade brain neoplasms, who had received radiotherapy using VMAT technique retrospectively were selected for this study. All the patients were planned for VMAT using 6MV_FF beam and the same plan was re-optimized using 6MV_FFF beam keeping the same dose constraint. Radiotherapy dose distribution on planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OAR), target conformity index (CI), Homogeneity Index (HI), Low dose volume in the patient (V5, V10, V20, and V30), and Integral dose to the whole body in both plans were compared. Results: The PTV coverage and OAR’s showed no significant differences in dose distribution between the FFF and FF beam VMAT planning. There was a reduction of the average maximum dose in the right eye, left eye, right optic nerve, and left optic nerve using FFF beams. The reduction in average low dose volume was observed in V5, V10, V20, V30, and Mean Dose. Also, a significant reduction was observed in the integral dose to the whole body using the FFF beam. Conclusions: Using FFF beams with VMAT is doable for the treatment of high-grade brain neoplasms, and the delivery mode of the FFF beam in VMAT may yield similar results to FF beam which should be confirmed in a large scale prospective clinical trial.

Praveen Kumar Marimuthu ◽  
Sasipriya Ponniah ◽  
Govindaraj Ganesan ◽  
Prabhu Ramamoorthy ◽  

Purpose: To compare plans of 3DCRT, IMRT and VMAT (RapidArc) and evaluate them in different dosimetric aspects along with dose to organs at risk with each technique to determine the best treatment technique for Extended field RT in cervical cancer patients Material & Methods: We evaluated External Beam radiotherapy plans of 10 patients of FIGO 2018 stage rIIIC2 who received Extended Field Radiotherapy (EFRT) to primary site along with regional nodes-bilateral external, internal iliac lymph nodes, presacral and para-aortic lymph nodes. The dose prescribed for all patients was 50.4Gy/28 fractions at 180cGy/fraction. Few patients had received gross nodal boost following this, but for better comparison only the initial phase of 50.4Gy/28 fractions was considered. All patients were planned with 3DCRT, IMRT and RapidArc. We evaluated and compared these plans dosimetrically in terms of Homogeneity Index, Conformity Index, Target Volume Coverage, Gradient Index, Unified Dosimetry Index, Integral dose, Monitor units and Doses to Organs at risk such as Anorectum, Bladder, Bowel Bag, Bilateral Femoral Heads, Bilateral Kidneys and Bone Marrow. Results: Intensity modulated techniques RapidArc and IMRT significantly spared critical organs compared to 3DCRT. Between RapidArc and IMRT, the critical organ sparing was comparable, but RapidArc had better target coverage, lesser MU and lesser treatment time. All techniques had acceptable HI, CI, GI, UDI and whole body Integral dose. Conclusion: Intensity modulated techniques should be the standard for EFRT in cervical cancer. Both RapidArc and IMRT are acceptable techniques of treatment delivery although the former may be preferred if and when available.

2020 ◽  
Vol 108 (3) ◽  
pp. e229-e230
K. Nieto ◽  
C.A. Helis ◽  
R.T. Hughes ◽  
C. Steber ◽  
C.K. Cramer ◽  

G. Qiao-Guan ◽  
S. Nagel ◽  
G. Neyman ◽  
C.A. Reddy ◽  
S.R. Campbell ◽  

C. Steber ◽  
R.T. Hughes ◽  
C.A. Helis ◽  
C.K. Cramer ◽  
J.D. Bourland ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Natalie A. Lockney ◽  
Randal Henderson ◽  
Steven G. Swarts ◽  
Zhenhuan Zhang ◽  
Bingrong Zhang ◽  

Abstract Purpose The RadTox assay measures circulating cell-free DNA released in response to radiotherapy (RT)-induced tissue damage. The primary objectives for this clinical trial were to determine whether cell-free DNA numbers measured by the RadTox assay are (1) correlated with body integral dose, (2) lower with proton RT compared with photon RT, and (3) higher with larger prostate cancer RT fields. Patients and Methods Patients planned to receive proton or photon RT for nonmetastatic prostate cancer in the setting of an intact prostate or postprostatectomy were eligible for the trial. Plasma was collected pre-RT and at 5 additional daily collection points beginning 24 hours after the initiation of RT. Data from 54 evaluable patients were analyzed to examine any correlations among RadTox scores with body-integral dose, RT modality (photon versus proton), and RT field size (prostate or prostate bed versus whole pelvis). Results Body integral dose was significantly associated with the peak post-RT RadTox score (P = .04). Patients who received photon RT had a significant increase in peak post-RT RadTox score (P = .04), average post-RT RadTox score (P = .04), and day-2 RadTox score (all minus the pre-RT values for each patient) as compared with patients who received proton RT. Field size was not significantly associated with RadTox score. Conclusion RadTox is correlated with body integral dose and correctly predicts which patients receive proton versus photon RT. Data collection remains ongoing for patient-reported RT toxicity outcomes to determine whether RadTox scores are correlated with toxicity.

Brijesh Goswami ◽  
Rakesh Kumar Jain ◽  
Suresh Yadav ◽  
Sunil Kumar ◽  
Saji Oommen ◽  

Abstract Aim: Comparison of the integral dose (ID) delivered to organs at risk (OAR), non-target body and target body by using different techniques of craniospinal irradiation (CSI). Materials and methods: Ten CSI patients (medulloblastoma) already planned and treated either with linear accelerator three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (Linac-3DCRT) technique or with linear accelerator RapidArc (Linac-RapidArc) technique by Novalis-Tx Linac machine have been analysed. Retrospectively, these patients are again planned on Radixact-X9 Linac with Helical, Direct-3DCRT and Direct-intensity-modulated radiation therapy (Direct-IMRT) techniques. The dose prescription to planning target volume brain (PTV-Brain) and PTV-Spine is 36 Gy in 20 fractions and is kept the same for all techniques. The target body, non-target body, OARs and total body dose are compared. Results: ID is lowest in the RapidArc plan for every patient in comparison to Helical and Direct-IMRT. The ID for Body-PTV was found slightly higher in the RapidArc plan in comparison to 3DCRT plans. But there is better normal tissue sparing for most of the OARs in RapidArc plans if it compares with 3DCRT plans. Findings: RapidArc is a better alternative for the treatment of CSI. It provides better target coverage and better OARs sparing from any other treatment techniques.

2020 ◽  
Vol 132 (4) ◽  
pp. 1024-1032 ◽  
Hongbin Cao ◽  
Zhiyan Xiao ◽  
Yin Zhang ◽  
Tiffany Kwong ◽  
Shabbar F. Danish ◽  

OBJECTIVEThe authors sought to compare the dosimetric quality of hypofractionated stereotactic radiosurgery in treating sizeable brain tumors across the following treatment platforms: GammaKnife (GK) Icon, CyberKnife (CK) G4, volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) on the Varian TrueBeam STx, double scattering proton therapy (DSPT) on the Mevion S250, and intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) on the Varian ProBeam.METHODSIn this retrospective study, stereotactic radiotherapy treatment plans were generated for 10 patients with sizeable brain tumors (> 3 cm in longest diameter) who had been treated with VMAT. Six treatment plans, 20–30 Gy in 5 fractions, were generated for each patient using the same constraints for each of the following radiosurgical methods: 1) GK, 2) CK, 3) coplanar arc VMAT (VMAT-C), 4) noncoplanar arc VMAT (VMAT-NC), 5) DSPT, and 6) IMPT. The coverage; conformity index; gradient index (GI); homogeneity index; mean and maximum point dose of organs at risk; total dose volume (V) in Gy to the normal brain for 2 Gy (V2), 5 Gy (V5), and 12 Gy (V12); and integral dose were compared across all platforms.RESULTSAmong the 6 techniques, GK consistently produced a sharper dose falloff despite a greater central target dose. GK gave the lowest GI, with a mean of 2.7 ± 0.1, followed by CK (2.9 ± 0.1), VMAT-NC (3.1 ± 0.3), and VMAT-C (3.5 ± 0.3). The highest mean GIs for the proton beam treatments were 3.8 ± 0.4 for DSPT and 3.9 ± 0.4 for IMPT. The GK consistently targeted the lowest normal brain volume, delivering 5 to 12 Gy when treating relatively smaller- to intermediate-sized lesions (less than 15–20 cm3). Yet, the differences across the 6 modalities relative to GK decreased with the increase of target volume. In particular, the proton treatments delivered the lowest V5 to the normal brain when the target size was over 15–20 cm3 and also produced the lowest integral dose to the normal brain regardless of the target size.CONCLUSIONSThis study provides an insightful understanding of dosimetric quality from both photon and proton treatment across the most advanced stereotactic radiotherapy platforms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 141 ◽  
pp. S8
T. Ruwanpura ◽  
L. Alagiyawanna ◽  
S. Gunasekara ◽  
S. Mahakanapathy ◽  
S. Sureranjan ◽  

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